Denver Airport Still A Mess – Christmas Traveling Nightmares
A freak blizzard dumped 20 inches of snow on Denver International Airport essentially shutting it down for the past 2 days. It will be reopening on a limited basis today. That is an inconvienance on a typical week, but with it being the Christmas travel season, and Denver being the 5th busiest airport in the country, it has made a mess out of the transportation grid for the holidays.
So if you are flying this Christmas, take extra time to get where you are going. And also, as a special favor, be extra kind to those working for the airlines. My wife is a flight attendant working over Christmas and will be away from our family so yours gets their safely. She and all the others working on the holiday would appreciate the kind words.
More than 2,000 flights have been canceled, according to airline officials, creating a ripple effect that disrupted air travel around the country as the holiday crush began to build.
Two of the airport’s six runways were set to open first, followed by a third runway Friday night. For those stranded in Denver and flying standby because they were unable to rebook a flight, finding a spot on crowded planes filled with holiday travelers could prove impossible this weekend.
Frontier spokesman Joe Hodas said the airline has 65,000 bumped passengers to move systemwide and the airline is already 90 percent booked for the holidays. “Do the math,” he said.
United Airlines spokesman Jeff Kovick said it could be days before some people are able to get a flight out. “We’re asking for their patience as we work to get people where they need to be as soon as we safely can,” he said.
Near the cardboard shelter, cobbled together from boxes that workers used to carry blankets to hand out to stranded passengers, Jackson, Wyo., teacher Joanna Snyder and others searched in vain for information.
“It’s all rumor,” she said. via My Way News
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5 Responses to “Denver Airport Still A Mess – Christmas Traveling Nightmares”
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I am glad it is open again.I hope everyone arrives home safely.
SNOW,SNOW,SNOW, never have seen so much deep snow here in Colorado. Up in the slopes, but not in city. Here in Colorado Springs 56 miles from Denver, all roads in and out were closed. Couldn’t go anywhere if we wanted. We have 16 foot drifts in my yard. I did go out yesterday shopping for a while. Opened the garage door and blasted through a hugh drift as tall as my push bars on the front of my Expedition!!!!(that was fun) nice thing about Colorado though is by today 2 days later most roads were just wet and it will all be gone in a couple days. Thanks to the Colorado Sunshine……
There’s a whole other side to this story. It’s not just weather delays keeping people from getting home for Christmas. Many of the airlines have over booked flights. You can read for today and see our nightmare.
OMG Katablog, I almost feel terrible trying to find some positve in this bad snow storm we had. What a nightmare for you and your daughter & friend. Bless their hearts for all that you went through. NO FLY American Airlines ever again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who cares? It’s still the most beautiful airport in the
world. What a wonderful place for a two-day layover; and
all that snow!!!!! Besides, is it the city that determines
its weather?