Uber-Leftist Bill Maher Defends Free Speech … “This is America, Do We Not Have the Right to Draw Whatever We Want?” (VIDEO)
Like him or hate him, agree with him or not, Bill Maher is 100% consistent and correct when t comes to radical Islam and their assault on our rights like freedom of speech. On his latest HBO show, ‘Real Time‘ with Bill Maher, he takes on the recent shooting in Garland, TX where two radical Islamist jihadist were shot dead by a Garland police officer as they tried to attack the “draw the Prophet Mohammad’ event.
Bill Maher starts out by saying, “this is America, do we not have the right to draw whatever we want?” Maher is 100% correct. Maher also mentioned the writers group, PEN, that recently gave Charlie Hebdo an award for courage. However, over 200 writers, including Garry Tradeau of Doonesbury comic fame, objected to the giving of the award, of which Maher thought was pretty crazy. I would have to agree, imagine a media that condemns other media for practicing free speech only because certain elitists in the media think their brand of free speech is the only allowed free speech? Does that not reek of censorship?
Maher reads Tradeau’s writings, “By punching downward, by attacking a powerless, disenfranchised minority with crude, vulgar drawings closer to graffiti than cartoons, Charlie wandered into the realm of hate speech, which in France is only illegal if it directly incites violence. Well, voila—the 7 million copies that were published following the killings did exactly that, triggering violent protests across the Muslim world. Then Bill Maher came out with the money line that all need to take a long hard look at. Maher says, “so this assumes that we just have to accept that Muslims are unable to control themselves the way we would ask everyone else in the world. To me that’s bigotry. That’s the soft bigotry of low expectations.” Maher further opines, “We don’t ask anyone else in the world
Then we are presented with typical stupidity and asinine comment that represents today’s PC liberalism of squishiness from MSNBC’s Alex Wagne who says ,”isn’t the whole point of free speech not to judge people based on what people say”? What turnip truck did this lib fall off of? But like a typical liberal, you cant offend and judge people. Panelist Will Cain would slap her down saying, “no that is definitely not the role of free speech, you judge, you just don’t censor”. I thought for one second Cain was going to use the old SNL line from the classic Dan Aykroyd and Jane Curtin Point-Counterpoint skit, “Jane Alex, you ignorant slut”.
Cain then went on to make a point that should be a wake up call to all of the media as he said, “You don’t just have a right to free speech, when someone’s position is, if you offend me, I will kill you, it becomes virtuous for you to offend that person. You need to offend that person. You need to shock that person out of that horrible position.” AMEN BROTHER!!! But instead, the cowardly MSM shrinks when it is their head on the line.
Maher brought up Charlie Hebdo and said he’s a little disturbed by the whole “soft bigotry of low expectations” when it comes to that magazine’s critics assuming that “Muslims aren’t able to control themselves.”
MSNBC’s Alex Wagner asked, “Isn’t the whole point of free speech not to judge people?” Cain shot back that when people threaten to kill just for expressing opinions, “it becomes virtuous to offend that person… [and] you need to shock them out of their horrible position.”
Former Rhode Island governor Lincoln Chafee said, “You’re talking about hatred!” Maher found that a little mind-boggling in a conversation about people who kill for free speech. He said everyone should be on the side of Muslims who just want to live their lives and don’t draw attention to people mocking their faith.
Wagner and Cain threw down over the appropriateness of the Charlie Hebdo award, with Wagner arguing that journalists who travel the world and put themselves in danger are “practicing courageous acts” moreso than cartoonists.
