Yet Another Female/Minor Sex Case: 28 Year Old Angela Leavitt & 16 Year Old Boy On the Run and Missing

A missing persons case and exploitation of a minor … Angela Leavitt is in for a world of hurt when finally caught.Angela Leavitt_1

Once again we have a case of an older female and a minor boy in an inappropriate sexual relationship. This time it is 28 year old Angela Leavitt from Florida who ran off with a 16 year old minor. Angela Leavitt is married with children of her own. An arrest warrant has also been issued in this case against Angela Leavitt for allegedly having sex with a minor. When police went to serve the warrent they discovered that she and the boy were both missing.

Art Just making Excuses for Child Exploitation … Australian Censorship Board Rules ‘Naked Kids’ Pics Exhibit Non-Pornographic

ART? … HARDLY!!! … UNBELIEVABLE Put any spin or excuse on it … its child exploitation!!! Censorship or freedom of speech? I would ask the question to all … why does anyone need to see a picture of a naked 12 year old girl? Other than exploitation? SORRY …  IT AIN’T ART. This sadly exploits young girls and panders to pedophiles … that is the bottom line. What expression of ideas are being promoted by such pictures? Please give your comments and opinions. It is sad that such exploitation hides behind true artistic genius. So who is looking out for the children? Obviously not the Australian Censorship board who deemed that the nude pictures of children from artist Bill Henson were not pornographic, but instead were considered art. Some things are just common sense … too bad that the art would or people who oversee them do not use the same.

Photographs of nude teenagers that prompted police to close a gallery exhibit in Australia’s biggest city and launch an obscenity investigation have been cleared by censors as non-pornographic. The ruling on leading Australian photographer Bill Henson’s portraits came two weeks after police shut his latest exhibition in Sydney just before opening night and confiscated dozens of photographs of naked adolescent boys and girls to investigate whether they violated obscenity laws. A spokeswoman for Australia’s Classification Board said six photos had been referred to them. The board gave five of them a G rating, and one a PG. The PG photo – of a 13-year-old girl – was used on the cover of the invitation to the exhibit. It was believed to have caused the initial complaints that led to the police shutdown of the exhibit and the investigation.

However, the Australian Censorship board ruled as follows:

The image “creates a viewing impact that is mild and justified by context … and is not sexualized to any degree,” the board found.

The pictures had initially come under fire due to the fact that they were images of 12 and 13 year old girls naked. (Warning: picture might not be suitable for all ages or work) The show was shut down before it was scheduled to open. I debated on whether to actually put a pic up and finally found one that was censored. The picture below of a 12 year old girl was actually found to be not sexualized. We will keep it below the fold for obvious reasons.

You decide whether such pics  (Warning) are wrong and should be considered pornographic. Some things are wrong … because you just know they are.

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Former Abducted Austrian Natascha Kampusch Becomes Talk Show Host

It was the story that shocked the world when then 10 year old Natascha Natascha Kampusch5Kampusche was kidnapped and held as a sex slave in a dungeon for 8 years in Vienna, Austria. After having finally escaped, she would later discuss with the media her ordeal at the hands of Wolfgang Priklopil.

Now after one of the most bizarre abductions imaginable and about 2–1/2 years after her escape, Natascha Kampusche now has her own talk show, “Natascha Kampusch meets…”

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Pics of Polygamist Leader Warren Jeffs Kissing Young Girls … Sure there is No Abuse at Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Compound in Texas

The pictures do not lie. Think there was not abuse going on? Sometimes people just need to use common sense and judgement.

Last week an appeals court in Texas ruled that the children taken from the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Compound in Texas were taken illegally by child services. The claim was that there was no immediate danger. Really?

Check out the photo’s of convicted polygimist Warren Jeffs and him kissing under age girls. Think there was no abuse going on in this compound? If there was no abuse going on, why is Jeffs in prison?


The shots show the jailed, 52-year-old leader of a renegade Mormon sect planting deep kisses on two of his underage “wives” — one of whom is 12 years old.


The Texas Child Protective Services lawyers would not reveal how they obtained the photos, but are using them to allege the culture at the compound is abusive, and forces young girls to become child brides, the Deseret News reported.

FOX News’ policy is not to identify possible underage victims of sexual crimes.

Dan Jessop, the father of the baby at the center of this particular case, told reporters on Friday the photos are “shocking.”

“You see far worse, immoral, disgusting, gross things than a girl kissing a man in the streets of your own community,” said Jessop, according to the newspaper. “And you and I don’t know if the state of Texas fabricated that.” (FOX News)

The Smoking Gun: Creepy photos of jailed FLDS sect leader released in custody battle

Jury Convicts Brian Rooney Guilty of Rape & Murder UVM Student Michelle Gardner-Quinn


A Rutland, Vermont jury has convicted Brian Rooney in the 2006 rape and murder of 21 year old University of Vermont coed, Michelle Gardner-Quinn. The jury took a little over 6 hours in deliberations to find Brian Rooney guilty of aggravated murder. Personally, it should have taken them 6 minutes. However, justice was served.

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Brian Rooney, good riddance to bad rubbish

After more than six hours of deliberations, jurors found Brian Rooney guilty of aggravated murder in the 2006 slaying of Michelle Gardner-Quinn, 21, of Arlington, Va.

He now faces a mandatory sentence of life without parole.

“Justice works once in a while,” the victim’s mother, Diane Gardner Quinn, said as she hugged former Burlington police chief Thomas Tremblay, who oversaw the investigation.

Gardner-Quinn, an environmental studies major, had just transferred to UVM when she vanished Oct. 7, 2006.

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Justice for Michelle Gardner-Quinn

The trial had been moved from Burlington, VT to Rutland as defense attorneys thought that a change of venue was needed to get a fair trail away from the place where the crime was committed. They could have changed the venue to Mars and he would have been found guilty. Try as the defense attorneys might, Brian Rooney will be spending the rest of his life behind bars without parole.

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The parents of Michelle Gardner-Quinn, Diane Gardner Quinn (left) and John-Charles Quinn, react as the jury delivers a guilty verdict in Brian Rooney’s murder trial in Vermont District Court in Rutland on Thursday May 22, 2008. Rooney is accused of abducting, raping and killing University of Vermont student Gardner-Quinn in October of 2006. (GLENN RUSSELL, Free Press)

Man Guilty of Murdering College Student From Arlington

Gardner-Quinn, who grew up in North Arlington, disappeared from downtown Burlington, where she had been celebrating a friend’s 21st birthday. She bumped into Rooney after she became separated from friends and her cellphone died, court documents said. Her body was found a week later, face-down and in a fetal position near a popular swimming hole. She had been sexually assaulted, beaten and strangled.

Prosecutor Rosemary Gretkowski told jurors in closing arguments yesterday that the DNA match and other evidence established Rooney’s guilt, the Associated Press reported. “The truth is that Michelle had the misfortune of bad timing: dead cellphone and uttering the innocent words ‘Excuse me, sir, may I borrow your phone?’ to the wrong stranger,” Gretkowski said.

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