Civil Commitment Laws Against Sex Offender Struck Down by U.S. District Court Judge W. Earl Britt

If one ever wonders why we continuously read about child predator and sexual assault stories like Jessica Lunsford or in the above post where a six your old girl, Hannah Mack, we need to look no further than how our courts refuse to protect the most innocent among us. Why do we let these people walk among us when we know they are dangers to society?

Federal prison officials have moved to prevent the release of five men at a facility in North Carolina, arguing that the men fit the category of “sexually dangerous.”

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Speechless and Shocking … 6 Year old Hannah Mack Was Hanged and Sexually Assaulted (Update: Kevin Anders Arrested)

 What has this world come to? The body of six year old Hannah Mack was found hung in the garage of her families rural Hannah MackNavarro Hills, TX home. Hannah Mack’s autopsy also been determined that the six year old had been sexually assaulted. These crimes against children have become so heinous there are just no words to describe them. We are speechless. The motivation to sexual assault a six year old and then hang her defies all sense of morality.

Authorities have made no arrests or named any suspects since Hannah Mack’s body was discovered by her mother on Monday. They are saying little about their investigation. “I will confirm that the hanging and sexual assault were part of this scenario,” Navarro County Sheriff’s Chief Deputy Mike Cox said. Cox said several people have been interviewed and no one has been ruled out as a suspect.

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West VA Woman Held Captive, Beaten and Assaulted … Six Arrested in Reported Hate Crime

The question continues to be asked, what is wrong with some people? What goes on in the minds of some people to think that such actions are some how considered appropriate and socially acceptable? Frankie Brewster, Bobby R. Brewster, Alisha Burton, George A. Messer and Danny J. Combs find themselves facing charges of kidnapping, sexual assault, malicious wounding and a whole host of other felonies. They are all charged in a hate crime against a black Charlestown woman who was assaulted and stabbed. One really needs to wonder how screwed up and evil some people truly are to commit such a crime against another individual.


A woman was sexually abused, beaten and humiliated while being held captive in a home for at least a week, sheriff’s officials said Monday after making six arrests and calling the FBI to investigate it as a possible hate crime.

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Posted September 12, 2007 by
Bizarre, Crime, Sex Offender, WTF | 25 comments

Philly Lawyer Larry Charles Pleads “No Contest” in Sexual Assault of a 14 Year Old Girl in a City Courthouse

The charges and plea of no contest in the sexual assault of a 14 year old girl by defense attorney Larry Charles are yet just another reason why defense attorneys find themselves so far down on the totem pole of respect. 50 year old Larry Charles pleaded “no contest” in the sexual assault of a 14 year old girl in a Philadelphia court house. However, that just seems to be the tip of the iceberg as usually is the case with a sex offender. Since his arrest five other girls ranging in ages of 5 to 10 have come forward stating they were sexually assaulted as well.

After his arrest, five other girls came forward and testified that Charles assaulted them. Some of the girls testified they were assaulted multiple times over several years.

The girls — who were ages 5 to 10 at the time of the alleged attacks and are now ages 11 to 17 — testified the encounters occurred in motels, Charles’ office, on the street while trick-or-treating at Halloween, and in the lounge and a court anteroom.

Charles was charged in those cases with multiple counts of rape, sexual assault, corruption of a minor and other charges. He pleaded no contest to all the counts.

Posted September 11, 2007 by
Child Welfare, Crime, Sex Offender | 7 comments

Smelly, Shoeless Serial Rapist Has Resurfaced in the University of South Florida Area

A serial rapist who has attacked six woman in the University of South Florida area seems to have resurfaced. The foul smelling, shoeless rapist may be the same one that has previously attacked in the past. Lab results are being done to see if this is the same rapist that committed acts in 2003.

A foul-smelling, shoeless serial rapist who has attacked six women and possibly a seventh in the University of South Florida area has resurfaced this summer and may have struck again only a week before classes started.

Police are awaiting the results of DNA testing of the latest victim, raped Aug. 19, to see if the same man who committed the other six between August 2003 and June of this year is to blame.

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Posted September 3, 2007 by
Crime, Sex Offender | 2 comments

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