Michael Keith Moore has been charged with the murder of Rachel Cooke

Michael Keith Moore, a convict already serving 3 life sentences, has been charged with the Rachel Cookemurder. It now appears that Moore is going back on what appeared to be a deal with the DA to plead guilty. The Cooke’s do not deserve this. They deserve justice.

I had the opportunity and pleasure to meet Robert Cooke, Rachel’s dad, in Aruba while searching for Natalee Holloway. We were actually roommates for most of my 2 week stay there searching in the landfill and all over the island. Like many volunteer of Texas EquuSearch, their lives have been upturned by the loss of a loved one. Robert and I stayed up rather late one night discussing his missing daughter’s case and all that they had been through. The names change, but the parents stories are so similar. We wish Robert and his wife and their family all the best and hope that they finally get “Justice for Rachel”.

Read all of the recent events including the confession of Michael Keith Moore at Missing & Exploited.

Is Jon Stewart the New Democratic King Maker? Faux News … Political Idol Maker … Jawa Seems to Think So

Jon Stewart of the Daily Show is to Democrat Candidates as Rush Limbaugh was to Stewart_jon_dailyshowRepublicans. At first glance I though, nah. Then when I really looked at it and gave it some thought … Jon Stewart sure is.

Go to JAWA and read this rather fascinating and interesting perspective on how the most least likely Democratic pundit altered the 2006 Election. Also available at Town Hall.

Rusty at My Pet Jawa has hit the nail on the head, sadly enough. Jon Stewart is the new Rush and “faux” journalism is the new “talk radio”. The connection that Jon Stewart has with young voters is impressive; however, the fact that Stewart is considered a news source borders on frightening and pathetic. The numbers do not lie.

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Posted November 10, 2006 by
Bloggers, Celebrity, Media, Politics | 6 comments

Caribbean Tourism Doing Well Exceeding Global Growth Average, except Aruba … Pirates of the Caribbean

According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) tourism has donePirates-sign well in the Caribbean exceeding the global growth average by 5.1 percent. Caribbean doing well … except one. It would appear that many Caribbean islands are taking advantage of Aruba’s misfortune. Plundering their tourists if you will. Making up for past years. Does anyone really think that other Caribbean islands are not exploiting Aruba’s screw ups for their own gains? Looks like the rest of the Caribbean have become the true, Pirates of the Caribbean.

According to that organization, world tourism is expected to grow 4 percent in 2007. There has also been a positive growth trend for the world tourism market for four years in a row. Seems that Aruba is not participating in this growth.

“International tourism is likely to remain buoyant unless major incidents occur,” reported the Madrid-based UNWTO. “Forecast growth of four percent in 2007, while slightly down on previous years (the annualized rise was 5.5 percent in 2005), coincides with WTO long term forecasts putting annual growth at 4.1 percent through 2020.” (The Nassau Guardian)

Things usually do remain “buoyant” unless there are “major incidents”. Don’t they? One is then supposed to deal with said major incident, not hide it is the closet.

“International tourism is likely to remain buoyant unless major incidents occur.”

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Calling Dr. Google … Calling Dr Google … Please Report to your PC

Dr. Google to the rescue … Now here’s a productive use of the internet. The way physicians have Dr_googlediagnosed recently, anything is welcome. Anything is a good thing as long as it’s reliable information. Let’s just hope the doctors don’t bring the PC into the operating room and start searching, “how to” operate on the heart.

Researchers found that almost six-in-10 difficult cases can be solved by using the world wide web as a diagnostic aid.

Misdiagnosis is still a common occurrence in the medical profession despite all the tools available such as the blood tests and state of the art scanning equipment. (Daily Mirror)

The only problem I see with this is actually teaching the doctor how to use the computer … speaking from experience, of course.

In the long run doctors are still ultimately responsible for making the diagnostic decision from experience and knowledge. Its good to know they have a new resource at their disposal.

Posted November 10, 2006 by
Healthcare, Internet, Technology | one comment

We will not rest from our Jihad until we have Destroyed the White House… This Sounds a lot like they are going away?

Don’t ask for things, they might come true.

What did George McGovern say?

“The best way to reduce this insurgency is to get the American forces out of Abu Hamza al-Muhajirthere.” “That’s what’s driving this insurgency.”

Hardly sounds like Al Qaeda is going home or stopping in Iraq does it according to the latest audio tape from the Islamofascists. Remember that warning that went out prior to the midterm elections about emboldening the enemy? The Democrats stated it was just GWB trying to scare the voters. You still think so? What about now? How does America think that the midterms would have turned out if this tape was released a day or two before the elections?

Al Qaeda in Iraq’s purported leader vowed on Friday that his fighters would never rest until they have reached Jerusalem and destroy the White House.

In the audio tape made available on a militant web site, a man introduced as Abu Hamza al-Muhajir said Al Qaeda has 12,000 fighters at the ready in Iraq.

“We will not rest from our Jihad until we are under the olive trees of Rumieh and we have destroyed the dirty black house — which is called the White House,” al-Muhajir said. (FOX News)

Isn’t that reassuring that an Islamofascist like Abu Ayyub al-Masri is gleeful over the midterm elections and the shift of power to Democrats. Is this what side people really want to be on? Seriously.   Like John Murtha  who  vows Bush “is not going to go on with this war.”

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