Just Criminal: Obama Administration Refuse to Enforce Immigrations Laws … ICE Released 68,000 Illegal Immigrants with Criminal Convictions

How is it that Obamacare is the law of the land, yet Barack Obama refuses to enforce current immigration laws?

UNREAL … This is how the Obama administration protects the citizens of the United States? You know Barack, the legal ones! As reported at The Hill, in 2013 Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials released 68,000 illegal immigrants with criminal convictions back into the population. Instead of deporting these criminals, the Obama administration released 35% of the illegals with criminal records back into the general population. Barack Obama should be charged with a crime for this.

Obama_mexican illegals

Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials last year released 68,000 illegal immigrants with criminal convictions, undercutting Democratic claims that President Obama has strictly enforced immigration laws.

An internal Department of Homeland Security document compiling statistics on arrests and deportations in 2013 showed that ICE agents encountered 193,357 illegal immigrants with criminal convictions but issued charging documents for only 125,478. More than 67,800 were released.

The data came from an end-of-year “Weekly Departures and Detention Report.”

The Center for Immigration Studies, a research group that favors stricter enforcement of immigration laws, estimates ICE agents released more than a third of illegal immigrants with criminal records they detained.

“ICE released 68,000 criminal aliens in 2013, or 35 percent of the criminal aliens encountered by officers.

As Breitbart further points out, this report comes out on the heels of a report from the office of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) last week which found that only .08 percent of the aliens deported in 2013 were not serial immigration law violators or convicted of serious crimes.

Actor and Martial Arts Expert Steven Seagal Considers a Run for Arizona Governor

Arizona Governor Steven Seagal?

Steven Seagal, the actor and martial arts expert says he is considering a run to be the governor of Arizona. Seagal said in an interview with ABC15 that the number one problem facing America today is open border. The 61 year old actor stated that because of the US open borders “any type of terrorism could come, and does come”.  Seagal had a pretty much common sense and factual approach on his views of borders amnesty and the need to secure our borders. Seagal goes on to discuss his association with Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and that when they arrest someone who commits a crime, they do not care whether they are Mexican, Irish, French, German or Chinese.

Seagal says he’s had discussions with Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio about the prospective bid, but has other priorities to consider.

The 61-year-old Seagal made the comments while talking about his newly released reality series “Steven Seagal – Lawman: Maricopa County” (The Lost Episodes.)

According to Seagal, the number one problem facing the U.S. is its open borders.

The Daily Mail:

He told ABC that the country’s leading problem today is open borders, ‘I don’t think our biggest problem is Islamist terrorism in America. Oh I don’t think that’s it at all,’ he said. ‘The biggest problem is open borders. I think that across these borders, any type of terrorism can occur.’

He believes that open borders are, ‘ a tremendous oversight by the current administration.’

He quoted Reagan who said, ‘If you don’t have security on your borders you don’t have a country.’

One other issue Seagal would address is that of amnesty.

‘You have to be very careful with blanket pardons,’ he said.If you’re gonna pardon people you should do a background on them to make sure they’re safe for society.’

Seagal also told ABC that all he and Arpaio care about on their tv show is ‘whether or not you’re a criminal.’

He says that he and the tough sheriff do not discriminate based on race or nationality.

One US Border Agent Shot Dead, Second Injured in Shooting Near Naco, AZ at Brian Terry Station, A Known Drug Corridor

BREAKING … As reported at Fox News, two US Border agents have been shot near Naco, AZ, a known drug smuggling corridor. One US Border agent has been killed, the other injured. The names of the Border Patrol agents have not been released. The shooting occurred at the Brian Terry Station near Naco, AZ, which is just south of Tucson.

Two U.S. Border Patrol agents were shot, one fatally, Tuesday morning in an area south Arizona known as a major drug-smuggling corridor, authorities said.

The identities of the agents were not immediately released, but the shooting occurred at the Brian Terry Station near Naco, Ariz., which is just south of Tucson. The station was named after an agent who was killed in the line of duty in December 2010.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the slain border patrols family, friends and loved ones.

Just a couple of days after Univision released a video and showed a connection between the Fast & Furious gun walking program and the deaths and massacre of Mexican teens at the hands of drug cartels, we have this.

UPDATE I: The injured agent has been airlifted to the hospital,” Crystal Amarillas, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Border Patrol in Tuscon, said in a statement to KVOA.com.

Attorney General Eric Holder Plays the Victim Card, Says Republicans Made Him a ‘proxy’ to Attack President Obama

Well, if Democrats can’t play the race card, they are all too willing to play the victim card … or both.

Attorney General Eric Holder has played the victim card. Holder stated that the Republican House have made the “Fast & Furious” gun walking program a politically motivated investigation during an election year and used him as a proxy to attack President Obama.  The House voted last week to hold Eric Holder in criminal and civil  Contempt of Congress.   Actually, the only reason why the “Fast & Furious” scandal has lead to an election year was because of the delay and stall tactics by Holder. Had he handed over the requested documents when they were first asked for, this would have been over months ago.  Instead Holder wants to play the victim, but like states at The Gateway Pundit,  this could have nothing to do with getting documents and information as to the gun walking program and the death of border agent Brian Terry and finding answers for the slain agent’s family.

Ya got my back, right dude?

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. sharply criticized lawmakers Monday for voting to hold him in contempt of Congress last week, saying Republicans have made him a “proxy” to attack President Obama in an election year.

In his first interview since Thursday’s vote, Holder said lawmakers have used an investigation of a botched gun-tracking operation as a way to seek retribution against the Justice Department for its policies on a host of issues, including immigration, voting rights and gay marriage. He said the chairman of the committee leading the inquiry, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), is engaging in political theater as the Justice Department tries to focus on public safety.

“I’ve been doing all of these things all the time Darrell Issa and his band have been nipping at my heels,” a defiant Holder said. “They’ve been nipping, but I’ve been walking.”

Brian Terry, the real victim in “Fast & Furious”

So let’s get this correct, Eric Holder thinks he has done nothing wrong and this is all about an concerted effort to get Barack Obama? Really Mr. Holder, that is your final answer? Who is playing politics? Could anyone really be this arrogant? It is hard to believe that a White House could be so insensitive to a slain border agent’s family in refusing to get to the bottom of what happened, who knew what and when. A note to the Honorable Eric Holder, the only victim is Brian Terry, his family and the individuals killed in Mexico as a result of this failed program.

Executive Privilege … Dennis K. Burke, Obama Contributor Who Helped Enact Assault-Weapons Ban, Ran ‘Fast and Furious’

Things that make you go hmmm … As stated at Weasel Zippers, maybe we see the reason for “executive privilege”,  everything points directly to Obama policy.

From CNS News:

Dennis K. Burke, who as a lawyer for the Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee in the 1990s was a key player behind the enactment of the 1994 assault-weapons ban, and who then went on to become Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano’s chief of staff, and a contributor to Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential primary campaign, and then a member of Obama’s transition team focusing on border-enforcement issues, ended up in the Obama administration as the U.S. attorney in Arizona responsible for overseeing Operation Fast and Furious. (read the full article at CNS News.com)

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