On the Eve of the Midterm Election … What could Be Swaying the Polls? Common Sense?

What was once referred to as a “Big Blue Tidal Wave” is turning into a case of cold sweats for Democratic leaders. Democrats with the aide of a willing media all but said the midterm Coldsweatelections were over and that Democrats would control both houses not less than two weeks ago. A funny thing happened on the way to the forum. The momentum has shifted and is on the side on Republicans in so many races. It happened prior to John Kerry’s gaff regarding the military. Another interesting thing is occuring, President George W. Bush’s approval rating is trending upwards.

Representative Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, the Democrat leading his party’s effort to win control of the House, said, “It’s inevitable that there would be some tightening in the end.”

Still, Mr. Emanuel, who has been careful this campaign to avoid the public expressions Nervousof optimism voiced by other Democrats, added, “This is making me nervous.”

“I don’t know what to make of it,” said Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.), chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. (Washington Post)

What will be the reality when voters walk in to cast their ballots on November 7, 2006?Remember, Democratic leadership have stated they will change things. To what many voters are finally pondering on the even of an election. Why would anyone want to change the following?

Pump prices are now 17.6 cents lower than a year ago and have plummeted by more than 80 cents a gallon since the start of August. The last time prices were below $2.20, on average, was the week ending Dec. 26, 2005.

Thousands of Iraqis sang, danced and unleashed celebratory bursts of gunfire yesterday as Saddam Hussein finally faced the consequences of his tyrannical rule in a Baghdad courtroom.

Posted November 6, 2006 by
Media, Politics, Polls | 11 comments

Brooklyn Man, Diego Pillco, Charged with Murdering Actress Adrienne Shelly … made to look like a Suicide

When is an apparent suicide not a suicide? When it turns out to be an alleged second degree Adrienne Shellyhomicide.

19 year old construction worker Diego Pillco of Brooklyn, NY has been charged in the murder of actress Adrienne Shelly. Diego Pillco has allegedly confessed to the murder. Diego Pillco allegedly punched the 5 ft. 2 inch actress after she had complained about the noise he was making in the West Village apartment where Shelly’s office was located. Pillco then admitted to dragging her body to her office and put her in the shower to have it appear to be a suicide. Diego Pillco is being charged with second degree murder.

(CBS/AP) NEW YORK Prosecutors have charged a man with murdering actress Adrienne Shelly, who was found hanging from a shower rod in her West Village office last Wednesday, CBS 2 News has learned. Sources tell CBS 2’s Ti-Hua Chang a construction worker has allegedly confessed to the crime.

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Posted November 6, 2006 by
Celebrity, Crime | 5 comments

Buy Leonard Bernsteins Dakota Apartment for Only 25.5 Million

Leonard Bernstein’s apartment in the famed Dakota Apartments(wikipedia) in Manhattan is for sale at the price of a cool 25.5 Million dollars. The Dakota is most famous as the place where John Lennon lived and was murdered outside of. Other famous residents of the Dakota over the years include: actress Lauren Bacall , rock star Bono ,newscaster Connie Chung, and many others..

Read the rest at the Real Estate Bloggers.

Posted November 6, 2006 by
Real Estate | no comments

Isn’t This Convenient, Pot Users Rely on Home Delivery

So Pot is not just “Home Grown”, but now home delivered as well? There’s nothing likeLeaf convenience. Whatever happened to those hardy New Yorker’s who prided themselves on the “art of the deal” scoring their dime bag in Columbus Park? So what’s next, 7–11 going to home deliver bags of Doritos as a supplemental service to this? Or maybe with the holiday season upon us, they will gift wrap the pot for the perfect stoner Christmas and Hanukkah gift? Woops, guess I should not have joked, it already exists.

Within a couple of hours, a well-groomed delivery man – sometimes a moonlighting actor or chef – arrives at the doorstep of his Manhattan apartment carrying weed neatly packaged in small plastic containers.

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Posted November 6, 2006 by
Bizarre, Fun | 17 comments

George Allen – Jim Webb Virginia Senate Race, With polls like this … Poll Credibility is on the line.

The Virginia US Senate race between (R) George Allen and (D) Jim Webb is being predicted as being one of the close election races on Tuesday. However, with the election polls being all over the place, one really begins to wonder about the credibility of polling.

A SurveyUSA poll has (D) Webb up by 7. However a Mason-Dixon poll has Webb ahead by 1 point and a Gallup poll has Allen ahead by 3. It would appear that the credibility of many that poll is on the line. However, when in doubt I will go with Scott Rasmussen who has been very reliable in the past. Rasmussen has it a dead heat at 49–49.

Posted November 6, 2006 by
Politics, Polls | one comment

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