Kerry In Irak – Soldiers Dining With Him Ask For “HALP”


The poor soldiers who have to dine with Kerry. You remember him, don’t you?

After John Kerry’s denigrating remarks about our soldiers, he is on his rehabilitation tour of Irak. He desperately wants to be President and figured that a meal with the troops would get his image back where it should be.

You remember those troops, don’t you? The ones begging for his help because Kerry thinks they were too stupid to get out of service?

As Gateway Pundit found, a guardsman’s mother says:

She said the soldiers see Kerry’s so-called fact-finding trip to Iraq as nothing more than a political ploy to rehabilitate his image in advance of another White House run.

“They’re not real happy that he’s coming over there because they think that it’s basically to get him out of the political hole that he put himself in,” she said.

The Massachusetts Democrat vowed before departing Wednesday on a nine-day trip to Iraq and five other Middle East countries that he would be happy to apologize to any soldiers he encounters in Iraq.

“For anybody who misunderstood [the joke] or got only the White House presentation of it, I’d apologize, obviously,” he told reporters.

On another note, Kerry was pleased to be Times “Person of the Year” :

Sen. John Kerry, D-MA, today announced he is “humbled and grateful” to be named Time Magazine’s ‘Person of the Year‘ for 2006.

“When I picked up my copy of Time at the newsstand,” said Sen. Kerry, “and saw my own image looking back at me, I thought ‘Of all the great people in the world this year — Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, Kofi Annan, Kim Jong-Il — how can it be you, John?’” via ScrappleFace

Posted December 17, 2006 by
Military, Politics, War on Terror | 28 comments

Man Charged With Kidnapping His Wife – Both 85 Years Old

In what has to be one of the wierder stories to come out recently, an 85 year old man is in jail for kidnapping his wife. They had been living for a year in Florida before they were discovered.

Joseph Perez has been charged with kidnapping for taking his wife from Father Murray Nursing Center in January. They lived in Florida until about Nov. 1, when a Medicaid claim tipped off police, authorities said.
“We’re looking out for the best interests of the alleged victim,” prosecutor John Latella said.
Latella said Perez had been a guardian for his wife, who is about the same age, for several years but was stripped of that designation because of how he cared for her. She was later placed in the nursing home.
But defense lawyer Azhar Sheikh criticized the prosecutor’s office, saying Perez was charged too harshly. A conviction carries a maximum penalty of life in prison.
“This is an extremely sad case,” Sheikh said. “He was just trying to help his wife. He doesn’t belong in jail. This man needs to get some help. He cares for his wife. He wanted to take care of her and did nothing to harm her.” via  Yahoo! News.

Posted December 17, 2006 by
Bizarre | 7 comments


This is the definition of cool and lame at the same time. Everyone is Person of the Year according to Time Magazine. So, take a bow and book a speaking agent, because you too can bill yourself as Time Magazine’s “Person of the Year.” via the Drudge Report


Posted December 16, 2006 by
General, Media, Real Estate | 12 comments

Have Scientists Found a Cure For Diabetes?

Diabetes_testingIf the news is true, a new cure for diabetes may be in the works. Scientist in a Toronto hospital have discovered a cure for diabetes in mice that cures them almost overnight.  If this can be translated to humans, the millions who suffer from diabetes may have a chance to recover and not have the intrusion that diabetes causes in their daily lives.

“I couldn’t believe it,” said Dr. Michael Salter, a pain expert at the Hospital for Sick Children and one of the scientists. “Mice with diabetes suddenly didn’t have diabetes any more.”
The researchers caution they have yet to confirm their findings in people, but say they expect results from human studies within a year or so. Any treatment that may emerge to help at least some patients would likely be years away from hitting the market.
But the excitement of the team from Sick Kids, whose work is being published today in the journal Cell, is almost palpable.
“I’ve never seen anything like it,” said Dr. Hans Michael Dosch, an immunologist at the hospital and a leader of the studies. “In my career, this is unique.”

Read the rest in the National Post.

Posted December 16, 2006 by
Healthcare, Technology | 11 comments

Judith Regan Fired – Was it the OJ Book?

My bet, yes it was. The Drudge Report has the exclusive that Judith Regan was fired from the head of Harper Collins because of the fiasco that was the OL Simpson book release. And I think that was about right.

PUBLISHING GURU JUDITH REGAN LET GO FROM MURDOCH EMPIRE… Judith Regan’s employment with Harpercollins has been terminated effective immediately, sources tell DRUDGE REPORT… Regan publishing program and staff will continue as part of the Harpercollins general books group… The OJ fiasco is not the main reason for terminating the world’s most successful publisher, sources explain. “Many factors led to this decision,” says an insider. The force behind smash bestsellers by Rush Limbaugh, Howard Stern, Sean Hannity and others could not be reached for comment late Friday… Word of the firing came as Murdoch’s NEWS CORP. was holding its Christmas party…

Posted December 15, 2006 by
Main | 6 comments

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