Kevin Hart Steps down as Oscars Host over his Past Anti-Gay Tweets



As reported at the AP, just two days after being named host of the Academy Awards, Kevin Hart stepped down following an outcry over past homophobic tweets by the comedian. The Gay mafia gets their pound of flesh. Just curious, who watches the Oscars anyhow? Does anyone care anymore? The ratings of the Academy Awards show has been in constant free-fall year after year. No one cares about a bunch a elitist liberals patting each other on the back and bashing Republicans and Trump. So now leaving the audience will be blacks as no apologies are accepted by the intolerant LGBTQ community, who asks everyone else of tolerance but some how cannot find it in themselves to accept an apology from words and comments said years ago. Oh the tolerance of the PC community.

First Hart was not going to apologize because he had already done so in the past. Then he did, but it didn’t matter because no apology would ever have been enough. So nobody can have ever said or done anything in their past that the liberal thought police disagree with. Good luck to that.

Capping a swift and dramatic fallout, Hart wrote on Twitter just after midnight Friday that he was withdrawing as Oscars host because he didn’t want to be a distraction. “I sincerely apologize to the LGBTQ community for my insensitive words from my past,” wrote Hart.

Hart, who is in Australia for a comedy tour, also tweeted Friday morning: “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Martin Luther King, Jr.”

Earlier Thursday evening, the comedian had refused to apologize for tweets that resurfaced after he was announced as Oscars host on Tuesday. In a video on Instagram, Hart said the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences gave him an ultimatum: apologize or “we’re going to have to move on and find another host.”

Oh the tolerance from the LEFT …

“I chose to pass on the apology,” Hart said. “The reason why I passed is because I’ve addressed this several times.”

The film academy didn’t respond to messages Thursday evening.

Hart has since deleted some of the anti-gay tweets, mostly dated from 2009-2011. But they had already been screen-captured and been shared online. In 2011, he wrote in a since-deleted tweet: “Yo if my son comes home & try’s 2 play with my daughters doll house I’m going 2 break it over his head & say n my voice ‘stop that’s gay.’”

In an earlier post Thursday, Hart wrote on Instagram that critics should “stop being negative” about his earlier anti-gay remarks.

“I’m almost 40 years old. If you don’t believe that people change, grow, evolve? I don’t know what to tell you,” said Hart, who added, in all-caps: “I love everybody.”

Hart’s attitudes about homosexuality were also a well-known part of his stand-up act. In the 2010 special “Seriously Funny,” he said “one of my biggest fears is my son growing up and being gay.”

“Keep in mind, I’m not homophobic, I have nothing against gay people, do what you want to do, but me, being a heterosexual male, if I can prevent my son from being gay, I will,” Hart said.

Pearl Harbor Day 2018 … December 7th, 1941, 77 Years Later, A Date That Will Forever Live in Infamy


Pearl Harbor Day 2018 …  December 7th, 1941, a Date That Will forever Live in Infamy …


Today marks the 77th anniversary of the day the United States was suddenly and deliberately attacked the Empire of Japan and the United States would never be the same. We remember those brave men and women that died that fateful day. And we honor those that survived and fought on to defend the United States, freedom and liberty. The reprehensible and treacherous sneak act unified a country and awoke a sleeping giant that provided the resolve to win a war against the evil Axis. It was that resolve, leadership and focus on the enemy that enabled the United States and its Allies to victory. God bless all those who lost their lives on that fateful day.

Always remember …

With the recent passing of President George H.W. Bush we were reminded that those of the Greatest Generation are leaving us. We remember them fondly. The Greatest Generation was asked to save the world, AND THEY DID! We give thanks, praise and remember those from Our Greatest generation who made the ultimate sacrifice 76 years ago today. The Japanese did in fact awaken a sleeping giant and America showed its great resolve. THANK YOU TO THE GREATEST GENERATION!

SCOTUS Rejects Request to hear Environmental challenge to President Trump’s Border Wall Construction



President Donald Trump won a major victory in the building of the border wall between the United States and Mexico when on Monday U.S. Supreme Court rejected a request from a trio of conservation and environmental groups seeking to block construction.  The justices declined to consider the groups’ appeal of a lower court ruling that paved the way for the federal government to begin replacing border fencing in two locations and building wall prototypes.


The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday rejected a request from a trio of conservation and environmental groups seeking to block construction of President Trump’s wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

The justices declined to consider the groups’ appeal of a lower court ruling that paved the way for the federal government to begin replacing border fencing in two locations and building wall prototypes.

