Christmas Miracle … 5 Year Old Abducted Natalie Flores Found Safe by Police, Suspect Arrested

The Christmas Miracle …

If you had not heard the story, there was a Christmas Miracle yesterday in Phoenix, AZ. All too often these abduction stories end in tragedy … not yesterday in Phoenix.

She was playing outside with her two sisters when a man ran up and kidnapped her. He took a picture of her elder sister and also tried to lower the pants of one of her sisters according to KPHO News.


Family & loved ones of Natalie Flores received a Christmas miracle of a life time

After being kidnapped while playing outside her home, 5 year old Natalie Flores as rescued and found safe  by Phoenix, AZ police.

A 5-year-old girl abducted by a man as she played outside her Phoenix home Friday was rescued hours later after police chased down the suspect’s pickup and found her “alive and well” inside, officials said.

Thank God!!!

Body of Missing Sarah H. Foxwell Found Deceased Near the Delaware State Line

There is sad but not unexpected news to report in the case of missing 11 year old Sarah H. Foxwell. Her body was found at about 4:00 pm Friday in a wooded area near the Delaware state line.


Sarah H. Foxwell, Rest in Peace

Sarah H. Foxwell had gone missing on December 22, 2009 when she disappearaed from her home in Salisbury, MD.

30 year old Thomas J. Leggs, a registered sex offender has been charged with kidnapping and burglary and was in custody. It probably will not be too long before Leggs is charged with murder as well.

When will society and our laws ever realize that these animals cannot be stopped and cannot be cured? It is only a matter of time before the alleged kidnapper, previously convicted sex offender,  Thomas J. Leggs Jr., becomes an alleged murderer.

At a news conference late this afternoon, Lewis announced that Sarah’s body had been found at approximately 4 p.m., but gave few other details.

Thousands of people turned out on Christmas morning to help investigators search for the girl, police said.

Leggs was seen entering the girl’s bedroom late Wednesday night by her 6-year-old sister, who described the kidnapper down to the color of his shoes, police said.

What is wrong with our society, law makers, lawyers, judges and people who knowing surround themself with sex offenders?

Why are we supposed to be shocked and outraged at the actions of sex offender Thomas J. Leggs Jr? What are we supposed to think that he is capable of not molesting and raping young girls? Why, is he supposed to be cured? These sex deviants are incurable and should be put down like a rabid dog.

A sex offender like Thomas J. Leggs Jr. will expose himself to a minor and we will slap him on the wrist as our legal system say, well he only exposed himself, it is not as if he raped the 12 year old. Then a sex offender like Thomas J. Leggs Jr. will rape a 12 year old and we will punish him saying, well he only raped her, it is not as if he killed her. Then a sex offender like Thomas J. Leggs Jr. will kidnap, rape and kill an 11 year old girl and people act all outraged and shocked that such a thing is possible.

The fact of the matter is that Thomas J. Leggs Jr. would eventually do this to some unsuspecting innocent child the minute he fondled his first victim. Of course the fact that some individuals think it is perfectly fine to expose children to convicted sex offenders should be criminal as well.

Police hold press conference thanking the community: (VIDEO). Sadly, the body of 11 year old Sarah Foxwell was discovered near the Maryland/Delaware state line.

11 Year Old Sarah Haley Foxwell Missing Since December 22, 2009 from Salisbury, MD (Thomas Leggs Arrested)

11 year old Sarah Haley Foxwell has seen missing since December 22, 2009 from Salisbury, Maryland. Sarah Haley Foxwell was last seen when she went to her room about 9:30 PM wearing fuzzy red pajama bottoms with Christmas trees on them and a pink John Deere T-shirt.  Sarah Haley Foxwell was discovered missing early Wednesday when a relative went to check on  Sarah and her 6-year-old sister.

“She wasn’t in her room,” Lewis said. He said there was no evidence of forced entry to the home where the girls live with their aunt, who is their legal guardian. Leggs is a former boyfriend of the aunt, officials said.

A “juvenile witness” awoke during the night Tuesday and saw Sarah leave the bedroom with “Tommy,” and said he was wearing blue jeans, an orange jacket and white sneakers, the charging document says.


Registered sex offender Thomas Leggs, left – Sarah Haley Foxwell, rt

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children

  • Missing Date: Dec 22, 2009
  • Sex: Female
  • Race: White
  • Age: 11
  • Height:  4’8″ (142 cm)
  • Weight:  78 lbs (35 kg)
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Eye Color: Blue 

30 year old Thomas J. Leggs, a registered sex offender has been charged with kidnapping and burglary and was in custody.

Thomas J. Leggs, 30, a registered sex offender, has been charged with kidnapping and burglary and was in custody, authorities said. Officials said that he is Sarah’s aunt’s ex-boyfriend and that their relationship ended about a month ago.

Why on earth do these woman date sex offender?Do they think they will actually change? That they won’t be attracted to little girls? Oh wait, they have changed, they have been cured. What are these woman thinking that they would knowingly date a registered sex offender who raped a teenager. In the process they expose all children around them to this animal.

Lewis said interviews with the children in the house, as well as other evidence, convinced investigators that Leggs abducted Sarah. Lewis said that Leggs, who works as a laborer in a wood and counter business, was refusing to cooperate.


Leggs, who authorities said lives in Salisbury in an outbuilding on property his parents own, is registered as a sex offender in Maryland and Delaware.

According to Maryland’s sex offender registry, Leggs has a conviction for a third-degree sex offense. Wicomico officials said the victim in that crime was a young girl.

Read more

Daily Commentary – Friday, December 18th, 2009 – Fistgate & Safe School Czar Kevin Jennings

  • Dana’s thoughts on the twisted business upon which our newly minted “Safe Schools Czar” built his resume. What on Earth is Kevin Jennings doing as any Obama czar, let alone the “safe schools” czar.

icon for podpress Daily Commentary – Friday, December 18th, 2009 – Fistgate [3:44m]: | Download

Remember when Barack Obama said during the 2008 campaign that you would know more about him by the people he surrounds hinself with … enter “Safe School” czar Kevin Jennings.

If you have not hear of this story on the MSM, go figure. No one had heard of Obama “Green” czar Van Jones until the investigative Internet folks busted the story wide open and forces Jones to resign. Now we are presented with Keven Jennings and his sick exploits. If you are unfamiliar with FISTGATE, here is a sampling from Big  And there is much more at The Gateway Pundit …  “Kevin Jennings’ Suggested Reading For Kids Included Sick Book That Romanticized Rape of a 13 Year-Old – Media Silent.” Other reports can be found HERE on Jennings and his actions that are beyond the pale.

How has this individual not been forced to step down? Safe School czar, ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!

Daily Commentary – Thursday, November 19th, 2009 – Sympathy for Bad Behavior

  • Dana reads and responds to a comment from a listener, Texas Grandfather, about youth crime and judges sympathy for bad behavior. How should we treat juvenile offenders? How should we treat repeat offenders? The problem with the system today is sympathy for bad behavior, over and over again. There are no consequences and sympathy for bad behavior. Add them both up and we have a problem.

icon for podpress  Daily Commentary – Thursday, November 19th, 2009 – Sympathy for Bad Behavior [2:25m]: | Download

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