Couple Cages Adopted Children “For Their Safety”

An Ohio couple, Michael and Sharen Gravelle, adopted 11 special needs children that suffered from issues such as fetal alcohol syndrome. You would think these are some very noble and righteous people to take on such a challenge and give these children a loving home. If you thought that, you would be wrong.

Michael and Sharen Gravelle are charged with 16 counts of felony child endangering and if convicted could face one to five years in prison and a maximum fine of $10,000 for each count. They also each face eight misdemeanor child endangering charges.

So what did these parents of the year do?  Is caging the children bad enough?

The youngsters were placed in foster care last fall after a county social worker likened the wood and chicken-wire enclosures to cages or kennels. The Gravelles have denied mistreating the children, who were ages 1 to 15 at the time.

Sharen Gravelle testified at a custody hearing that she and her husband built bunk beds for the children and eventually added chicken wire enclosures and alarms to help prevent them from harming themselves or one another, wandering at night and getting dangerous kitchen utensils.   via

The children have removed from the family and placed in foster homes. Visitation has not been granted.

Posted November 14, 2006 by
Bizarre, Child Welfare | 6 comments

Coast Guard and HITRON Taking a Bite Out of Crime and Drugs

The US Coast Guard has been on the front line of defense in the war on drugs for years. Drug runnersHITRON have headed for the US in specially designed speed boats. Many of these drug runners were easily able to out run the Coast Guard boats in the past. Creating a real issue in trying to get drugs of the streets.

The cavalry has arrived. There’s a new sheriff in town and his name is HITRON, Helicopter Interdiction Tactical Squadron. The war on drugs playing field has been evened. It’s a start; however, we have a long way to go.

These aircraft employ the latest radar and Forward Looking Infrared sensors as well as state of the art Night Vision Goggles to pierce the night.  HITRON arms these helicopters with M-16 5.56mm rifles and M240 7.62mm machine guns for warning shots and self-protection, and the RC50 laser-sighted .50 caliber precision rifle to disable the engines of non-compliant suspect vessels.

One thing is for certain, the HITRON’s will not be out run. These heavily armed and Drugrunnerextremely fast helicopters are taking a bite out of the drug runners. Working in conjunction with the Coast Guard fleet, they make a formidable team. Although, I do not think many of us would mind if you fired at the crew either.

Cut left — cut right — it doesn’t matter. The bad guys down below aren’t getting away.

“What you’re trying to do is stop the vessel… so that a boarding team can come on board and inspect it,” explained HITRON gunner AET John Deuster.

Along the St. Johns River, in the shadow of downtown Jax, they train three times a week for intense missions over the open ocean. Out at sea, they swoop in over speedboats loaded with drugs and thugs.

But their gunners don’t aim for the crew. They’re trained to blast out the engines on the back of a drug runner’s boat. (First Coast News)

(Hat Tip: RR)

KFC Gets New Logo and makeover, Which one do you prefer?

KFC gets a new logo and the Colonel Sanders gets a make-over and change of dress. Its not quite Stacy and Clinton from ‘What Not to Wear”, but close I am going to miss the old one. Maybe Kentucky Fried Chicken will let their employees wear the old logo on KFC throw back work days like the NFL throw-back uniforms. So KFC goes 2.0. This is only the 4th change to the logo in 50 years.

KFC unveiled a new brand logo Tuesday that includes bolder colors and a more well-defined visage of the late Kentucky Fried Chicken founder, who will keep his classic black bow tie, glasses and goatee.

Which one do you prefer? Kind of like asking original recipe or extra crispy?


KFC old



Posted November 14, 2006 by
Business, Fun | 7 comments

Daily Commentary – Tuesday November 14th, 2006

Dana Pretzer in his morning update discusses

  • Flu Shots and Personal Responsibility For Ones Health

icon for podpress  Standard Podcast [0:56m]: Download

Posted November 14, 2006 by
Podcast, Scared Monkeys Radio | no comments

Sometimes People Just Need to Get a Sense of Humor … Like This … GI Jane Was Laughing the Whole Time

From the movie classic, ‘Stripes,’ and from Sgt Hulka, “Lighten Up Francis” … or maybe we should say Drudge … geez. Provocative? Get out much?

Events and what people do to others is 100% based on intent. The intent of a bunch of soldiers blowing off steam is fun. Intent is also based from the perspective of GI Jane, who was laughing. That’s it, fun. Maybe if our military was allowed to do this an not have to worry that every single this they did was considered evil, maybe the stress levels would not be so bad of soldiers coming home. Sometimes its just about being silly, not sexual.

There comes a point and time where those that are not involved in the actual events that take place, need to shut up. The events that took place in the video with GI Jane and fellow male soldiers below are far from provocative. To watch the video in its entirety … there is nothing wrong. The fact that anyone would think this is wrong is the problem. These men & woman risk death every single day in Iraq … I think they may be allowed some harmless fun. If GI Jane had a problem with it … she would have said No, stop it and not laughed. At that point it should have stopped, if that had occurred.

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Posted November 13, 2006 by
Fun, Military | 11 comments

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