Carter Page Miscarriage of Justice: Mueller Report Concludes Allegations Against Page Used to Justify a FISA Spying Campaign Against Him Were Absolutely False


On page 95 of today’s Mueller report  came the damning acknowledgement that the Mueller investigation did not establish that Carter Page coordinated with the Russian government in its efforts to interfere with the 2016 presidential election. The Mueller report concluded that allegations against Trump campaign advisor Carter Page used to justify the FISA spying campaign against him were absolutely and positively false. As stated at GP, “Obama’s corrupt FBI and DOJ obtained a FISA warrant and THREE subsequent renewals on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page.” Folks, this is what needs to be investigated and some one(s) need to go to prison. This is a miscarriage of justice and criminal activity like we have never seen in the United States. Carter Page was never charged with anything. Carter Page will hopefully be suing the federal government, DOJ and FBI.

These are the real crimes that were perpetrated.

Mueller report_Carter Page

State of the Union … CBS Poll 76% Approval of Trump’s Speech … CNN Polls States 76% Approval!!!


It was the Democrats and liberal MSM’s worst nightmare, President Donald Trump got to speech directly to the American people without any bias filter from the media, and the people loved it! According to CBS News,  a whopping 76% of the people approved of his speech. Another 72% said they approved of the president’s ideas for immigration. Which means over 7 in 10 people agree that building a wall will prevent illegal immigration.

“From our CBS News instant poll here following the president’s State of the Union, 76% of speech watchers said they approved of what they heard. 72% said they approved of the president’s ideas for immigration. But there were some controversial ideas there,” Glor reported Tuesday night.

Video -RCP

An overwhelming number of Republicans approved of Trump’s speech, while 30% of Democrats did as well. However, most importantly 82% of Independents approved of it. These days Democrats are a lost cause, the base and Independents is where elections are won.

And while 97 percent of Republicans approved of the speech, far fewer Democrats who tuned in did (30 percent). Most independents did approve.

Fifty-six of Americans who watched tonight feel the president’s speech will do more to unite the country, rather than divide it, although 36 percent don’t think it will change things much.

SOTU 2019 CBS poll

CNN Instant Poll: 76% Of Viewers Approved Of Trump State Of The Union

UPDATE I: Donald Trump Second SOTU Snags More Than 46M Viewers; Beats Barack & 2018

Airing on ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, Telemundo, Univision, PBS, CNN, CNNe, FOX Business, FOX News Channel and MSNBC in the 9 – 10 PM ET slot, the third longest SOTU in history topped Trump’s first official address to Congress in 2018 by over 1 million viewers.

In a number that will also be important to the 45th POTUS, the address before the now Democrats’ dominated House of Representatives, the Senate and invited guests also beat Barack Obama’s second SOTU of January 25, 2011 by over 9%. That speech by the 44th POTUS was shown on the 11 outlets of ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, Telemundo, Univision, CNN, Centric, CNBC, FOXNC, and MSNBC.

Howard Schultz is Just too Sane for today’s Democrats … “I’m not a Democrat,” Schultz told the ‘Morning Joe’ panel. “I don’t affiliate myself with the Democrat Party who is so far left”


From the New York Post, is wannbe third party 2020 presidential candidate  Howard Schultz too sane for today’s Democrat party? The Democrat party has lurched far left to reflect socialism more than the party of JFK that asked what you could do for your country. In an interview with MSNBC, former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz defended himself, “I’ve also been criticized for being a billionaire. Let’s talk about that. I’m self-made. I grew up in the project in Brooklyn, New York. I thought that was the American dream.”

“I’m not a Democrat,” Schultz told the ‘Morning Joe’ panel. “I don’t affiliate myself with the Democrat Party who is so far left, who basically wants the government to take over health care, which we cannot afford, the government to give free college to everybody and the government to give everyone a job, which basically is $40 trillion on the balance sheet of $21.5 trillion. We can’t afford it.”

