LEFTY Roseanne Barr Tweets Address of Zimmerman’s Parents, Then Says She Will Go to Their House … What Was Her Intent?


Roseann Barr TWEETED the address of George Zimmerman’s parents and then sent another TWEET stating that she would go to their home. To do what exactly Roseanne? What is her intent, to stir up violence and fan the flames of the already out of control mob mentality? As stated by Weasel Zippers, Roseanne Barr appears to be picking up where Spike Lee left off. Are these people only going to be happy if someone gets hurt? Just curious, what happens if a crazed lunatic sees the TWEET, goes to the address and kills someone, will Roseanne be held liable?

There come a point and time where people need to act in a responsible manner. However, Tweeting one’s address and then tweeting that you are going to go to their home, what exactly is Roseanne’s intent? To many that is interpreted as a threat.

Just curious, what part about TWITTER rules does Roseanne Barr and the other vigilante loons not get?

“You may not publish or post other people’s private and confidential information, such as credit card numbers, street address or Social Security/National Identity numbers, without their express authorization and permission.”

As reported at The Smoking Gun … The TWITTER Vigilante Crew continues.

The comedian Roseanne Barr last night tweeted the home address of George Zimmerman’s parents to her 110,000-plus Twitter followers, only to delete the posting after “not fully understanding that it was private not public.”

Barr’s posting of the correct Florida address of Robert and Gladys Zimmerman came at the same time Spike Lee was issuing an apology for erroneously disseminating a tweet that purportedly contained the home address of George Zimmerman, who last month killed teenager Trayvon Martin.

Barr, who deleted her tweet in the face of criticism from some Twitter followers, noted that she first thought it “was good to let ppl know that no one can hide anymore.”  That stance quickly changed, with Barr reporting, “But vigilante-ism is what killed Trayvon. I don’t support that.”

But while Barr deleted her original posting, the Zimmermans’s address remains in messages in her Twitter stream. Barr’s original tweet was a retweet of a post by a new Twitter user who appears devoted to disseminating the Zimmermans’s address and phone number, as well as contact information for Joseph Oliver, who has made numerous TV appearances in support of Zimmerman, a friend and former coworker.

Who is really going to be shocked when some one is hurt or killed because of this vigilantism?

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