50% of U.S. Millennials Say They Would Rather Live in a Socialist or Communist Country than a Capitalist Democracy


According to the latest survey from the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, 50% of US Millennials say they would rather live in a socialist or communist country than a capitalist democracy. Unbelievable. What the hell are the kids today being taught in school? This is what happens when you have a liberal brainwashing agenda in schools to indoctrinate rather than educate. It also goes to show that Millennials are clueless. Really, you would rather live in a country like China, Venezuela, Cuba or North Korea? Maybe you should ask Otto Warmbier how he was treated in North Korea on his visit there? Oh that’s right, you can’t, he is dead as he was basically tortured to death. Does it ever dawn on Millennials that people are willing to risk death escaping Cuba to make it to the United States? Maybe we should ship these uneducated, over privileged your to Venezuela where their economy is in ruins due to socialism. How could a group of American youth be so ignorant? They embrace communism? What? Have these Millennials never seen the joy on Eastern Europeans faces when the Iron Curtain came down?

Hero Poll_110217

According to the latest survey from the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, a D.C.-based nonprofit, one in two U.S. millennials say they would rather live in a socialist or communist country than a capitalist democracy.

What’s more, 22% of them have a favorable view of Karl Marx and a surprising number see Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un as “heroes.”

Really, that’s what the numbers show.

“Millennials now make up the largest generation in America, and we’re seeing some deeply worrisome trends,” said Marion Smith, executive director of the organization. “Millennials are increasingly turning away from capitalism and toward socialism and even communism as a viable alternative.”

“Millennials now make up the largest generation in America, and we’re seeing some deeply worrisome trends,” said Marion Smith, executive director of the organization. “Millennials are increasingly turning away from capitalism and toward socialism and even communism as a viable alternative.”

But do they even know what it is?

Maybe Millennials can at Least comprehend the video below to get a clue as to the Berlin Wall (Hint: East Germany was Communist side of wall)

The survey, which was conducted by research and data firm YouGov, found that millennials are the least knowledgable generation on the subject, with 71% failing to identify the proper definition of communism.

Smith explained that this “troubling turn” highlights pervasive historical illiteracy across the country and “the systemic failure of our education system to teach students about the genocide, destruction, and misery caused by communism since the Bolshevik Revolution one hundred years ago.”

Some thing needs to be done in this country or it is finished.

China Considers 3 Year Jail Terms for Disrespecting National Anthem and Flag … NFL Players May Want to Take Notice


China is considering giving 3 year jail terms for those who disrespect their national anthem or flag in public. China has already passed a new law in September mandating up to 15 days in police detention for those who mock the “March of the Volunteers” national anthem. The law covers China, as well as the Chinese territories of Hong Kong and Macau. The players of the NFL who consistently take a knee and disrespect the flag, national anthem and military may want to thank their lucky stars that they live in such a plantation mentality country that pays them millions for playing a game and doesn’t jail them for their actions. Maybe if these malcontents think the USA is so bad, they can go to China instead and see what real oppression and slavery looks like.

NFL Kneeling

China’s largely rubber-stamp parliament is considering jail terms of up to three years for people who disrespect the national anthem or flag in public, while an existing anthem law will be applied in Hong Kong, state media said on Tuesday.

Xi Jinping has ushered in new legislation aimed at securing China from threats both within and outside its borders since taking over as president in 2013, as well as presiding over a sweeping crackdown on dissent and free speech.

China passed a new law in September mandating up to 15 days in police detention for those who mock the “March of the Volunteers” national anthem, a law that also covers the Chinese territories of Hong Kong and Macau.

Parliament is now looking at whether to amend China’s Criminal Law to include criminal penalties for disrespect of the national anthem, including intentionally distorting the lyrics or tune, Xinhua said.

“Violators in this regard may face punishments of up to three years of imprisonment, according to the draft,” it said.

It was not clear when the amendment might be passed but it could be at the end of the week, when parliament’s standing committee closes its current session.

