Cpl. Jessiah Jameson, 21, Missing in Clarksville, TN

Cpl. Jessiah Jameson, 21, a Fort Campbell soldier has been missing since November 16. Jameson was last seen at a night club called Kickers Country Club when he was removed for being intoxicated. He had just came home recently after being in Iraq for one year.

Read the rest at Missing & Exploited.

Posted November 27, 2006 by
Military, Missing Persons | 2 comments

Sunnis Burned Alive? Press Thinks So But US Military Says No

If you follow the news, you probably read over the weekend that in response to sectarian violence in Iraq that 6 Sunnis were burned alive leaving their prayer services. Almost every media site in the country reported this story breathlessly on a slow news weekend. The report from the AP went like this:

Revenge-seeking militiamen seized six Sunnis as they left prayers and burned them alive with kerosene yesterday in a savage new twist to the brutality shaking the Iraqi capital a day after suspected Sunni insurgents killed 215 people in Baghdad’s main Shiite district.

Iraqi soldiers at a nearby army post failed to intervene in yesterday’s assault by suspected members of the Shiite Mahdi Army militia or subsequent attacks that killed at least 19 other Sunnis, including women and children, in the same neighbourhood, the volatile Hurriyah district in northwest Baghdad, said police Capt. Jamil Hussein. AP

But wait one second, the blogger Flopping Aces has done some great investigative reporting and has come up with some interesting facts in the case.

Doing a search via Google I began reading the stories printed about the burned six and each and every one had one thing in common. The only person stating that this incident happened was one Capt. Jamil Hussein. Every news report printed this man as the source of the information.

So our hard working media all got the report from one individual, this Capt. Jamil Hussein. But there is more…

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Michael Vick of the Atlanta Falcons flips the Crowd the “Dirty Bird”

Vick Flips the Atlanta crowd the Dirty Bird

Way to make friends and influence people in Atlanta, GA. Doesn’t Vick realize that the NFL stands for the “No Finger League”?


(Hat Tip: Drudge Report)

Nice … Vick didn’t just flip the crowd one finger, he showed he was ambidextrous and gave the crowd the dirty bird with both hands. With the performance that the Falcons put on in the Georgia Dome Sunday, losing for the fourth time in a row he is lucky the fans did not ride the entire team out of town on a rail. What do we really expect anymore from professional athletes in this day and age? At least he Vick did not pull a Ricky Manning Jr.

The Falcons lost 31–13 to the Saints while Vick did run for 166 yards, he passed for 9 of 24 for 84 yards. OUCH!!! Think that type of team effort is going to garner anything but boos and choice comments from a paying crowd? Funny how these over-paid athletes do not shy away from the cameras or crowd adulation when they are cheered. They also do not donate parts of their paychecks to charity when they stink up the field.

Of course Vick was quick to apologize as I am sure the Falcon PR department  sat him down immediately.

ESPN, Falcons PR machine

UPDATE: Michael Vick fined $10,000 for obscene gesture

Posted November 27, 2006 by
Bizarre, Sports | 12 comments

Prime Minister Nelson Oduber’s Wife Glenda Oduber called as witness in Minister Ramon Lee Assault case

They just don’t get it. 18 months after the disappearance of Natalee Holloway and an image Oduberand perception by travelers that Aruba takes an apathetic approach to crime, they are doing it again. This time to one of their own. It is hard to imagine that these are the words of a leader. One would think they would want to get to the bottom of an alleged crime, not whine and make excuses. Then again … that is the MO.

Glenda Oduber, the wife of Prime Minister Nelson Oduber was called as a witness in the alleged sexual assault matter against Minister Ramon Lee. The Prime Minister’s wife was asked to testify as the victim claims she telephoned her about what had occurred. What is more disturbing are the comments coming from the Prime Minister. Oduber, are you telling us that there are 100’s of people alleging sexual assaults against your ministers every day? Really? Are you saying so many calls come in alleging assault? You mean you cannot determine the difference between an assault and a nuisance call? Also, the Prime Minister has just admitted they cannot or is it (will not) check everything whether they are true or not.  Isn’t that par for the course?

“Hundreds of people call here every day with all sorts of stories.  We cannot check everything whether they are true or not.  That would mean that we are in court every day or called to witness”, was the premier’s comment on the witness call. 

Because heaven forbid the stories be checked out to make sure the Aruban people are safe. I guess they randomly pick and chose what they deem politically expedient.

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Airlines Expand Schedules to the Caribbean and little Attention given to Aruba

As has been previously discussed, tourism in the Caribbean is on the increase. That is for most islands in the Caribbean; however, Aruba is not one of them.

“Thankfully, we’re climbing and growing quite significantly,” said Hugh Riley, a spokesman for the Caribbean Tourism Organization. (NY Times)

Recently airlines have expanded their schedules to the Caribbean; however, Aruba is getting little attention. The only mention of added flights is that of discount airliner Jet Blue. As of the last tourism reports, Aruba is still in decline. Thus, all this is truly offering is a cheaper way to offer an incentive for the same existing tourists to fly to Aruba rather than on more expensive larger traditional carriers.

Posted November 27, 2006 by
Aruba, Economy, Travel | 8 comments

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