Iraq Study Group Releases Report – A Genuine Recipe For Disaster

The Iraq Study Group has put out the report that was promised, and it contains all that could be expected by politicians and diplomats. Lots of weasle wonkish words all balled up into an unmitigated miasma of mush. Instead of providing a concrete plan of action for the country that could be either accepted or dismissed, the report worked to find the middle ground.

Isg_report_coverAnd we all know that the middle ground is the only tried and true recipe for failure. Sit in any corporate meeting and once the group tries to find consensus that will please all constituancies the words cluster tend to come out of the mouths of those attending said meeting as soon as the doors open. 

And if you do not believe me, look past the jump page and see all the other bloggers talk about this from either side of the aisle. I am not alone in this assessment of Baker and Companies report. And if you are really eager to read this rubbish, we have a link here.

Update: We are Scared Monkeys ,,, much better than Surrender Monkeys. PS NY POST – If you need Photoshop help, call me. I know Klaasend could have done a much better job.


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Daily Commentary – Thursday December 7th, 2006

Dana Pretzer in his morning update discusses

  • Drunk Infant and Babies having Babies

icon for podpress  Standard Podcast [2:26m]:  Download


Also, congratulations to Dana for crossing the 10,000 downloads in less than 50 days with Scared Monkeys, what a great accomplishment!

Spam is Back and Worse Than Ever!

SpamSpam, not the lunchmeat, is clogging our e-mail boxes worse than ever. The past year had a respite, but now the spammers are back with a vengence. Almost every email server has a spam filter to keep spam from reaching the enduser, but in the past few months the spammers have learned to get around these filters and are bombarding email boxes everywhere.

I know that I have every trick possible working to stop the spam and still my mailbox is 90 percent full of the garbage. What is even scarier is that is the norm these days.

Worldwide, spam volumes have doubled from last year, according to Ironport, a spam-filtering firm, and unsolicited junk mail now accounts for more than nine out of every 10 e-mails sent over the Internet.
Much of that flood is made up of a nettlesome new breed of junk e-mail called image spam, in which the words of the advertisement are part of a picture, often fooling traditional spam detectors that look for telltale phrases. Image spam increased fourfold from last year and now represents 25 percent to 45 percent of all junk e-mail, depending on the day, Ironport says.
The anti-spam industry is struggling to keep up with the surge. It is adding computer power and developing new techniques in an effort to avoid losing the battle with the most sophisticated spammers.
It wasn’t supposed to turn out this way. Three years ago, Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill Gates made an audacious prediction: The problem of junk e-mail, he said, “will be solved by 2006.” And for a time, there were signs that he was going to be proven right. via the Seattle Post

Posted December 6, 2006 by
WTF | one comment

Beauty & the Beast??? More like “Under Age 15 year old & the Beast”

This is not quite the way I remember the story line going when I saw Beauty and the Beast on James BarbourBroadway years ago. James Barbour, 40, best known for playing the Beast on the Broadway hit, “Beauty & the Beast” has been charged with 5 counts of criminal sex acts against a then 15 year old girl in 2001.

James Bardour pleaded not guilty to all charges and has in fact stated that it was the 15 year old alleged victim who came on to him. What else would we expect?

Read the full story and the detailed allegations as well as Bardour’s version of events at Missing & Exploited.

Posted December 6, 2006 by
Celebrity, Child Welfare, Crime | 7 comments


From todays Diario, December 6, 2006, Caso Natalee Procesverbaal di polis hulandes ta mustra ‘NAN’ A DRENTA PANICO ORA CU NATALEE A KEDA ‘PASSED OUT’

Read the full translation of the Diario article below.

From this same official report one can deduct that Joran again throws the ball in Deepak Kalpoe’s corner, because he tells the Dutch officer that if they interrogate Deepak in the same manner that they interrogated Joran, then Deepak for sure will tell the truth. Which truth? How come the Dutch police officer did not ask Van der Sloot about which truth he was referring to?
Joran also said that if some weeks before they had interrogated him in the aforementioned manner, then the truth would have come out much faster!



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