Is Zina Linnik’s Death by Suspect Terapon Dang Adhahn Related to Other Missing & Deceased Girls? (Welch, Bastian, Jones, Lewis & Jackson)

Zina Linnik, the missing 12 year old girl, who was abducted the night of July 4th, 2007 Zina_linnick2body was found this past Thursday. Police were lead to Zina Linnk’s body near Silver Lake, west of Eatonville in eastern Pierce County, by 42-year-old Terapon Dang Adhahn. Terapon Adhahn is a convicted sex offender who has been in custody on an unrelated immigration matter since Monday.

Police are now further investigating Terapon Dang Adhahn as to whether he may have been responsible for other similar crimes against young girls from the past. 1986 was considered a terrible year in the Tacoma, WA area when it came to missing girls. However, because Adhahn traveled around, one could only imagine all the places he visited and lived that girls went missing or were murdered over the years. As we know, there is no such thing as a one time child sex offender. Only those who have not been caught.

The cases include:

  • Michella Welch, 12, a Tacoma girl who disappeared from Puget Park on March 26, 1986. Her body was found hours later.

In Tacoma, 1986 was the year of lost girls. Michella Welch was snatched from Puget Park and murdered in April.

  • Jennifer Bastian, 13, whose body was found in Point Defiance Park on Aug. 28, 1986. Her killer was never brought to justice.

In Tacoma, 1986 was the year of lost girls. Michella Welch was snatched from Puget Park and murdered in April.

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Ex-Police Officer, Lavont Flanders Jr, Arrested for Luring, Drugging & Taping Models Having Sex

37 year old, former police officer Lavont Flanders, Jr was arrested got allegedly luring Videoaspiring models to photography studio, drugging them and then videotaping them having sex with other men. Lavont Flanders, Jr used the internet to find unsuspecting victims. One wonders how many women fell pray to this deception, or would even admit to it due to the embarrassing details? How many women did Flanders exploit before “something bad happened” to him? I think its safe to say this probably happened at least 20 times before, hmm.

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Posted July 13, 2007 by
Crime, Sex Offender | 21 comments

12 Year Old Zina Linnik’s Body Found … Deceased, Why do we Allow this?

There is terribly sad news to report out of Washington State. The body of Zina Linnik has been found by police. What a surprise, the information that lead to the discovery came from the sex offender that was arrested earlier this week.


Why do we continue to let these animals rape and kill our children? Why do we have a legal system that does not lock them away and throw away the key when they first commit offenses against children? Are we just waiting for touching and stalking to turn into rape and then to expand to murder. Why do we give these savages more rights that that of our most innocent and helpless?

Zina Linnik did nothing in life to deserve this. She was an innocent 12 year old and we allowed this heinous individual to walk the streets and prey upon her. There comes a point where the sex offenders are not to blame … the law makers and the judges are to blame. And by not voicing greater outrage, I guess we are as well.

God bless you, Zina Linnik, may you rest in peace.

For more on the story and updates, go to Missing

Michelle Malkin discusses the roll that our failed immigration and pourus borders plays in the death of 12 year old Zina Linnik. It is sad that immigration turns a blind eye not only on illegals that work in the US, but also with child predators. The fact of the matter is that the United States needs to make protecting its most innocent a priority, not an after thought or window dressing.

42 Year Old Sex Offender from Thailand person of interest Held in Missing Zina Linnik Case

12 year old Zina Linnik has been missing since the evening of July 4, 2007 when she Zina Linnikwas abducted from her Tacoma, WA home by an Asian looking man in an older gray van. A 42 year old sex offender is being held as a person of interest in the disappearance of Zina Linnik.

The person of interest is a 42-year-old sex offender from Thailand. He’s currently being held for failing to register for an immigration violation and denies any involvement in Zina’s disappearance.

A search warrant reports investigators on Monday found a girl’s undergarments at his home, where he lives alone. He responded to that news by saying he was remodeling the home for his sister.

Investigators also seized a gray van to search for evidence, and the man admitted he had recently changed the license plate. (FOX News)

According to reports, a tip has lead investigators to the Tiger Mountain area where they are presently searching. It appears that the tip to search this area did not come from the man in custody.

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Good thing Paris Hilton was Not Covicted in Georgia … GA Protecutor Releases Sex Tape of Teen Genarlow Wilson that Could Put Him in Jail (Child Porn?)

WOW, imagine what the media would do with this story if Paris Hilton had been convicted in Georgia? Douglas County District Attorney David McDade stated that under Georgia’s open records law he had no choice but to release the tape. Of course it begs the question, why would anyone in the media feel the need to rebroadcast such a tape. Re-broadcasting a video of under age teens is not news, it goes on every day. It is nothing more than sensationalism and the pathetic efforts of a dying media grasping for ratings.

A state lawmaker on Tuesday asked the Georgia attorney general to investigate a prosecutor’s release of an amateur video showing a man who has spent years in prison for child molestation having consensual sex with two teenage girls.

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