Barack Obama & Vladimir Putin Phone Conversation on ‘The Tonight Show’ … Obamacare is a Joke in Russia, Too

Imagine a government forcing people to accept something that the majority of them don’t even want. In fact, what if 38.9% were in favor and 53.6% were against, or a -14.7% average of people were against what a government had forced on its people. Are we referring to Putin, Russia and Crimea? Hardly, we are talking about Barack Obama, Democrats and Obamacare. How bad is it when we can compare what Russia does to it’s citizens to that what those in power in America does to theirs?

From Jilly Fallon and The Tonight Show:

Obama - “Don’t you see what you’re doing though? You’re forcing people to accept something that the majority of them don’t even want.”
Putin – “Yes, in Russia we have word for this … Obamacare“.

Barack Obama Announces Sanctions Against 11 Russian Officials, Russian Deputy PM Laughs at Obama’s Weakness … Calls Obama a Prankster

Barack Obama flexes his political “mom jean” foreign policy against Russia …

Barack Obama Obama announced sanctions against 7, make that 11, Russian officials after Crimea referendum; however, none of them named is Vladimir Putin.In a sign of not backing down from Obama’s line in the snow, President Vladimir Putin on Monday, March 17, signed a degree recognizing the Republic of Crimea as a sovereign and independent state. This followed a vote where more than 96% of Crimean voters cast their ballots to break away from Ukraine and rejoin Russia.

Oh, and what was the response from Russia of Obama’s sanctions? Were they shaking in their boots, did they back down and say, okay Barack, you are too powerful and intimidating for us? Hardly, the Russian Deputy prime minister laughed at Obama’s sanctions asking “Comrade @BarackObama” if “some prankster” came up with the list. Maybe not a prankster, but certainly a community agitator. Barack Obama is out of his league in dealing with Russia. Vladimir Putin is not John Boehner or Mitch McConnell.


President Obama today issued a new Executive Order (E.O.) under the national emergency with respect to Ukraine that finds that the actions and policies of the Russian government with respect to Ukraine -– including through the deployment of Russian military forces in the Crimea region of Ukraine –- undermine democratic processes and institutions in Ukraine; threaten its peace, security, stability, sovereignty, and territorial integrity; and contribute to the misappropriation of its assets.

In response to the Russian government’s actions contributing to the crisis in Ukraine, this new E.O. lists seven Russian government officials who are being designated for sanctions.  These individuals are Vladislav Surkov, Sergey Glazyev, Leonid Slutsky, Andrei Klishas, Valentina Matviyenko, Dmitry Rogozin, and Yelena Mizulina.

The United States also will seek to hold accountable individuals who use their resources or influence to support or act on behalf of senior Russian government officials.  We recognize that the Russian leadership derives significant support from, and takes action through, individuals who do not themselves serve in any official capacity.  Our current focus is to identify these individuals and target their personal assets, but not companies that they may manage on behalf of the Russian state.

The gang of 11 sanctioned by Obama:

Kremlin aides:
Vladislav Surkov – An aide to President Vladimir Putin.
Sergei Glazyev – An economic aide to Putin who oversaw relations with Ukraine.

Top government official
Dmitry Rogozin – An outspoken, hawkish Deputy Prime Minister.
Elena Mizulina – A senior lawmaker, she is considered one of the Kremlin’s morality enforcers in the parliament.
Leonid Slutsky – A lawmaker in the lower house of Parliament. He is the chair of the Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration, and Relations with Compatriots.
Andrei Klishas – A member of the upper house of Parliament, the Federation Council, who proposed retaliatory action in case of Western sanctions on Russia.
Valentina Matviyenko – The head of the Federation Council.

Crimean officials
Sergey Aksyonov – Once an obscure pro-Russian politician in Crimea, he has now been declared the prime minister.
Vladimir Konstantinov – The newly declared speaker of Crimea’s parliament.

Ukrainian officials
Viktor Medvedchuk – A pro-Russian politician.
Viktor Yanukovich – The ousted president of Ukraine. He was elected in 2010 but was chased from office by protests last month.

Russian State TV Says Russia Could turn US to ‘Radioactive Ash’

Look what Russian state run TV is saying as American Democrat run media remains silent …

Anchor Dmitry Kiselyov of Russian state run TV said on Sunday, Russia was the only country capable of turning the United States into “radioactive ash”. So much for that Obama/Russian reset, eh? The anchor went on to say, “Americans themselves consider Putin to be a stronger leader than Obama.” Newsbusters points out that mum is the world when it comes to the US media reporting on the story. However, it would appear that the media to the North did.


Watch the translated VIDEO here.

A leading anchor on Russian state television on Sunday described Russia as the only country capable of turning the United States into “radioactive ash”, in an incendiary comment at the height of tensions over the Crimea referendum.

“Russia is the only country in the world realistically capable of turning the United States into radioactive ash,” anchor Dmitry Kiselyov said on his weekly news show on state-controlled Rossiya 1 television.

Kiselyov made the comment to support his argument that the United States and President Barack Obama were living in fear of Russia led by President Vladimir Putin amid the Ukraine crisis.

His program was broadcast as the first exit polls were being published showing an overwhelming majority of Crimeans voting to leave Ukraine and join Russia.

He stood in his studio in front of a gigantic image of a mushroom cloud produced after a nuclear attack, with the words “into radioactive ash”.

“Americans themselves consider Putin to be a stronger leader than Obama,” he added, pointing to opinion polls which then popped up on the screen.

Gallup Poll: Barack Obama’s Job Approval Ratings Back in the 30′s

No one can say he did not get to his job approval rating the old fashion way … he earned it!

According to the most recent Gallup poll, 3 day rolling average, President Barack Obama’s job approval rating in back in the 30′s. Take your pick, the economy, record debt, record number of individuals on food stamps, failed green energy agenda, scandals like Benghazi-gate and IRS-gate, foreign policy disasters like Syria, Libya, the failed Arab Spring and the disastrous Russia reset and Obamacare … one wonders how Obama is not in the 20′s.

Democrats are panicking ahead of the 2014 midterm elections.

Obama_gallup_job approval 031414

Credit – Gallup

YouGov/Economist Poll: Russian President Vladimir Putin is a Stronger Leader Than President Obama

It would appear that riding shirtless on horseback beats mom jeans …

According to a YouGov/Economist survey, 78% viewed Russian President Vladimir Putin as somewhat to very strong leader, while just 45% saw Barack Obama the same way. Gee, ya think? You are comparing an ex-KGB official with a community organizer, need anyone say more. The 45% is some what high in my opinion. Exactly what has Barack Obama done to show he is a leader, let alone a strong one? One does not have to like Putin, or agree with anything he does or says to understand he is a stronger leader than Obama. Vladimire Putin is running circles around this naive president as Russian troops mass at the Ukraine border. Welcome to what America would have looked like had Ronald Regan not defeated Jimmy Carter in 1980.


You make the call

Obama_mom jeans

Maybe it is the photos of him posing shirtless on horseback, or his military push into Ukraine, but Americans in a new poll believe Russian President Vladimir Putin is a much stronger leader than President Obama.

A YouGov/Economist survey of 1,000 adults interviewed March 8-10 found that 78 percent view Putin as somewhat to very strong leader. Just 45 percent see Obama the same way. Worse, more Americans, 55 percent, view Obama as a weak leader.

The poll comes as the president is struggling with a response to Putin’s push into Ukraine and expectations that Crimea will break off and join Russia.

The rest of the polling data can be read HERE.

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