United States Battle for Independence 2010: Tea Parties vs. The Obama Culture of Dependence
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. (Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776)
No truer words were ever more self evident than in 2010 …
People have asked what is the Tea Party about and what do they stand for. Michael Barone’s article in The Washington Examiner hits pretty close to the point. The Tea Party is against higher taxes, out of control spending, record federal deficits, bail outs, politicians who have for got who they work for and most importantly, BIG GOVERNMENT. What do the Tea Party folks really want … INDEPENDENCE!!!
The direction put forth by Our Founding Fathers is what has allowed “We the People” to become the most prosperous, Representative Democratic nation in the world, not an over reaching and controlling nanny state government. We are the most productive, charitable and yes, whether you like it or not President Obama … the dominant world super power.
Barone touches on that very point in ‘Tea parties fight Obama’s culture of dependence.’
It is really a battle about culture, a battle between the culture of dependence and the culture of independence. Probably unknowingly, Roesgen was reflecting the the midcentury sociologist Paul Lazarsfeld’s dictum that politics is about who gets how much when. If some guy is getting $400, shouldn’t he just shut up and collect the money? Shouldn’t he be happy that his state government, headed recently by Rod Blagojevich, was getting an extra $50 billion?
But public policy also helps determine the kind of society we are. The Obama Democrats see a society in which ordinary people cannot fend for themselves, where they need to have their incomes supplemented, their health care insurance regulated and guaranteed, their relationships with their employers governed by union leaders. Highly educated mandarins can make better decisions for them than they can make themselves.
That is the culture of dependence. The tea partiers see things differently. They’re not looking for lower taxes; half of tea party supporters, a New York Times survey found, think their taxes are fair. Nor are they financially secure: Half say someone in their household may lose their job in the next year. Two-thirds say the recession has caused some hardship in their lives. But they recognize, correctly, that the Obama Democrats are trying to permanently enlarge government and increase citizens’ dependence on it.
Where would America be today if The Founding Fathers has formed a big brother government that was an all controlling nanny state? In order for success, there needs to be failure. President Obama just does not get it because he believes the Government should act as the all encompassing dominant entity like a King and the people should just be peasants acting in a plebeian manner. Never was this more evident as when Obama just recently mocked the Tea Party folks protesting his policies and agenda by stating, “they amuse me … they should be saying thank you.”
This is the 2010 version of the Battle of Independence in America. That is why Democrats and Obama have so misread the signs of the Tea Party and wanted to be dismissive. Much of what the Tea Party proclaims is not fringe or extreme. It is very emblematic of what every day Americans believe. Which can explain why in so many polls Obama’s policies are opposed by a majority of the American people and the middle of the road, in pendent voters with no party affiliation. How else does one explain a Republican like Scott Brown winning in Massachusetts? America was not based upon the redistribution of wealth model. It is not about a government hand out, although that id what Obama and Democrats would like to create so to form a permanent voting block of dependent individuals.
At some point every American is going to have to stand up, think for them self and their family and decide whether they want to be independent and that their children and grandchildren will have the rights endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Or be a dependent class of people solely beholden to whatever government is in power.
Barone in his article recalled a liberal MSM confrontation between CNN’s Susan Roesgen with a Tea Party goer and his daughter (VIDEO). The liberal media carrying the water and Obama message just could not understand that the dad did not want the government cookie that would make he and his family dependent upon BIG Government.
“Do you realize,” CNN’s Susan Roesgen asked a man at the April 15, 2009, tea party in Chicago, “that you’re eligible for a $400 credit?” When the man refused to drop his “drop socialism” sign, she went on, “Did you know that the state of Lincoln gets fifty billion out of the stimulus?”
Roesgen is no longer with CNN, and CNN has only about half as many viewers as it did last year. But her questions are revealing. They help us understand that the issue on which our politics has become centered — the Obama Democrats’ vast expansion of the size and scope of government — is really not just about economics.
