Why Democrats Lose Elections … Enough Said


Democrats only have themselves to blame for losing elections. Not George W. Bush, Dean howienot Karl Rove, not Tom DeLay or even floating chad in Florida or voting machines in Ohio. Here is a perfect example of a lack of consistency where one action is called bigoted while another … well the other is just … you decide.

The following are comments by Howard Dean, DNC Chair on NY Court’s ruling on same sex marriages. If you don’t agree with Howie, “the gift who keeps on giving” Dean you are a bigot.

“As Democrats, we believe that every American has a right to equal protection under the law and to live in dignity. And we must respect the right of every family to live in dignity with equal rights, responsibilities and protections under the law. Today’s decision by the New York Court of Appeals, which relies on outdated and bigoted notions about families, is deeply disappointing, but it does not end the effort to achieve this goal.

“As that essential process moves forward, it is up to the State legislature to act to protect the equal rights of every New Yorker and for the debate on how to ensure those rights to proceed without the rancor and divisiveness that too often surrounds this issue.”

However, for some reason, future Democratic Presidential hopeful,  Joe Biden’s comments are not bigoted. Watch and listen to the VIDEO … you make the call.

biden joe

(Click on Biden and here his wonderful comments on immigration to his state)

“You cannot go into a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts without an Indian accent.”

Nice Senator Biden. You are truly a man of the people. The sad part about it is this man knew he had a camera on him and thinks he said nothing wrong. Unbelievable. Senator Biden, these comments were really inappropriate and in poor taste.

Can anyone imagine if GWB or any Republican made such a comment? Censure and sensitivity training would be in order as well as a front page story in the New York Times. Michelle Malkin reminds us of Hillary Clinton’s bizarre joke about Gandhi and gas stations. What do they have against Indians?

(Hat Tip: Drudge Report)

Update: I wonder how Howard Dean feels about Georgia Top Court Reinstates Gay Marriage Bann? The question really should be, why does Howard Dean not respect the majority vote when the people have spoke and overwhelmingly supported an issue. Funny how Dean only praises the Court’s when they agree with him.

The Georgia Supreme Court, reversing a lower court judge’s ruling, decided unanimously that the ban did not violate the state’s single- subject rule for ballot measures. Superior Court Judge Constance Russell of Fulton County had ruled that it did.

Seventy-six percent of Georgia voters approved the ban when it was on the ballot in 2004

Posted July 6, 2006 by
Bizarre, Politics, WTF | 20 comments

Arizonia Amber Alert Issued for 17 year old Danyelle May Hawkins kidnapped by Steven Anthony Herman (UPDATE: CANCELED)

Police in Chandler, AZ issued an Amber Alert for Danyelle May Hawkins, 17, Danyelle Hawkinswho was last seen on Thursday July 6, 2005. She was abducted at gunpoint by an ex-boyfriend, Steven Anthony Herman, as her 9 year old brother witnessed the events. Herman made the following threat:

Steven Herman told the brother not to call police or he would kill Danyelle and ship her body to the family

Read the full Amber Alert and story at Missing and Exploited.

Posted July 6, 2006 by
Missing Persons | no comments

Gerold Dompig Officially Resigns From Aruban Police … ALE Suffers Brain Drain …

Commissioner Gerold Dompig is also abandoning ship know as the SS Aruban Police Force. Chief Commissioner Bernadina had earlier announced his plans to leave the ALE as well. Of course many of us that have been witnessing the lack of an investigation in the Natalee Holloway case had suspected that they may have quit sometime last summer. Now comes Dompig’s turn. First he was taken off the Holloway case and now out the door altogether.

It seems to be a pattern of all those who were in charge of the Holloway case are finding early retirement.

AM Digital Dompig Leaving

(AM Digital: Click on article to enlarge)

From this AM Digital article come some rather interesting and peculiar comments. First, which may have to be one of the more humorous comments of the article. Dompig 4-06Unless they were using sarcasm, that unfortunately I believe that was not the case.

We commented to Dompig that we are seeing a brain drain in the police force with the resignation of the Chief Commissioner and now his own.