Posted May 9, 2015 by Scared Monkeys Bill Maher, First Amendment, Freedom - Liberty, Freedom of Speech, Islam/Muslims, Islamist, Islamofascist, Jihad, Liberal Intolerance, Liberals, Media, Progressives, Radical Islam, Terrorism, US Constitution, War on Terror | 4 comments |
Juan Williams Says Pam Geller “Engaged in Gratuitous Offensive Behavior That Led to the Deaths of Two People” (VIDEO)
When free speech in the United States protects pornography, art that places a Crucifix of Jesus Chris in urine and the burning of the America flag, Mohammad is fair game as well. Sorry Juan William, you don’t get to say I am for free speech, but …
In the United States of America, there are no rules put on “free speech’ as afforded by the US Constitution unless you yell “fire” or “bomb”. But that is not the case anymore for liberals and the likes of Juan Williams. Listen to Williams below say that he is all for free speech and then tell us just the opposite and say that he is against it when it comes to the rights of Pam Gellar and the Draw the Prophet Mohammad cartoon contest. Williams says in the VIDEO below, “because she engaged in gratuitous offensive behavior that led to the deaths of two people”. Okay’ let’s stop here. Yes her actions did lead to the deaths of two people, they there two radical Islamist jihadists, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi. Both of these radical Muslims have been killed and we wont have to worry about them anymore. Pam Gellar should be given a medal for smoking these two out.
Then Williams goes on to say, Gellar wasn’t about writing a book like Salman Rushdie or she wasn’t about Charlie Hebdo engaging in satire, but instead she did this as a provocative act to offend people. REALLY, YOU FOOL? Juan, are you really this stupid? You would really make the distinction and defend drawing a cartoon because it was satire versus used to be provocative? Lets just come out and say and and not mince worse, Juan Williams is a typical liberal ass-hat who only likes free speech that he agrees with.Satire is meant to be proactive you idiot! To radical Islam, they make no differentiation. So when you are in-front of a black cloaked jihadist with a knife in his hand about to cut your head off, making the excuse that your cartoon was done for satire will make no difference. As for Salman Rushdie and Satanic Versus, he knew exactly what he was doing and poked the hornets nest. But because Pamela Gellar is a conservative, anything she does is hated by the LEFT and they will make excuses.
If you have ever wondered whether Juan Williams was just a liberal who was misguided and there was some hope for, think again. The law of the land is the United States Constitution, not Shariah law, at least for now.
Hey Juan, what about the freedom of speech for radical Imam Anjem Choudary saying that Pamela Geller should be put to death? Are you in favor of that being protected free speech as well?
Posted May 9, 2015 by Scared Monkeys Civil Rights, Freedom - Liberty, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Speech, Islam/Muslims, Islamist, Islamofascist, Jihad, Liberal Intolerance, Liberals, Progressives, Radical Islam, Sharia Law, Terrorism, War on Terror, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 3 comments |
Radical Imam Anjem Choudary Says on Live TV that Pamela Geller She Should be Put to Death for Hosting Mohammed Cartoon Contest (VIDEO)
If you missed it, watch below the amazing exchange from FOX News – Hannity between Radical London Imam Anjem Choudary and Pamela Geller. During the interview, Iman Choudary said that Pamela Geller should be brought in front of a Sharia court and put to death for her actions. That is correct, on LIVE TV Choudary called for the death of Geller and wanted her dead for deliberately hosting a cartoon contest that insulted the prophet Mohammad. The hell with free protected speech as afforded by the United States Constitution, this Iman wants Geller in front of a Muslim Sharia court and be put to death. Welcome to Islam, the religion of Peace.
After Geller had to listen to the vile threats from Choudary, it was her turn to talk; however, the radical Iman kept interrupting her. That was when Pam Geller had the line of the night and said to Anjem Choudary, “I’m talking, sir … I know you’re used to stepping over women but you’re not going to have it here.”
Posted May 7, 2015 by Scared Monkeys al-Qaeda, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, ISIS, Islam/Muslims, Islamist, Islamofascist, Jihad, Radical Islam, Sharia Law, Terrorism, US Constitution, War on Terror, You Tube - VIDEO | 2 comments |
Second Garland, TX ‘Muhammad Art & Cartoon Contest’ Shooter Identified as 34 Year Old Nadir Soofi
The authorities have identified the second Garland, Texas gunman radical Islamist who opened fire at the draw ‘Muhammad Art & Cartoon Contest’ as 34 year old Nadir Soofi. He and his fellow jihadist, Elton Simpson, who were roommates and lived in Phoenix, AZ attacked the pro-free speech event and were shot dead by Garland police. Simpson was reportedly known to the FBI for his possible terrorist ties; however, Soofi appears not to have been. Imagine that, you are the roommate of a supposed terrorist and no one thinks to look at his actions. Really? One thing is for certain, we will no longer have to worry about either one of them now.
