Saturday Night Live: Even the Devil Offended by the Penn State Child Sex Abuse Scandal in SNL Skit

The Penn State child sex scandal, it’s pretty bad when even the Devil is taken aback and offended … Evil just ain’t what it used to be.

Saturday Night Live probably did one of their best skits in years and there was nothing political about it. It is a must see VIDEO because it brings light on a hideous scandal and shows the absurdity of how Penn State as an institution so badly handled it. The SNL skit targeted the Penn State child sex scandal in showing that even the Devil was offended by what had transpired in not so Happy Valley.

“SNL” cast member Jason Sudeikis reprised his role as Satan, appearing with red horns and pitchfork. The devil was informed by “Weekend Update” host Seth Meyers of sex charges against a former defensive coordinator and allegations that university officials failed to report the abuse.

Even he was disturbed by the news. Addressing Penn State students who protested football coach Joe Paterno’s firing, the devil spoke directly into the camera, asking, “Do you know how bad that made you look?”

As an upset and disturbed Satan stated when he found out the the scandal at Penn State was a child abuse sex scandal and not selling tickets for money, “I am the Price of Darkness, not a monster”. Doesn’t that pretty much say it all. This SNL is a classic, not because the content is humorous at it’s core, it is just the opposite, the child sex scandal cover up makes any one with a soul sick. Hell, even Satan was appalled and there lies the visceral disgust in this entire matter. As the Devil said, “this is Penn State football, not the Catholic church”. However, these days one has to wonder because they handed the matter of sexually abusing little boys in the same way. Sorry, but facts are the fact.  Through hyperbole SNL showed just how bad this scandal is and was at Penn State … When the Devil is offended, Houston Penn State,  YOU HAVE A PROBLEM!

UPDATE I: The NY Times has their own version of the Devil and Joe Paterno. The interesting point from this article is that Joe Pa might have believed more in the institution than individuals “inappropriate behavior”. And there lies the problem. Protecting the band, rather than protecting children.

They believed in their church. They believed in their mission. And out of the temptation that comes only to the virtuous, they somehow persuaded themselves that protecting their institution’s various good works mattered more than justice for the children they were supposed to shepherd and protect.

I suspect a similar instinct prompted the higher-ups at Penn State to basically ignore what they described as Jerry Sandusky’s “inappropriate conduct,” and persuaded Paterno that by punting the allegation to his superiors he had fulfilled his responsibility to the victimized child. He had so many important duties, after all, and so many people counting on him. And Sandusky had done so much good over the years …

Penn St – Jerry Sandusky Sex Scandal: Two Top PSU Officials, Tim Curley Gary Schultz Step Down … Joe Paterno Says, “We Were All Fooled”


The shoes are beginning to drop in the aftermath of the child sex abuse scandal that has rocked Penn St. University. Two top PSU officials stepped down Sunday. Penn State Athletic Director Tim Curley and Gary Schultz, vice president for finance and business, stepped down Sunday night following an emergency Board of Trustees meeting.

Two top Penn State officials charged with covering up allegations of an explosive child-sex abuse scandal related to former defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky stepped down late Sunday after an emergency meeting of the university’s Board of Trustees.

Penn State Athletic Director Tim Curley requested to be placed on administrative leave so he could devote the time needed to defend himself against perjury and other charges, university President Graham Spanier said. Gary Schultz, vice president for finance and business, will step down and go back into retirement, Spanier said. He declined to comment to reporters after the meeting.

The resignations follow the shocking allegations of sexual abuse of teen boys and younger on the part of former defensive football coach Jerry Sandusky. The charges against him cover the period from 1994 to 2009. Sandusky was arrested on Saturday and released on $100,000 bail after being arraigned on 40 criminal counts.

Head football coach and legend Joe Paterno said, “We Were All Fooled.”

“If this is true, we were all fooled, along with scores of professionals trained in such things, and we grieve for the victims and their families. They are in our prayers,” Paterno in a statement issued Sunday evening by his son, Scott.

In this case the cover up is not worse than the crime, because it appears the criminal allegations are pretty damn bad.  Although the cover up is reprehensible.

Convicted Child Rapist, Polygamist Warren Jeffs in a Food Fasting Coma

Good riddance to bad rubbish, do not feed the animals.

Warren Jeffs, convicted child rapist, polygamist and all around scum bag, is in critical but stable condition and in a coma as he has been fasting for the past three days. Good grief, the narcissist cult leader wants to die the martyr. According to accounts, Jeffs is being treated at the East Texas Medical Facility in Tyler, Texas. Why, just let the POS die and save the tax payers the grief, aggravation and money of another trial.

Warren Jeffs, the polygamous sect leader and convicted child rapist, is in a coma and may not survive, a source close to Jeffs tells ABC News.

Jeffs, 55, had been fasting for the past three days and became so weak that doctors at the Texas prison where he is serving a life sentence induced a coma, according to the source.

61 Year Old TSA Employee David Ralph Anderson Charged with 6 Counts of Lewd Acts on a 14 Year Old Girl

Isn’t this exactly what parents need patting down children at the airport! The following  TSA agent coming soon to a sex offenders registry near you.

A   year old TSA agent has been charged with six counts of lewdness on a child. Major ick!!! TSA employee David Ralph Anderson was arrested at the Elko Area Regional Airport in Nevada and charged with lewd acts committed on a  year old girl. He is being held on $250,000 bail.

According to Elko Justice Court records, the victim told investigators that on seven to 10 occasions between 2010 and this year, Anderson allegedly taught the victim about various sexual acts and had sexual contact in the form of touching each other’s genitals.

Investigators reported Anderson also told the girl to sleep in his bed and taught her to say various vulgar words associated with body parts and sexual activities.

Just another day with the fondling TSA.

Brian in a Blue State

Teen Sexting Ring Busted in Milton, VT … Don’t These Teens Understand This is Child Porn, the State Doesn’t?


Twenty two high school students in Milton, VT find themselves in big trouble as the police have busted a high school sexting ring.  The students are between the age of 14 and 17 and used school issued laptops to view pics  of nude and partially nude adolescent girls. GOOD GRIEF. When will teens ever learn that actions have consequences? Who thinks up such an elaborate scheme for sexting and disseminating porn. Then again, who is so stupid to go along with it?

You know why teens don’t think their actions have consequences? Ask the enablers in the liberal, socialist Republic of Vermont  that finds it more important to pass gay marriage than they do to hand out punishment and charges for what has to be considered child pornography. Why would Vermont police waste their time, money and energy if they were not going to press charges?

The Milton Police Department said in a statement Wednesday that after investigating the sexting ring for six months, the case was now closed and that none of the juveniles would face criminal charges.

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