With the investigation that was put forth and curious departure from normal police and investigative work with regards to Natalee … Aruba may wish to keep that drain open a bit longer.

What was even more interesting were the comments that Gerold Dompig made regarding the Chief of Police position presently held by the departing Bernadina. How much of the term “political” can be interchanged with “preferential treatment” or “cronyism”?

Dompig BD

“Unfortunately in Aruba to much politics is involved which makes it difficult for a Chief Commissioner to function as he wishes to.” (Did those very politics that Dompig refers to play into the lack of investigation 101 in the Natalee Holloway case?)

Who the new Chief Commissioner will be is unknown to Dompig but he hopes that the Government will not again bring in somebody from the outside. (One wonders how often Dompig’s strings were pulled during this investigation? All to often he would make a positive comment only to contradict it with nonsense like in the Vanity Fair article.)

“When will we mature? When will we trust our own people”?

Bringing in a Dutch Chief again will not contribute to the progress of the police force.

Think there is not an issue and a power struggle between Aruba and the Dutch? One wonders how they solve any problems when there is obviously a greater issue simmering below the surface. Think Arubans are tired and frustrated with the Dutch dominance? Seems that way, at least according to Dompig.


Natalee Holloway Investigation … One Year Later … Aruba wanted an Apology from Beth Twitty

One year ago … July 6, 2005 … this nonsense was going on then. Watch and listen Beth twitty 1to the video from a “Day Side” interview with Janet Yearman. A woman, who considers herself an Aruban. Seems like she forgot where she came from and what are true priorities.

This woman was more intent on getting an apology from Beth Twitty for calling the Kalpoe’s criminals rather than investigating the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. Only one month into the investigation and their was an opinion on the island that their pride was more important than the desperation of the mother of a missing teenager.

It is amazing to look back and see just how early in the investigation people had a rather peculiar outlook on the disappearance. Aruba wonders why it is in the predicament that it is today with tourism. All one has to do is look back and see what they were saying and thinking one year ago today.

Cindy Sheehan Sides with Hugo Chavez, Would Rather Live Under Chavaz… Please do

Cindy Sheehan once again shows what the far left is all about and just how out of Cindy Sheehantouch this woman truly is. Normally, I would just change the channel. However, in Cindy’s case, please keep talking.

She’s called President Bush the biggest terrorist in the world and she stood side by side with socialist dictator Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. Now she begins a two-month hunger strike to get the American people to join her mission to end the war.

So GWB is the biggest terrorist and not Osama Bin Laden. Somehow as well Hugo Chavez is not a dictator. We have nuts running around like Kim Jong Il of North Korea provoking civilized countries by test firing missiles and GWB is the problem. Cindy Sheehan actually has the nerve to state that Chavez has been democratically elected 8 times. Does anyone in the Democratic Party understand that she is as Allahpundit says, “the gift that keeps on giving”. 

Cindy Shehan GWB terrorist

Two month hunger strike … 30 days of observation may be the ticket. Are we to assume Saddam Hussein was democratically elected as well with 99.9% of the vote?

What more else will this woman do for her 15 minutes of shame?

Video. More Video here.

 MSNBC’S Norah O’Donnell: Would you rather live under Hugo Chavez than President Bush?

Sheehan: Um, yes, (giggle). You know, Hugo Chavez is not a dictator like you, like you introduced him. He’s been democratically elected eight times.

O’Donnell: Saddam Hussein was democratically elected.

Sheehan: Yeah, hold on a second, though. He is not anti-American. He has helped the poor people of America. He has sent aid to New Orleans. He has sold heating oil to disadvantaged people in America, in the United States of America, at low cost. The people of his country love him.

As Michelle Maklin has stated, if Cindy Sheehan would rather live under Hugo Chavez where is the fund raiser to buy her that one way ticket. Michelle has even done the leg work on Expedia to to find her a ticket. Count us in.

Ankle Biting Pundits are also are also calling for a fund raiser for Cindy’s ticket to Venezuela.

So Cindy, we’re not even asking you to put your money where your mouth is. 

We’re just asking you – no, we’re begging you – to leave.

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