Stepfather David Spears & friend Chris Collings Charged with Rape & Murder of 9 Year Old Rowan Ford (Update: Confession)

25 year old David Spears, the stepfather of 9 year old Rowan Ford, and his 32 Wtfyear old friend, Chris Collins, have been charged with the rape and murder of Rowan Ford. The two were arrested Friday night in connection with the with the 9 year old’s death. From the outset, one has to be suspicious of David Spears as Rowan Ford had gone missing while in her stepfather’s care. Authorities early on had stated that Spears was not cooperating in explaining a lengthy absence that night from the family’s house.

CASSVILLE, Mo. | The stepfather of a 9-year-old girl and another man were charged Saturday with her murder and rape, a day after the body of Rowan Ford was found in a southwest Missouri cave following a week-long search.

Barry County prosecutors charged stepfather David Spears, 25, and his friend Chris Collings, 32, with one count each of first-degree murder, forcible rape and statutory rape. (Kansas City Star)

One has to wonder what possesses people to do such heinous acts that they think they will ever get away with? What happened to 9 year old Rowan Ford is described in the article, “Rowan Ford’s last few hours”.

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Robert A. Singer, National Children’s Museum in Washington Executive Arrested on what else, Child Pornography Charges

What are people thinking? The stories just get worse and more bizarre every day? Children_saveThey read like a bad joke. So what does the COO of the  executive of the National Children’s Museum in Washington get arrested for? The answer: possession and distribution of child porn. Robert Singer sent an undercover detective about 80 explicit images of child pornography from his work and home computers.

The images sent from Singer’s museum computer depicted sexual acts between minors and adults, the complaint said. Singer also sent the daughter two images with instructions to “just delete it when you are done.”

Robert A. Singer has been charged with five counts of distributing child Wtfpornography in interstate commerce.

The chief operating officer of the National Children’s Museum in Washington was arrested Tuesday on child pornography charges, accused of using his work computer to send explicit images to others — including an undercover New York City detective.

Robert A. Singer, 49, was arrested at his home in Falls Church, Va., on charges that he sent the pornographic images to a detective posing as a 33-year-old mother and her 12-year-old daughter, U.S. Attorney Michael Garcia said.

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Kelsey Peterson Arrested in Mexico, 13 Year Old Boy Fernando Rodriguez Released, but May Not be Allowed to Re-Enter US

Another case of a teacher-student inappropriate relationship with a a twist, throw in illegal immigration to the mix.

It started out as police hunted for a 25 year old teacher and her former student who were last seen on October 35, 2007. The parents of Fernando Rodriguez reported their son missing Saturday after he was last seen late Thursday.

Kelsey Peterson_2

Kelsey Peterson, a 25 year old sixth-grade math teacher and basketball coach at Lexington Middle School, was arrested in Mexico after fleeing  with a 13 year old boy. Kelsey Peterson and the 13 year old boy are suspected of having a sexual relationship. An arrest warrant ad been issued Monday charging Peterson with kidnapping, child abuse, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Following the two being located,  the 13-year-old boy, Fernando Rodriguez, was reported to be in the care of relatives in Mexico.

A female teacher was in FBI custody yesterday as federal and local prosecutors sought to determine how they would handle charges alleging that she ran away with a 13-year-old boy, taking him across the border into Mexico.

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Kelsey Peterson Arrested in Mexico, 13 Year Old Boy Fernando Rodriguez Released, but May Not be Allowed to Re-Enter US (UPDATES: VISAS)

Another case of a teacher-student inappropriate relationship with a a twist, throw in illegal immigration to the mix.

It started out as police hunted for a 25 year old teacher and her former student who were last seen on October 35, 2007. The parents of Fernando Rodriguez reported their son missing Saturday after he was last seen late Thursday.

Kelsey Peterson_2

Kelsey Peterson, a 25 year old sixth-grade math teacher and basketball coach at Lexington Middle School, was arrested in Mexico after fleeing  with a 13 year old boy. Kelsey Peterson and the 13 year old boy are suspected of having a sexual relationship. An arrest warrant ad been issued Monday charging Peterson with kidnapping, child abuse, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Following the two being located,  the 13-year-old boy, Fernando Rodriguez, was reported to be in the care of relatives in Mexico.

A female teacher was in FBI custody yesterday as federal and local prosecutors sought to determine how they would handle charges alleging that she ran away with a 13-year-old boy, taking him across the border into Mexico.

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Chester Arthur Stiles, Fugitive Accused of Raping a 3 Year Old Girl on Videotape Arrested

The man hunt for suspected child rapist Chester Arthur Stiles is over.  37 year old Chester “Chet” Arthur Stiles, the man accused of raping a 3 year old girl and videotaping it has been arrested by authorities in Henderson, NV. Stiles was arrested after a routine traffic stop for failure to have a license plate. Stiles stated to police,  “I’m Chester Stiles, the guy you’re looking for, I’m tired of running.” That’s rather convenient, because society is tired of having you on the streets.

Chester Arthur Stiles

This is what police were looking for

Chester Stiles 2

This is what they found

Stiles has been wanted since Oct. 5 on warrants issued for 21 felony charges in connection with the acts seen on the videotape. The charges include lewdness with a minor, sexual assault and attempted sexual assault.

“The picture on the license didn’t quite match the gentleman in the vehicle,” Dye said.

After further questioning, the officer said Stiles revealed his true name. Dye said Stiles cooperated and didn’t resist. Dye called for backup and another officer arrived to handcuff Stiles. (FOX News)

Posted October 16, 2007 by
Child Welfare, Crime, Sex Offender | 9 comments

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