Who won the debate between the MSM and the Tea Party from above? CNN’s Susan Roesgen was fired, CNN has lost their audience and the Tea Party is alive and well in 2010.
It’s up to you America … the United States is at a cross roads and this up coming midterm election in 2010 and the Presidential election in 2012 will determine whether America will be the shining example that Our Founding Father’s risked their lives for and fought a War of Independence for … or will we become like a social European country. Its your choice America.
Posted April 18, 2010 by Scared Monkeys 2010 Elections, 2012 Elections, Barack Obama, Economy, Government, Healthcare, Obamacare, Obamanation, Obamanomics, Politics, Polls, Socialism, Tax & Spend Liberals, Taxes, Tea Party, We the People | 5 comments |
Barack Obama to Tea Party and America … Let Them Eat Taxes … “They should be saying thank you”
Obama Arrogance on display …
President Barack Hussein Obama has nothing on Marie Antoinette as The One says to the Tea Party and Americans for that fact, “LET THEM EAT TAXES”.
One thing is for certain, Barack Obama cannot take criticism. Yesterday, at a Democratic National Committee (DNC) fundraiser in Miami, FL, Obama addressed the Tea party members and those that were protesting across the country on Tax Day by saying … “they should be saying thank you” because of the tax cuts he has signed into law.
Yes, the peasants should be thanking me and kissing my ring
What President of the United States mocks and makes fun of the people he serves? Do you ever remember a President being so flipped and condescending?
President Barack Obama struck a hyperpartisan note Thursday, telling Democrats that he was “amused” by the Tax Day Tea Party rallies.
Obama, addressing a Democratic National Committee (DNC) fundraiser in Miami, did little to endear himself to the Tea Party groups protesting around the country, saying “they should be saying thank you” because of the tax cuts he has signed into law.
The president went as far as to say that this week’s special election in Florida, which was won by Democrat Ted Deutch, was portrayed by Republicans as “a referendum on healthcare, a referendum on the stimulus.”
“And you know what, it was,” Obama said to applause.
Obama continued to dare Republicans to run on a platform of repealing healthcare reform, telling the audience “they won’t be very successful.”
Mock the Tea Party and We the People all you want Obama … We will Remember in November!
I am sure the Tea Party and Americans that disagree with the over taxing, out of control spending, record federal deficits and no jobs AMUSE YOU! I wonder just how amuzed you and your ilk will be come this November after the midterm elections? Think you will be laughing then President Obama? Or wondering what political tsunami just hit you?
Posted April 16, 2010 by Scared Monkeys 2010 Elections, Barack Obama, Obamacare, Obamanation, Obamanomics, Politics, Polls, Pork, Socialism, Tax & Spend Liberals, Taxes, Tea Party, We the People, WTF | 93 comments |
CLASSIC: Obamacare Removes Congress of their Healthcare!!! (Always Read the Bill before Voting)
So what was the bid hurry in passing Obamacare? I guess it is important to read after all.
How typical of what our Obama, Pelosi, Reid controlled government has become … file this one under you get what you deserve when you do not do the work of the people and actually represent We the People and read the bills that are put in front of you.
Remember when Nanacy Pelosi stated, “we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it?” I guess that holds true for her and the rest of Congress as well.
From the NY Times, Baffled by Health Plan? So Are Some Lawmakers. Who could not see this coming? If the very law makers in Congress did not read the bill and were uncertain about what was in the 2000+ page Obamacare bill, how could the American people ever know?
Can you say KARMA, BABY!
In a new report, the Congressional Research Service says the law may have significant unintended consequences for the “personal health insurance coverage” of senators, representatives and their staff members.
For example, it says, the law may “remove members of Congress and Congressional staff” from their current coverage, in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, before any alternatives are available.
The confusion raises the inevitable question: If they did not know exactly what they were doing to themselves, did lawmakers who wrote and passed the bill fully grasp the details of how it would influence the lives of other Americans?
Remember when Obama and the Democrats promised you that you could keep your coverage and nothing would change? Looks like it may have changed for Congress.