New York Post

My view of American life is one of short-term pessimism and long-term optimism. And here is a bit of optimism that I’ll share: I think this may be the last time I am obliged to write about the Clintons. The Clinton era is over.

Ask Howard Schultz.

The 1990s were a hoot of a ­decade, epitomized by Nirvana, the Clinton presidency and Starbucks — each of which in its way exhibited the characteristic style of the ’90s, when the countercultural ambitions of the 1960s were wedded to the frank, cheerful materialism of the 1980s.

Seattle was the center of the ’90s aesthetic. Grunge is long gone, along with all those flannel shirts, but Starbucks is still here. It is the McDonald’s of its age, the thermonuclear-proof cockroach of the corporate food-service scene. And now chairman emeritus Howard Schultz is contemplating a Ross Perot-style run for the presidency.

Schultz was a Clinton Democrat when that meant Bill Clinton, though as a donor he stuck with Hillary and dutifully wrote checks to Barack Obama, John Edwards, the Democratic National Committee and others. But in 2019, he says he can’t in good conscience run as a Democrat.

“What the Democrats are proposing is something that is as false as the Wall,” he says, indicating “free” health care, “free” college and the entire litany of “free” things “which the country cannot afford.” He worries about the national debt, unfunded liabilities and other examples of fiscal recklessness.

He thinks that the Democrats’ current liquidate-the-kulaks ­ap­proach to taxes may prove counterproductive to the long-term interests of the United States. He worries that “extremists” have taken over both parties.

As you might imagine, he isn’t exactly setting on fire the hearts of his former Democratic co-partisans. They believe that an independent candidacy from the center-left may give President Trump a second term.

Remember When President Bill Clinton Sound like President Trump on Illegal Immigration? (VIDEO)


From the 1995 President Bill Clinton’s State of the Union address on immigration enforcement. Remember when both President’s Clinton and Obama said that although we are a nation of immigrants, we are also a nation of laws? Hmm, what happened?

Clinton and Obama sound much like Trump.

Barack Obama … “undocumented workers broke our immigration laws, they much be held accountable, especially the ones who may be dangerous”. Obama went on to say, “we expect people in the country to play by the rules and those who cut the line to not be rewarded.”Huh, and Obama even confronted those in Congress who dare question his authority. So why are the rules different for Trump?

U.S. Gains 312,000 Jobs for December 2018, Shattering Wall Street forecasts … DOW Up 700+


Jobs, jobs, jobs … The U.S. gained 312,000 jobs in December 2018, shattering the market forecast of a 182,000 increase.  The DOW jumped over 700 points on Friday after amazing, blockbuster job report and Fed rate fears ease. The unemployment rate is at 3.9%  The fact of the matter is the US economy is great and only negative talk from the media and an irresponsible fed chair can destroy it.  Manufacturing added 32,000 jobs in December. Remember when Obama said these jobs were never coming back? Think about this America, this is how good the Trump economy is, in the wake of a fully employed economy and after the fed has irresponsibly raised interest rates, jobs are still being created in massive numbers.

Donald Trump12

The U.S. gained 312,000 new jobs in December, capping off the biggest increase in hiring in three years and showing that second longest economic expansion in U.S. history still has plenty of staying power despite growing worries about a slowdown.

The surge in hiring was the largest since February. Economists surveyed by MarketWatch had forecast a 182,000 increase.

Hiring in November and October was also stronger than originally reported, the government said Friday.

Strong hiring has also given workers more bargaining power with their bosses. The amount of money the average worker earns climbed 11 cents, or 0.4% to $27.48 an hour last month.

What’s more, the increase in pay in the past 12 months rose to 3.2% from 3.1%, matching a post-recession high set earlier in the year.

Health-care providers hired 50,000 people, professional firms filled 43,000 positions, manufacturers added 32,000 jobs, construction firms beefed up payrolls by 32,000 and restaurants employed 41,000 additional workers.

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