BREAKING NEWS … Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld Resigns … Now Dennis Hastert won’t Run for Leadership Position

Some one always has to take the fall after a disaster …

This should come as no surprise after last nights election results where the Republican party was taken out back of the woodshed. The Drudge Report is stating as well as all cable networks that Donald Rumsfeld is stepping down. Of course there are several Republican Representatives, Senators and Governors asking themselves this morning why this couldn’t have come a month or two ago.


Robert gates

Gates is the president of Texas A&M University and a close friend of the Bush family.He served as CIA director for Bush’s father from 1991 until 1993.
Gates first joined the CIA in 1966 and served in the intelligence community for more
than a quarter century, under six presidents.His nomination must be confirmed by the Senate.

I would not be surprised if we see a change in the Republican House and Senate leadership as well. Rumsfeld will be replaced by former CIA Director Robert Gates.



Bush says Rumsfeld is stepping down

Bush described Rumsfeld as a “superb leader” in a time of change, but said his defense chief recognizes the value of “fresh perspective.” He said Rumsfeld is a “trusted adviser and friend,” and that he’s “deeply grateful” for his service to the country. Bush said he and Rumsfeld agreed that “the timing is right for new leadership” at the Pentagon. (Yahoo News)

UPDATE: 4:00 EDT  Hastert Won’t Seek House Leader PostHastert-dennis

I guess we called that one from the above post, “I would not be surprised if we see a change in the Republican House and Senate leadership as well.” Speaker of the House Dennis Hasert has told fellow Republicans that he will not run for minority leadership in the new Congress. Its time to broom the Republican leadership and start a new. Hint to Republican’s … Conservatism did not lose yesterday, you did.

His decision to step down cleared the way for a likely succession battle. Rep. John Boehner of Ohio, the majority leader, is expected to run, and Reps. Mike Pence of Indiana and Joe Barton of Texas have also signaled they may make a bid for leadership positions.

The officials said they did not know whether Hastert intended to remain in Congress. He was elected to an 11th term in Illinois on Tuesday night, and had said he would seek a new term as speaker if the GOP held the House. (Breitbart)

Who shall be next? We already know that Republicans will have to find a new Senate Minority leader. That is after the forgone conclusion is ended in the VA Senate race and Jim Webb is declared the winner giving Democrats control of the US Senate.

The Republicans in the House of Representatives and the Senate need to take a good look in the mirror, grow a spine and understand why their base is so upset at them.

Other blogs with comments on Hastert’s decision: My Pet Jawa, Michelle Malkin and The Storms Blog

Giles Carlyle-Clarke Guilty of drug Smuggling Operation from Mexico and the Caribbean into America

48 year old Giles Carley-Clark of Dorset, UK has admitted to conspiracy to possess Giles Carlyle-Clarkecannabis with the intent to distribute. The charges stem from a plot in the 1980’s to import cannabis to the United States from Mexico and the Caribbean.

Giles Carlyle-Clarke, 48, admitted conspiracy to possess cannabis with intent to distribute when he appeared at a court in Mobile, Alabama.

The charges relates to a plot to import cannabis worth £60m into America from Mexico and the Caribbean in the 1980s.

He had previously fought an eight-year legal battle against extradition to the United States. (BBC)


Posted November 8, 2006 by
Crime, Mexico, World | 4 comments

Daily Commentary – Wednesday November 8th, 2006

Dana Pretzer in his morning update discusses

  • The Delaware Sex Offender Who Was Forced To Wear a T-Shirt Instead of Jail

Visit the Scared Monkeys Radio site to download or listen to the podcast here. Make sure to always check the Scared Monkeys Radio page for daily commentaries

Previous post:

Earth To Judge – Instead of a T-Shirt Send This Dirtbag to Jail

University of Miami Hurricanes Football player Bryan Pata shot and Killed

Bryan Pata, a defensive lineman for the University of Miami Hurricane’s was shot and killed Bryan PataTuesday night at his apartment complex. The death is being considered a homicide. This was not been the first incident involving tragedy with the University of Miami. They are a lightening rod when it comes to trouble.

“We’re targets because we play for the University of Miami. … These guys, they know who we are,” Miami linebacker Jon Beason said shortly after the Cooper shooting.

What a tragic loss to a life so young and talented. Rest in peace and God bless.

Read more

Posted November 8, 2006 by
Crime, Murder, Sports | 11 comments

Missouri Senate Race: (R) Jim Talent vs (D) Claire McCaskill

Incumbent Republican Jim Talent leads by 51–46 margin. If Republicans do not want to be swept tonight, they best win this seat. The Democrats have gained control of the House. Can you say Speaker Pelosi? Eeesh.

MO – U.S. Senate
53% Precincts Reporting
  Jim Talent (i) Republican 562,721 (51%)
  Claire McCaskill Democrat 504,736 (46%)
  Frank Gilmour Libertarian 28,952 (3%)
  Lydia Lewis Progressive 10,587 (1%)

(FOX news)

Interestingly enough with Amendment 2 in Missouri is losing as well to date.

MO – Amendment 2 – Would allow stem-cell research to be conducted and funded
in the state that is allowed under federal law
53% Precincts Reporting
  No - 576,225 (52%)
  Yes - 526,048 (48%)

UPDATE I: Great job from the Gateway Pundit Live Blogging from Talent HQ.

UPDATE II: Talent needs a bigger lead than this, oh boy … say it isn’t so.

MO – U.S. Senate
69% Precincts Reporting
  Jim Talent (i) Republican 729,720 (50%)
  Claire McCaskill Democrat 681,764 (47%)
  Frank Gilmour Libertarian 35,974 (2%)
  Lydia Lewis Progressive 13,457 (1%)

UPDATE III: This is not looking good for Talent. And not looking good for Republicans. It appears as of 1:00 AM EDT, Barring a miracle, Republicans will lose MO, VA & MT and the Senate will be in Democratic control.

MO – U.S. Senate
80% Precincts Reporting
  Claire McCaskill Democrat 813,003 (49%)
  Jim Talent (i) Republican 799,007 (48%)
  Frank Gilmour Libertarian 39,451 (2%)
  Lydia Lewis Progressive 14,851 (1%)

Missouri State Election site

UPDATE IV: (D) McCaskill wins Senate seat in Missouri 50 – 47 over Talent. Another Democratic pick up in the Senate.

Posted November 8, 2006 by
Politics | 8 comments

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