The law promises that people can keep coverage they like, largely unchanged. For members of Congress and their aides, the federal employees health program offers much to like. But, the report says, the men and women who wrote the law may find that the guarantee of stability does not apply to them.
“It is unclear whether members of Congress and Congressional staff who are currently participating in F.E.H.B.P. may be able to retain this coverage,” the research service said in an 8,100-word memorandum.
And even if current members of Congress can stay in the popular program for federal employees, that option will probably not be available to newly elected lawmakers, the report says.
As the Astute Blogger states, its the law of unintended consequences, or in this case the law of predictability when a Congress is so derelict and negligent in their duties as to not read a bill before voting on it.
More from Hot Air … is it any wonder why opposition to Obamacare continues to rise and support for Obama tanks after he signed this disaster of a so-called health care reform bill.
Posted April 13, 2010 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Bizarre, Corruption, Government, Healthcare, House of Representatives, Obamacare, Obamanation, Politics, Senate, Socialism, We the People, WTF | 16 comments |
Norah O’Donnell With Foolish & Ignorant Racist Analysis of Gingrich That Even MSNBC Laughs At
In case you missed it which once again you most likely did as it was on MSNBC. Norah O’Donnell actually tried to find racial overtones in Newt Gingrich’s speech in which he criticized President Obama.
It’s pretty bad when fellow MSNBC types laugh at you when you try and make the claim that former Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is a racist.
As Jammie Wearing Fool states, yup … that is what is has come to these days that anyone dare criticize Barack Obama, The Chosen One.
Speaking of the President’s basketball skills, Gingrich added, “But it doesn’t put anybody to work. And what we need is a president, not an athlete. We need somebody who actually focuses on getting people back to work.” After the clip was played, Morning Joe guest host O’Donnell lobbed her accusation at Gingrich.
“But I’m not sure what he means by this particular sound bite,” said O’Donnell. “And I think it’s open to some criticism because it suggests that the president is an athlete and some people may suggest, you know, because all black people are good athletes. I mean that’s what it sort of sounds like to me.”
The rest of the Morning Joe panel scoffed at O’Donnell’s claim, erupting in a flurry of dismissiveness.
Another Black Conservative makes a great point that the word “socialist” is now they new trigger for the PC Left to claim hate speech. Of course it is no coincidence this has occurred after a socialist President like Barack Obama was elected.
Posted April 10, 2010 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Media, Media Bias, Obamanation, Racism, Socialism, WTF | 6 comments |
Newt Gingrich Calls Barack Obama the Most Radical President Ever in History
Newt Gingrich called Barack Hussein Obama “the most radical president in American history” who ever sees a secular machine. The comments were made at the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.
“The most radical president in American history has now thrown down the gauntlet to the American people: ‘I run a machine. I own Washington and there’s nothing you can do about it,’” Gingrich said. He urged his fellow Republicans to stop what he called Obama’s “secular, socialist machine.”
If it looks like a radical socialist president, walks like a radical socialist president and talks like a radical socialist president … then Obama, you are the most radical president in American history.
He said Obama’s policies — particularly health care and economic stimulus legislation — have put the United States on the road to socialism. The former speaker did not specifically explain why he thought Obama is a secularist, though he did say the GOP wasn’t afraid of recognizing faith’s role in American society.
This is the reason why Obama finds himself with polling numbers that are starting to reach the low 40′s. We the People are finally on to his scam and across the board do not agree with Obama’s policies or agenda.
Liz Cheney: Obama Putting America on Path to Decline.
Cheney told the roughly 3,500 conservative activists and donors gathered for the conference that there are three prongs to the president’s foreign policy: “apologize for America, abandon our allies and appease our enemies.”
“The Obama administration is putting us on the path to decline,” added Cheney, the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney.
Posted April 10, 2010 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Obamanation, Politics, Polls, Socialism, We the People, You Tube - VIDEO | 7 comments |