The two men attended the Islamic Center of North Phoenix together.
Authorities in Texas have identified Nadir Soofi as the second gunman who opened fire on a “Draw Muhammad” art contest in a Dallas suburb on Sunday night.
Soofi, authorities say, shared an apartment in Phoenix with Elton Simpson, who was convicted of lying to federal authorities in 2011 and was considered a terrorist suspect. The two men attended the Islamic Center of North Phoenix together.
Just minutes before Soofi and Simpson launched their attack at a community center in Garland, Texas, the two men posted messages on social media accounts with the hashtag “#TexasAttack.” Groups such as ISIS picked up on the hashtag and posted messages of support for the two gunmen, who were then killed by a police officer outside the building.
CNN: What we know about the Garland shooters, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi.
He may have been an ISIS supporter
While U.S. authorities investigate whether Sunday’s shooting has any link to international terrorism, ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack. In a radio broadcast, the terror group referred to Simpson and Soofi as two of its “soldiers” and and threatened more attacks.
Moments before the shootout, Simpson posted an ominous tweet with the hashtag #texasattack: “May Allah accept us as mujahideen.”
The tweet also said Simpson and his fellow attacker had pledged allegiance to “Amirul Mu’mineen,” which means “the leader of the faithful.” CNN terrorism analyst Paul Cruickshank said that probably refers to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi.
Earlier, Simpson had asked his readers on Twitter to follow an ISIS propagandist.
After the shooting, the same propagandist tweeted: “Allahu Akbar!!!! 2 of our brothers just opened fire.”
He died near where he was born
Soofi was born in Garland and spent the first three years of his life there, his mother said, according to The Dallas Morning News.
“He was raised in a normal American fashion,” Sharon Soofi said. “Yes, he was very politically involved with the Middle East. Just aware of what’s going on. I don’t know if something snapped or if Elton Simpson was just working on him.”
He left behind an 8-year-old son
Sharon Soofi also said her son had an 8-year-old boy whom he adored.
“He put his son above everything,” she said. “The hard thing to comprehend is why he would do this and leave an 8-year-old son behind.”
He went to a prestigious private school
Posted May 5, 2015 by Scared Monkeys Deceased, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Islam/Muslims, Islamist, Islamofascist, Jihad, Radical Islam, Terrorism, War on Terror | 2 comments |
ISIS Claims Responsibility for ‘Draw Muhammad Contest’ Attack in Garland, Texas
ISIS has claimed responsibility Tuesday for the Sunday’s attack at a Muhammad Drawing Contest in Garland, Texas.
ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack outside a Prophet Mohammed cartoon contest in Garland, Texas and warned of more attacks to come. In a broadcast on its official radio channel Tuesday, the group said two Al Khilafa soldiers opened fire outside the event in Garland.
ISIS may claim responsibility for the attack, but one thing is certain, DON’T MESS WITH TEXAS!!! A Garland police officer killed both Islamists with his police issued revolver. Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi were armed with assualt weapons and wearing bullet-proof vests. Garland’s finest took them both out, both radical Islamists won’t be down for Sal?t.
Click HERE or on PIC to watch VIDEO via Fox & Friends
The claim was made in an audio message on the group’s Al Bayan radio station, based in the Syria city of Raqqa, which ISIS has proclaimed to be the capital of its self-proclaimed caliphate. It is the first time ISIS has taken credit for an attack on U.S. soil, though it was not immediately clear whether the group’s claim was an opportunistic co-opting of a so-called “lone wolf” attack as its own.
The message described the shooting suspects as “two soldiers of the caliphate” and added “We tell America that what is coming is more bitter and harder and you will see from the soldiers of the Caliphate what harms you.”
Officials have not said whether they believe the attack was motivated by terrorism. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said in a statement Monday that law enforcement authorities are investigating the men’s motives and all circumstances surrounding the attack.
Posted May 5, 2015 by Scared Monkeys Draw Mohammad Contest, Freedom of Speech, ISIS, Islam/Muslims, Islamofascist, Radical Islam, War on Terror, You Tube - VIDEO | one comment |