America’s Favorite Pastime is Back … MLB Brings Back Respect for National Anthem, Game 1 World Series … Keith Williams Jr. Hits a Home Run with his Rendition of National Anthem(VIDEO)


Major League Baseball may just become America’s favorite pastime again. In recent years the NFL passed baseball by as America’s favorite pastime; however, I feel the winds of change. With all the controversy going on in the NFL with entitled millionaire players disrespecting the national anthem, the American flag and the military by taking a knee, not standing, staying in the locker room or doing some other disrespectful gesture during the playing of our nation’s anthem, check out the video below and see how Major League Baseball got it right.

Watch the players, Black, White, Asian and Hispanic, all standing with hats off with reverence and respect. Many of these baseball players are not even American citizens, but they show the respect for the anthem and flag. Then Keith Williams Jr., a black gospel sing, just nails it, NAILS IT and hits a grand slam! This rendition of the American National Anthem at the start of game one of the 2017 World Series between the LA Dodgers and the Houston Astros was simply amazing. That is how it is done NFL. But instead, the fools of the NFL continue to show disrespect and lose their fan base as more and more people tune off the NFL. Keep it up NFL. What is really sick, is we actually have people in this country who think it is appropriate to kneel. Shameful and indicative of a declining and respectful society.

Thank you Keith Williams Jr!!!

Hey, why not another version of the same rendition, this time with a fly over at the end. This is just fantastic. I cannot get enough of this video. What an amazing job at I time when we really needed it. KUDOS to MLB. Oh and by the way, it has been a great series!!!

10/24/17: Hannity Discusses Clinton-DNC-Russian Dossier and Clinton-Obama-Russian Uranium Deal with Gregg Jarrett and Dr. Sebastian Gorka (VIDEO)


Last night on Hannity, Sean discussed the Hillary Clinton and DNC involvement in funding the Russian dossier on Donald Trump and the Clinton-Obama-Russian Uranium One deal with Gregg Jarrett and Dr. Sebastian Gorka. With regards to the Uranium One dirty deal h Gregg Jarrett stated that the confidential FBI informant could not be gagged and prevented from speaking to Congress. Jarret cited Supreme court case, McGrane v. Doherty.

If there is collusion, it is Hillary-Russian collusion not Trump-Russian collusion. Hillary Clinton and the DNC was paying Fusion GPS for the dossier where Christopher Steele  Moscow and talked to the Kremlin and gather false information for lies and disinformation during a presidential campaign from the Russians. Hmm, where is  Special Counsel Robert Mueller?

The most shocking revelation of all that stinks to the heavens is … Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, Andrew Weisman and James Comey all appear to have covered this up. They never notified Congress, which they were legally bound to do. And the Democrats and Mueller are worried about 100,00 of Facebook ads and not 20% of the United States uranium. Add AG Eric Holder to the mix as well.  They all knew in 2009 and let this deal go through. The fix was in.

A New Democrat Low … Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL) Politicizing the Tragedy of the Death of Sgt. La David Johnson (VIDEO)


The exploitation of a tragedy … At a time that is the most raw, emotional and personal, a president’s call to the family of a fallen soldier should always remain just that, personal and private. Such was the case when President Donald Trump called the widow of fallen serviceman, Sgt. La David Johnson. Sadly, Johnson, a 25-year-old father of two, was killed October 4 while fighting in Niger. According to reports, she was on her way to receive her husband’s casket. Enter Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL) and the sick politicization begins. This hateful woman actually went on the liberal networks and spewed her hate.  She was then forced to say, “I didn’t here the whole phone call”. Imagine that? So she didn’t hear the entire context of the call, she only cherry picked the things she wanted to to fit her hateful, anti-Trump agenda. It is even more sick that the liberal MSM would pile on.

According to President Trump, he said to the widow among many other things, “knew what he signed up for … but when it happens, it hurts anyway.”

Gold Star father Craig Gross came out in defense of President Trump and stated that he believes critics of President Donald Trump’s reported comments to a soldier’s widow mistook his intended meaning.

It is really sick that this bias, hateful woman would take President Trump’s words out of context like this. Nobody was saying that he should have known he would die. Good grief. Sgt. La David Johnson is a hero and God bless your family. Personally, I praise Sgt. La David Johnson for his service and sacrifice to this great nation. This is why we honor the heroes of our military and especially the ones who lay down their lives. This is why We the People get upset at the NFL players disrespecting the National anthem, the flag and the military.

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