Democrat Party Presidential Debate Held in Las Vegas, NV … Really, Is This the Best the Democrats Have to Offer?


The Democrat Party Presidential debate was held in Las Vegas, NV last night moderated by CNN’s Anderson Cooper. Honestly, it was literally unwatchable. Forget the fact that CNN was in the tank for these Democrat candidates, forget the fact that the socialist and only person within striking distance gave Hillary Clinton a pass on her email/server scandal, forget the fact that all of these Libs would bankrupt an already in debt America with their free-give away plans … Have you really taken a look at these candidates?



Seriously, as I watched the debate last night and looked over the stage of Democrat presidential primary candidates all I could think of was … THAT’S IT? This is the best and the brightest that the Donkey party has to offer America? Lincoln Chafee and O’Malley have no business even being on the stage. At times I think Chafee had no idea if he was in Las Vegas or Providence, RI. Jim Webb looked like he was in a time warp and should have been in a 1950′s debate as his message and military career is completely lost on today’s far Left of center Democrat party. Then there is the 73 year old Socialist Bernie Sanders who comes off as just a lunatic. Really, a major political party has a socialist running for president? Finally, we have the scandal plagued Hillary Clinton. Folks, if Hillary Clinton can not defeat these grade D politicians, she is then completely useless. This is the equivalent of an NFL team playing a high-school team and the announcers actually trying to make you believe the match will actually be a close game.

To make things even more pathetic, all we hear is that crazy uncle Joe Biden is the savior for the Democrats. Imagine Biden with all his gaffes being your secret weapon. Note to Democrats and the MSM, after watching that display last night, you can no longer make fun of Donald Trump and the GOP candidates.

NBC/WSJ Poll: Donald Trump & Ben Carson Lead GOP Race … Hillary Clinton Loses Ground to Bernie Sanders


A new NBC/WSJ poll has some interesting trends on both sides of the aisle. On the Republican side, 3 of the 4 leaders of the pack are political outsiders. The poll has Donald Trump at number one with 21%, Ben Carson a close second with 20% and Carly Fiorino and Sen. Marco Rubio with 11%. So why has Ben Carson closed the gap on The Donald? Could it possibly be as opined by Pamela Gellar that, “the emperor has no clothes, and Carson was the only one brave enough to say it, to violate the sharia (‘do not criticize Islam’).” Of course it was Donald Trump who brought the issue of illegals to the political conversation. For some reason establishment candidates have an issue in discussing and taking a stand on the issues that matter to “We the People”.

With the Democrats, scandal plagued Hillary Clinton still leads socialist Bernie Sanders, bit only by a 7% with yet to announce Joe Biden in the race. As Clinton poll numbers tank, she was forced to take to the Sunday talk shows and try to tell the American people that she has been transparent. LOL!!! However, if and when Biden ever does announce his presidential run, the Democrat polls will completely have a shake up with most likely Biden being on top. Imagine that, crazy uncle Joe Biden is the savior of the party.

NBC News:

Donald Trump and Ben Carson are running neck and neck in the national Republican presidential horserace, while Carly Fiorina is now tied for third place with Marco Rubio, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

And on the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton has lost ground to Bernie Sanders — she leads him by just seven points with Joe Biden in the race, and 15 points without the vice president. That’s down from Clinton’s 34-point lead over Sanders in July and her whopping 60-point lead in June.

In the GOP race, Trump is the first choice of 21 percent of Republican primary voters — followed by Carson at 20 percent and Rubio and Fiorina tied at 11 percent each.

CNN/WMUR poll: Socialist Bernie Sander Leads Hillary Clinton 46% to 30% in New Hampshire


According to a recent CNN/WMUR poll, self-proclaimed Socialist Bernie Sanders leads Hillary Clinton 46% to 30% in the Granite state. SANDERS HAS A 16 PERCENTAGE POINT LEAD, ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I know it is early, but WOW!!! Clinton’s poll numbers continue to tank amid her email/private server scandal. As the PJ Tatler opines, Hillary Clinton is not even winning woman in New Hampshire. I would appear that the Hillary Clinton is not a sure bet to be the Democrat nominee and its only a matter of time before Joe Biden announced his presidential run so that the Donkey party does not have a 74 year old socialist representing them in a general presidential election in 2016.

Full poll results can be seen HERE.


Sanders has the backing of nearly half of those who say they plan to vote in the first-in-the-nation Democratic primary next year — 46% support him — while just 30% say they back Clinton. Another 14% say they would support Biden, 2% former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, 1% former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb, and less than half of 1% back former Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee or Harvard professor Lawrence Lessig.

Clinton trails Sanders across most demographic groups, with broad gender and ideology divides bolstering Sanders’ run. He holds 56% of male Democratic voters compared with just 20% who back her, while the two are much closer among women, 39% back Sanders, 37% Clinton. Likewise, Sanders holds a 56% to 30% lead among liberals, versus a 37% to 31% race among moderates.


Socialist Bernie Sanders Leads Hillary Clinton by 11 in New Hampshire, by 9 with Biden in Race


According to the most recent NBC News/Marist poll, self-proclaimed Socialist Bernie Sanders has a 11 point lead over Hillary Clinton. That is not a typo folks, a socialist now is the front runner in the Granite state for the Democrat nominee for president. Just two months ago Hillary was up by double digits over Sanders. The more and more Clinton pours money in politics ads into NH, the more she sinks. Just how embarrassing will it be for the Democrat party, if a socialist is their nominee?

Bernie Sanders has jumped out to a nine-point lead over front-runner Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, and he’s gained ground on her among Iowa voters in the Democratic presidential race, according to a pair of brand-new NBC News/Marist polls.

In New Hampshire, the Vermont senator gets the support of 41 percent of Democratic voters, Clinton gets 32 percent and Vice President Joe Biden gets 16 percent. No other Democratic candidate receives more than 1 percent.

Full NBC/Marist poll.

Iowa Poll: Hillary Clinton Leads Socialist Bernie Sanders in Iowa 37% to 30%


Doesn’t this speak volumes of the Democrat party. According to a new Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics Iowa Poll, self-proclaimed socialist Bernie Sanders has narrowed the gap on Hillary Clinton in polling for the Democratic presidential nominee, 37% to 30%. The Vermont Senator now only trails Hillary by 7. How is this possible? Just how damaged a candidate is Hillary Clinton, or has the Democrat party finally jumped the shark and truly has become nothing more than a Socialist party? And of course what does it say about the Democrat party in general when we have an open election for the next president of the United States and all the Donkeys can provide as candidates is a liar, a socialist, two unknowns that no one cares about and crazy VP who has not declared whether he is in or out.


Liberal revolutionary Bernie Sanders, riding an updraft of insurgent passion in Iowa, has closed to within 7 points of Hillary Clinton in the Democratic presidential race.

She’s the first choice of 37 percent of likely Democratic caucusgoers; he’s the pick for 30 percent, according to a new Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics Iowa Poll.

But Clinton has lost a third of her supporters since May, a trajectory that if sustained puts her at risk of losing again in Iowa, the initial crucible in the presidential nominating contest.

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