Santa Clarita Valley Community to Self-Admitted Pedophile Jack McClellan … Get Out and Stay Out

Two California lawyers on behalf of the Santa Clarita Valley community on Friday are scheduled in court to seek a temporary restraining order to keep Jack McClellan to stay away. Jack McClellan is always quick to say he has done nothing wrong. That is to say, nothing illegal yet or that we know of. Jack McClellan is obviously a clear and present danger to children. Are we just supposed to wait around until he has done “something illegal”? 

Jack McClellan is a self-described pedophile. He’s been in the area and taken pictures of little girls and posted them on his Web site. It’s what he’s written on that Web site that has outraged parents and gotten a couple of area lawyers to take action. They’re hoping a judge will see it their way, to keep McClellan away from the area.

“All I can say is I’ve done nothing illegal since I’ve been here in California, the whole state. My conscience is clear. I’m just going to keep on keeping on what I’m doing, obeying the law,” said Jack McClellan.

Jack McClellan says he’s a pedophile who takes pictures of little girl and posts them on his Web site where he describes his attraction. (ABC)

Lawyers, Fathers Seek to Ban Self-Proclaimed Pedophile From Community

Castrated & Mutilated Dad was a ‘MONSTER’ … Brigitte Harris (Original Dark Angel) Held in Custody on Murder

WOW … the following most bizarre and disturbing story is being touted as a revenge murder by Brigette Harris after years of torment and sexual abuse. The mutilated body of 55 year old Eric Goodridge, Brigette Harris’ step father, was found in his Queens, NY home dead. Talk about an extreme to what goes around comes around.

According to the attorney of Brigette Harris, she suffered from years of sexual abuse at the hands of her “monster” step father.

A man strangled and castrated in the apartment of his daughter – a young woman whose online identity was the “Original Dark Angel” – was an incestuous “monster” who allegedly sexually abused and raped his child from the time she was 3, her lawyer claimed yesterday.

The explosive claim from Arthur Aidala, the lawyer for Brigitte Harris, 26, came as she remained under 72-hour hold at Bayley Seaton hospital in Staten Island. (NY Post)

As Fox News reported, “On Monday, police were investigating whether Eric Goodridge’s mentally disturbed stepdaughter lured him to her home and attacked him there to avenge a history of sexual abuse”.

Jack McClellan, Self-described Pedophile, Has A “How To” Web Site

UPDATE: Self Admitted Pedophile Blogger Jack McClellan Arrested Near a Child Care Facility 

Are you kidding, Pedophile for Dummies!!! A self proclaimed pedophile, Jack McClellan, has a web site that has since been taken down after the outrage that was a “How To” for Pedophiles.

This man is nothing but a ticking time bomb and our children are the one’s at rick. McClellan reportedly has no record and skirts the free speech laws of this country in a most heinous way. Jack McClellan supposedly according to all accounts has no criminal record, yet that may be just because he has not been caught. Parents … this is what lurks out there among us.

But his mere presence in Los Angeles — coupled with Mr. McClellan’s commitment to exhibitionistic blogging about his thoughts on little girls — has set parents on edge. One group of mothers, whose members by and large have never met before, will soon band together in a coffee shop to hammer out plans to push lawmakers in Sacramento to legislate Mr. McClellan out of business.

“Just the idea that this person could get away with what he was doing and no one could press charges has made me angry,” said Jane Thompson, a stay-at-home mother in East Los Angeles who recently read Mr. McClellan’s comments about a festival in her neighborhood in which he seemed to be describing her child. (NY Times)

The site, Seattle-Tacoma-Everett Girl Love, which has now been taken down was actually around for a couple of years. This is simply unbelievable that this is deemed ok to go on and then we are outraged when we hear that a child has been molested by one of these creeps.

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Texas EquuSearch To Join the Search for Missing Donna Jou

We have been informed by Tim Miller of Texas EquuSearch that members of the Donna_jouvolunteer, non-profit,  search organization will be getting involved in the search for missing 19 year old Donna Jou. Members of Texas EquuSearch  will be heading to California in the very near future.

Just recently a person of interest and sex offender, John Stevens Burgess, was arrested in Florida on an unrelated drug charge.

For more go to the Donna Jou Scared Monkeys Forum or MissingExploited.

Respiratory Therapist Wayne Albert Bleyle Sentenced to 45 Years for Molesting Disabled Children

File this story under OMG, WTF and prepare yourself Mr. Bleyle for Dante’s 7th Level of Hell.Hell_levels

There are crimes that are committed by individuals and then there are those crimes committed  that are so heinous, shocking and despicable that they make one speechless and physically ill. Respiratory therapist Wayne Albert Bleyle committed acts against defenseless children and violated his care providing oath that there is no punishment suitable for this animal  other than a public stoning. 56 year old Wayne Albert Bleyle was sentenced to 45 years and 8 months for molesting five young and disabled patients and for taking pornographic photographs of others.

As part of a plea deal, Bleyle, 56, was sentenced to 45 years and eight months in prison for molesting five of his young, disabled patients and for taking pornographic photographs of others. Prosecutors said he targeted those who were comatose, brain-damaged or too disabled to talk.

“You have violated the trust of your patients, you have violated the trust of your employer, and you have inflicted indescribable anguish on your victims and their families,” Superior Court Judge Kenneth K. So told Bleyle.

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