Judge Throws Out John Couey Statement to Unrelated 1985 Murder in Jessica Lunsford Case

Who said that child killers are not provided more rights that their victims? Circuit Judge Ric John CoueyHoward has thrown out the John Couey statement of a 1985 unrelated, unsolved murder. The statement was thrown out as child killer, John Couey, had already asked for a lawyer. The Defense had asked for the incriminating evidence to be thrown out.

Assistant Public Defender Dan Lewan said that the questioning violated Couey’s right to an attorney and his right to remain silent. Prosecutors argued that those rights didn’t apply to questioning in cases unrelated to Jessica’s death.

Couey has pleaded not guilty to charges of first-degree murder, sexual battery on a child, kidnapping and burglary in the girl’s death. His trial is scheduled to begin Feb. 12 with jury selection in Miami. The trial was moved to South Florida in the hopes of finding an unbiased jury. (Orlando Sentinel)

Although it is obvious that they judge had to make this decision or risk having a later conviction against Couey being overturned altogether on appeal … it is just sickening.

It is disgusting that John Couey is being provided more rights than he ever gave any of his  victim. I am sure he provided innocent Jessica Lunsford all the rights and courtesies he is being provided by our legal system. The statement that was just thrown out certainly infers he killed Jessica Lunsford. We understand that the judge had to do this and that the police really screwed up, its just makes us sick that this man is provided any compassion.

Jessica lunsford

Orlando police Detective Joel Wright testified Friday that Couey told him: “I wish I could help you, but I can’t … If I did it I would tell you, they can only kill me once.” (Sun Sentinel)

Let us never forget what this man did to little Jessica Lunsford. Also the fact that those who helped him in this crime should be tried as well. Previously, the confession had been thrown out that John Couey admitted to the murder of Jessica Lunsford.

Previously, the trial had been moved to South Florida in an attempt to find an unbiased jury. Heaven help us if we can find people that are unbiased and do not form an opinion as to what this monster did to Jessica Lunsford. In a civil and moral society, we do not have to understand why, nor be un-bias when a person commits a heinous crime against another. Especially, a helpless child. The day we become un-bias about such things is the day we lose our humanity.

Here We Go Again … Jami Lee Knox, Mother of Three, Gets 3 Years for Sex with 15 Year Old

41 year old Jami Lee Knox, a stay at home mother of three has been sentenced to 3 years Jami_Knoxfor having sex with a 15 year old boy. Jami Lee Knox was originally accused of a sexual relationship with her son’s teenage friend. Knox pleaded no contest to the charges. The female sexual offender phenomenon continues.

“I just wanted to apologize, and say that I am truly, sincerely sorry,” Jami Lee Knox said.

Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Rae Lee Chabot sentenced a tearful Knox, 41, on Tuesday to three to 15 years in prison. She will be eligible for parole after three years.

Knox pleaded no contest to three counts of third-degree criminal sexual conduct and three counts of using a computer to commit a crime.

Knox, who is married and has three children, was ordered to pay more than $5,000 for counseling the victim has received and will continue to receive. (The Oakland Press)

13 Year Old Girl Sexually Assaulted aboard Disney cruise ship, Disney Wonder (Suspect: Lucas George Wicker)

A thirteen year old girl aboard Disney cruise ship, the Disney Wonder, traveling to the Disney WonderBahamas states that she was sexually assaulted. The 13 year old states that the man threatened to throw her overboard if she refused him. The accused man is presently jailed in the Bahamas.

The 13-year-old was on a four-night cruise to the Bahamas on Disney Wonder when the incident occurred, she said.

She said a man approached her, telling her that he wanted to show her something. She told authorities that she refused his offer and the man threatened to throw her overboard. (Florida Today)


Disney cruise lines released the following statement:

“Safety and security of our guests is our highest priority, and we immediately contacted the FBI about the situation.”

UPDATE: The suspect was a 21 year old passenger from New York, Lucas George Wicker. Wicker is behind bars in The Bahamas and is awaiting arraignment on sexual assault charges.

Read more

N.C. bar files ethics charges Against Nifong

The State Bar of North Carolina, the governing body for lawyers, has filed charges against Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong today. There have been many inconsistencies in the conduct by the prosecutor that may violate the code of ethics that district attorneys need obey. If Nifong did break the laws that he is paid and entrusted to uphold, he should face the full force and measure of the North Carolina Bar Association.

The North Carolina bar filed ethics charges Thursday against the prosecutor in the Duke lacrosse case, accusing him of breaking four rules of professional conduct when speaking to the reporters about the sensational case. The punishment for ethics violations can range from admonishment to disbarment. Among the rules District Attorney Mike Nifong was accused of violating was a prohibition against making comments “that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accuser.” The charges will be heard by an independent body called the Disciplinary Hearing Commission, made up of both lawyers and non-lawyers. via the Star-News  More AP

Read NC State Bar Court Documents against Michael B. Nifong

Also covering the story: Captains Quarters, Nifong in Trouble

Timothy McDarrah, Ex US Weekly Gossip Columnist creates his own … Convicted on Sex Charge with a Minor

Timothy McDarrah, 44, a former reporter with the Las Vegas Sun was convicted on sex charges related to soliciting sex with a 13 year old girl. McDarrah had been originally arrested on September 14, 2005 by undercover FBI agents in New York City.

He was charged with one count of using a computer and the Internet “to attempt to entice, induce, coerce and persuade a minor to engage in sexual activity,” according to an indictment handed up in November He was convicted Dec. 20 after an eight-day jury trial in New York, and faces a mandatory minimum of five years in prison, according to court documents.

McDarrah, 44, responded in June 2005 to a posting on the craigslist.com Web site offering introductions to the “freshest, youngest” girls in New York, an FBI affidavit said. The gossip writer told an undercover FBI agent, who had posted the advertisement to lure pedophiles, that he would pay $200 for sex with a 13-year-old girl, the affidavit said. (Breitbart)

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