The judge, U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, rejected the groups’ challenge to a 1996 federal law that gives the government the power to waive environmental laws to more quickly begin work on a wall. The Department of Homeland Security sought to sidestep the laws as it pursued the projects related to construction of the border wall.

The conservation groups said the 1996 law violated the Constitution because of the power it granted the federal government.

Curiel, however, said the Trump administration did not exceed its authority when it waived environmental laws as part of its efforts to build the wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

The Trump administration asked the justices not to hear the case.

Let the Democrat 2020 Three Ring Circus Beging … Dems 2020 Problem: Too Many Candidates, Too few Minority Staffers



As reported at Politico, the Democrats problem in 2020 will be too many presidential candidates and too few minority staffers for those campaigns. Remember in 2016 when the MSM made fun of the multitude of 17 GOP candidates for president? Did anyone bother to take a look at and criticize the all white and old Democrat ones, including Hillary? Of course not. But now ahead of the 2020 elections, the Democrat candidates are slowing showing their intentions, as well as others that are expected to run, and the number could far outweigh the amount of Republican 2016 candidates. How many stages and children’s tables will be needed for a debate? However, veterans of Democrat campaigns also seem to think that if the candidates have few African-Americans or other minorities in its top leadership, they will fail. In an era where President Trump is making inroads with minorities, Democrats will be all in playing the race card and optics.


Potential 2020 Democratic presidential candidates in the early stages of assembling campaign staffs are running into an uncomfortable truth: Among the already small pool of capable operatives, there’s an even smaller pool of nonwhite campaign managers and senior advisers.

The shortage could have serious repercussions given the large number of expected candidates and the diverse makeup of the Democratic electorate.The party’s base is increasingly young and diverse, and candidates, especially older ones, need staffers who understand how to stitch together coalitions across racial and economic lines.

The emerging campaigns of some would-be candidates have tried to get a jump on the problem, compiling spreadsheets of potential minority staffers and holding discussions with the candidates about the need to assemble diverse teams. Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown and Kirsten Gillibrand have had African-Americans in senior-level positions in their past campaigns, putting them in position to reactivate them if they run for president.

But interviews with more than a dozen Democratic operatives — including aides to several likely 2020 contenders and veterans of past presidential campaigns — produced a consensus that there simply aren’t enough minority operatives to staff what’s expected to be a sprawling field of candidates.

Veterans of past Democratic campaigns say that a campaign that doesn’t have African-Americans or other minorities in its top leadership is going to hit a wall very quickly.

“Here’s what’s going to happen. If you don’t have any people of color on your national team or if you don’t have them in those early states … you’re going to be hamstrung,” said Jamal Simmons, who has served as an adviser for multiple Democratic presidential campaigns. A candidate campaigning in a largely white state like New Hampshire is likely to be asked about issues that voters in minority-rich states like South Carolina care about, Simmons said, and will have trouble responding if their team isn’t prepared.

Bruce Springsteen Says “I don’t see anyone who can beat Trump”



As reported at the UK Daily Mail, liberal rocker Bruce Springsteen says, “I don’t see anyone out there at the moment… the man who can beat Trump, or the woman who can beat Trump.” These are tough words coming from an individual on the far LEFT. In other words, Trump is ‘Tougher than the Rest’ for what they Democrats would put forth in 2020 as the rest of the Democrat candidates will be ‘Dancing in the Dark’ because Donald Trump in 2020 was ‘Born to Run’.

Donald Trump thumbs up

‘I don’t see anyone who can beat Trump:’ Bruce Springsteen believes Trump will win a second term in the White House because the Democrats don’t ‘have an obvious, effective presidential candidate’

The rocker said he believes Trump will get reelected because of division in US
He also said Democrats don’t have an ‘obvious’ candidate who could beat Trump
Singer said Democrats need someone who can ‘speak same language as Trump’
Springsteen, a long time Democrat, said that there are a lot of reasons people ‘became Trump voters’

Bruce Springsteen believes that President Donald Trump will win a second term in the White House.

‘I don’t see anyone out there at the moment… the man who can beat Trump, or the woman who can beat Trump,’ the rocker told The Sunday Times Magazine.

Springsteen, who is a long-standing Democrat himself, said the political party doesn’t ‘have an obvious, effective presidential candidate’ who can ‘speak the same language’ as Trump.

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