Who’s Looking Out for the Children? Texas Appellate Court ruled TX Child Welfare Officials had no right to Take Children from Polygamist Ranch

Sometimes actions make more sense than what is legally allowed. How Children_saveobvious was it to a common and reasonable person that polygamy was fronting as child abuse and sex with minors in Texas? CPS did its job, the judge was wrong. How repulsing is it that this cult hid behind the cloak of religion to put these children in harms way in the most unspeakable manner.

It started out with 52 girls being removed from a Polygamist compound in Texas. Soon the number ballooned to 400. Now the courts are saying  that the state had no right to take the children. Because in today’s law, its all about the welfare of the children, NOT!!! What ever happened to having laws that were in the best interest of the children? A Texas Appellate Court ruled that Texas child welfare officials had no right to seize more than 400 children living at a polygamist sect’s ranch.

Court Ruling HERE

The Third Court of Appeals in Austin ruled that the grounds for removing the children were “legally and factually insufficient” under Texas law. They did not immediately order the return of the children.

Child welfare officials removed the children on the grounds that the sect pushed underage girls into marriage and sex and trained boys to become future perpetrators.

The appellate court ruled the chaotic hearing held last month did not demonstrate the children were in any immediate danger, the only measure of taking children from their homes without court proceedings.

I guess “legally and factually insufficient” does not take into account the vast number of teenage girls that were pregnant or already had children. I guess the courts do not consider that abuse and the fact that these children were in an environment of accepted sexual predators. Maybe the fact that half of the sect’s teen girls have been pregnant does not suggest abuse either? Or the fact that a teenager just gave birth to a baby boy does not suggest a legally and factually insufficient reason to take the children out of an abusive environment.

Some times some common sense needs to be used. However, I would ask the brilliant Texas Appellate Court, if there was no grounds … why was there no order to return the children? Hmm … maybe because the Polygamist compound was a sick den of child abuse.

  • Hot Air: They may be in danger of sexual abuse but they’re not in imminent danger
  • Right Wing News: Polygamists Might Get Their Kids Back

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