More Stellar Stability & Economic News From Aruba … Valero Union Employees On Strike

Valero employees have been on strike in Aruba since 6:00 AM on Tuesday in Aruba. Now Valero 1management says, they will not reopen negotiations … “Our last offer is the best and is definite.” Just another sign of more stability and an inaction of compromise. No matter what management says, the production of a refinery is never 100% operational and functional without the 375 union members on strike, otherwise why would they be employed in the first place.

Amigoe; November 30, 2006: Impasse with strike Valero

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Posted November 30, 2006 by
Aruba, Business, Economy, Energy | 14 comments

4 Year Old Power Ranger Saves Family

Kid_power_rangerIn a combination of bravery and niavity that only a 4 year old boy can have, Stevie Long snuck away from the robbers that had his mother and sister at gun point, changed into his Power Rangers costume, and charged the crooks. In what must prove that they were on drugs, the thieves paniced and ran away at the sight of the 4 year old.

How very cool.

Get away from my family,” 4-year-old Stevie Long shouted, punctuating his screams with swipes of his plastic sword and hearty “yah, yahs.”
The robber and his accomplice, who was waiting outside the apartment Friday night, fled with credit cards, jewelry, cash and other items that Stevie’s mother, Jennifer Long, dumped from her purse.
“I scared the bad guys away,” Stevie said.
According to police: “During the robbery, a … boy snuck into his bedroom, dressed himself in a Power Ranger costume and armed himself with a plastic sword. The child then exited his room and approached the armed suspect, in an attempt to protect his family.”
Relatives said the robber abandoned plans to take Stevie’s mother to an ATM to withdraw cash when he saw Stevie. via  The Detroit News Online.

Update: Video of Stevie showing his Power Ranger Moves here .

Posted November 30, 2006 by
Bizarre, Fun | 17 comments

Daily Commentary – Thursday November 30th, 2006

Dana Pretzer in his morning update asks

  • How do the Holloways Feel When The AP Carries Inane Stories 

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Posted November 30, 2006 by
Podcast, Scared Monkeys Radio | 2 comments

Snoop Dogg Arrested Again … What a Shock … CD Sales will Sky Rocket

Snoop Dogg … aka Calvin Broadus, was arrested as he left the NBC Studios after SnoopDoggMugShotperforming on the ‘Tonight Show’ with Jay Leno. What will come of all this? Nothing. Maybe Snoop will sell more CD’s and down-load more songs off the internet now that he has been arrested by the man again. The worse the behavior, the greater the rap sales. Such is the sad case of affairs within the rap community. Behaving badly is not only rewarded, its a badge of honor. Of course Snoop get to go back to his multi-million dollar crib, many of those that buy his music are not so fortunate.

The 35-year-old rapper, whose real name is Calvin Broadus, and two members of his entourage were arrested around 6 p.m. Tuesday after a search of his Diamond Bar home and car, Sgt. Kevin Grandalski said.

Police seized a handgun and some illegal drugs, Grandalski said. He did not have details. (The Charlotte Observer)

See the pictorial Snoop Dogg “Rappers” Rap Sheet through the years.

Posted November 29, 2006 by
Celebrity, Crime | 9 comments

No Body, No Crime … May Work in Aruba, not in the US … Hans Reiser Pleads Not Guilty to Murder of Nina Reiser

31 year old Nina Reiser has been missing for more than 2 months. Nina Reiser went missing Hans_Reiseron September 3, 2006 after she dropped her children off at her estranged husband home. Hans Reiser has since been arrested and charged in the murder of Nina Reiser.

Today Hans Reiser pleaded not guilty in the death of Nina Reiser. There is a catch, Nina Reiser is still missing. Her body has not yet been recovered. So it would appear that the premise “if there’s no body they don’t have a case” only seems to work in Aruba.

Joran says to the Kalpoe brothers: “That’s not true, the only thing he (Joran’s father) said that if there’s no body there don’t have a case.

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