Child Pornographers, Paul and Myrtis Gauthreaux Found Dead (Murder/Suicide) After Bill O’Reilly Feature

Bill O’Reilly does the world a favor. After a featured segment of Fox News, The John_Doe9O’Reilly Factor, two complete low-lifes, known as John Doe 9 and Jane Doe 2 were found dead in their apartment. Paul and Myrtis Gauthreaux were found dead after the segment aired with FBI Agent Arnold Bell appeared on The O’Reilly Factor to discuss the Innocent Images National Initiative. Good riddance.

A couple featured as wanted child predators on The O’Reilly Factor Wednesday were found dead in an apparent murder-suicide shortly after the segment aired, sources tell FOXNews.

Paul and Myrtis Gauthreaux were wanted by the FBI for engaging in sexual conduct with minors and appeared on a segment of the show that profiled alleged child pornographers.Jane_Doe2

After seeing the O’Reilly Factor segment, a relative of the couple called them before notifying the FBI of their whereabouts. When federal investigators arrived at their home, the Gauthreauxs had fled to an undisclosed location. The FBI said Paul Gauthreaux shot his wife dead before turning the gun on himself.

The child victim that the Gauthreauxs photographed in online photos was later identified and found safe. (Fox News)

America’s Most Wanted

They were known as John Doe #9 and Jane Doe #2. The FBI says the man and woman photographed themselves molesting a ten-year-old child and then shared the disgusting images with other perverts across the internet.

UPDATE I: News Hounds asks if Bill O’Reilly is proud of this? How about not just a yes, but a HELL YES. Some people’s hatred for some news outlets and personalities that they do not agree with are really truly misguided. If Keith Olbermann had been partially responsible for taking two pieces of scum off the planet and making it safer for our children, he would be getting praise as well, not ridicule as he usually deserves.

One has to see the forest through the trees. When it comes to child safety from sex predators, any dead predator is one that will NEVER, EVER offend again. That is a good thing, no matter who helped do it.

John Evander Couey Eligible for Death Penalty … Prepare to Meet Hell

Today John Evander Couey has been ruled eligible for the death penalty for his part in John Coueythe rape and murder of 9 year old Jessica Lunsford. A Citrus County judge ruled that John Evander Couey is not mentally retarded and Couey can face the death penalty. Say hello to Satan.

Circuit Judge Ric Howard ruled the most credible intelligence exam rated Couey’s IQ at 78, slightly above the 70 level generally considered retarded.

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Charges in Mexico Dropped Against Bounty Hunter Duane “Dog” Chapman … Justice Prevails

A Mexican judge, Jose Alberto Montes,  has dropped criminal charges against bounty Dogchapmanhunter, Duane “Dog” Chapman due to a technicality. Duane “Dog” Chapman had previously been arrested this past September on a Mexican warrant stemming from his 2003 capture of fugitive convicted sex offender rapist and Max Factor cosmetics heir Andrew Luster. Bounty hunting is considered illegal in Mexico. However, the statute of limitations has expired on the case.

Look for Brook Hart, the attorney for “Dog” the bounty hunter to be on The Dana Pretzer Show this coming Tuesday evening.

It is hard to believe that the only thing standing in the way of “The Dog” and a Mexican prison is a technicality. The absurdity of a man who brought a heinous rapist like Andrew Luster to justice would in turn be facing jail time himself borders on unbelievable. Yes, bounty hunting is considered illegal. However, so are many other things in Mexico that authorities seem to take a blind eye to. Technicality or not, at least Duane “Dog” Chapman is a free man.

Press release from Duane “Dog” Chapman:

“Viva La Mexico,” exclaimed Duane
“Dog” Chapman, star of the number one rated A&E show “Dog the Bounty
Hunter,” expressing his appreciation for the Mexican legal system, as all
charges against him were dismissed by the First Criminal Court in Puerto
Vallarta, Mexico, earlier this week.

Anthony Mark Bianchi Guilty of Going to Moldova to Have Sex with Boys (Sex Tourism)

45 year old Anthony Mark Bianchi was found guilty yesterday of “sex tourism”. Bianchi Anthony_Bianchi5was convicted of traveling to Eastern Europe to impoverished Moldova to molest boys in exchange for money and gifts. Bianchi was previously convicted by a Russian Court of molesting children, sent to prison and expelled.

Bianchi was convicted of having sex with or attempting to have sex with four boys on foreign soil, including in the isolated Moldovan village of Trebujeni, in exchange for money, food, liquor, trips and gifts.

Read actual personal accounts of friend of Scared Monkeys that take the time out of their lives to go to villages in Moldova and visit orphanages in an effort to prevent this very thing from occurring. They try to bring back the self esteem and confidence that these children are so in need of to combat against predators like Bianchi that would take full and complete advantage of them.


The children of Moldova, the faces that need protection from predators


Living conditions in Moldova exploited by Sex Tourism

Anthony Mark Bianchi faces more than 20 years for traveling to impoverished countries like Moldova and Romania and going to the poor villages to take advantage of the people.

Anthony Mark Bianchi, 45, was convicted of having sex with or attempting to have sex with at least six teenage boys in the isolated Moldovan village of Trebujeni. He faces more than 20 years in prison under sentencing guidelines, prosecutors said.

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