Daily Commentary – Friday November 17th, 2006

Dana Pretzer in his morning update discusses

  • Denise Brown and OJ Simpson 

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Posted November 17, 2006 by
Podcast, Scared Monkeys Radio | 3 comments

Here’s One Way to No Longer Be a Suspect … Thomas Tomich leaped to his death from an 11-story building

Thomas Tomich was considered the prime suspect in his ex-wife, Lois Tomich’s death. Her Chalk_outlineskeletal remains were found in a 55 gallon drum in May 2006, 23 years after she was reported missing. Lois Tomich was identified through DNA. Thomas Tomich then leaped from the 11 story building where he worked as a janitor. Needless to say, there is no need to prosecute Mr. Tomich anymore as gravity provided swift justice.

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) Thomas Tomich jumped from the roof of the building where he worked as a janitor in Omaha, Neb., said Pottawattamie County Sheriff Jeff Danker. Tomich had been scheduled to be questioned again on Thursday, he said.

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Posted November 17, 2006 by
Crime, Missing Persons, Murder | 6 comments

Just Another Day In Paradise … 4 Tons of Cocaine Seized off the Caribbean island of Martinique & Gambling Ring Busted

The French Navy intercepted and boarded on November 15, 2005 a Panamanian registered cargo ship headed for Spain. They confiscated about 4 tons of cocaine hidden in the ships structure.

“This operation, carried out with success, demonstrates the effectiveness and the vigilance of the naval surveillance system and the government’s will to fight drug trafficking,” he said in a statement. (TVNZ)

In New York a massive gambling ring was busted when a laptop owned by James Giordano was was seized during a police search warrant of his hotel room.

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Posted November 17, 2006 by
Crime | 6 comments

Nancy Pelosi stumbles out of the starting blocks while Murtha Crashes & Burns in “Plan Crash”.



(Hat Tip: Confederate Yankee)

The thud heard today in Washington, DC was Pelosi Stumbles Out of the Blocks, otherwise known as the “plan crash”.  If Nancy Pelosi continues along this path she will soon find herself and the Democratic party on the outside looking in 2008. Nancy, welcome to being in power and not just complaining about Republican policy.

Having said that, Nancy Pelosi’s decision to pick a public fight with her second in command, Maryland Rep. Steny Hoyer, is so incomprehensible, so politically stupid that it has raised eyebrows among political journalists and insiders of all type.

Instead of generating front page stories about the Democrats’ agenda, Pelosi has made herself and divisions within her party the story du jour. (Taegan Goddard)

NOT TO BE OUT DONE … (Vanderbilt – ‘06)


The first 100 hours of this enterprise is not showing much progress. The cause of the crash has been determined to be a case of extreme overload in very hot air conditions. Luckily, the intended pilot gets to walk away without major injury. Captain Murtha hopes to fly another day.

So does this mean that the “cut & run” strategy proposed by the more liberal side of the Democratic House has crashed and burned as well? Many newly elected House Democrats are from conservative areas. They have much to answer to their constituencies. Agreeing with much of Pelosi’s agenda is going to be a hard bargain.

Posted November 16, 2006 by
Nancy Pelosi, Politics | 5 comments

700 Passengers & Crew Sick with norovirus aboard the Carnival Cruise Lines’ Liberty

Carnival Cruise Lines’ Liberty is the latest to be stricken with the norovirus as 700 people, passengers and crew became ill.

The ship left Rome on Nov. 3 with about 2,800 paying passengers and was due to arrive in Fort Lauderdale on Sunday.

“Within 24 hours of sailing, they had a lot of people sick. It has tapered off considerably over the past couple days,” said David Forney, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. (Yahoo News)

Posted November 16, 2006 by
Cruise Ship, Travel | 4 comments

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