The UN, Hugo Chavez, Raul Castro and Vladimir Putin Endorse Obama for Four more years … UN Warns America Nor to Elect Romney

Could there be four better Presidential endorsements for Mitt Romney than the United Nations, Putin, Chavez and Castro endorsing Barack Obama for President of the United States?

As reported at Breitbart, the UN warns Americans not to elect Mitt Romney.Really, the UN is telling us to do something? Who the hell are you people to tell us to do anything? You act as if you are actually relevant. Just curious, when was the last time that the United Nation’s had America’s best interests at heart?

As stated at the Jawa Report, that is more than enough vote for Romney in itself. Why would any right minded thinking American citizen do what the un-UN wanted?  But of course water-boarding had nothing to do with extracting information from 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and information from Al Qaeda operative Hassan Ghul in leading to the death of Bin Laden.

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights has warned Americans not to elect Republican Mitt Romney in next month’s presidential election, saying that doing so would be “a democratic mandate for torture.”

The UN’s Ben Emmerson was referring to Romney’s refusal to rule out the use of waterboarding in interrogating terror detainees, a practice that President Barack Obama has ended.

But wait, there is more ringing endorsements for Barack Obama. Hugo Chavez, Raul Castro and Vladimir Putin all endorse Obama. So will the Obama campaign make up new bumper stickers, signs and pins, Dictators for Obama? So why would such individuals want to back Barack Obama? Could it be because he is a weak, ineffective US President who likes bowing to foreign leaders?

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