Establishment Republicans Surrender … House Passes Senate Bill to Reopen Government and Increase Debt Limit 285-144 … Senate Passes Bill 81-18

Speaker Boehner and GOP cave … In a country that already spends more than it takes it, irresponsible politicians kick the can down the road and raise the debt limit to spend even more money that America does not have.

Tonight the US Senate and House of Representatives passes the Senate led bill to end the partial government shutdown and increase the debt limit. The Senate passed the bill 81 to 18 and the House voted in favor of it 285 to 144.  Incredibly, not one Democrat in the House or Senate voted against raising the debt on “We the People”. Imagine that? CNN reports that President Barack Obama will sign it immediately. The director of the Office of Management and Budget said that federal workers should expect to return to work Thursday morning. Hmm, does this mean that open air monuments will be open to of military veteran heroes?

In Obama’s speech tonight there was no reference to the GOP as terrorists or hostage takers … where is the evil rhetoric Mr. President?

Congressional Republicans conceded defeat on Wednesday in their bitter budget fight with President Obama over the new health care law as the House and Senate approved last-minute legislation ending a disruptive 16-day government shutdown and extending federal borrowing power to avert a financial default with potentially worldwide economic repercussions.

With the Treasury Department warning that it could run out of money to pay national obligations within a day, the Senate voted overwhelmingly Wednesday evening, 81 to 18, to approve a proposal hammered out by the chamber’s Republican and Democratic leaders after the House on Tuesday was unable to move forward with any resolution. The House followed suit a few hours later, voting 285 to 144 to approve the Senate plan, which would fund the government through Jan. 15 and raise the debt limit through Feb. 7.

Most House Republicans opposed the bill, but 87 voted to support it. The breakdown showed that Republican leaders were willing to violate their informal rule against advancing bills that do not have majority Republican support in order to end the shutdown. All 198 Democrats voting supported the measure.

From Business Insiders, Here’s The Bill That’s Going To End The Government Shutdown And Raise The Debt Ceiling.

A list of the 18 Republican Senators who voted against the Bill that will raise the debt and continue the out of control, drunken spending of politicians.

Coburn (R-OK)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Crapo (R-ID)
Cruz (R-TX)
Enzi (R-WY)
Grassley (R-IA)
Heller (R-NV)
Johnson (R-WI)
Lee (R-UT)
Paul (R-KY)
Risch (R-ID)
Roberts (R-KS)
Rubio (R-FL)
Scott (R-SC)
Sessions (R-AL)
Shelby (R-AL)
Toomey (R-PA)
Vitter (R-LA)

UPDATE I: All the House, Senate and President have done is kick the can down the road and solve nothing. No one wants to make the tough and responsible decisions because we have politicians who care more about their power and their agenda than they do “We the People” or the United States of America. Honestly, who in their right mind thinks that a country can continue to borrow billions of dollars a day and actually sustain itself?

Million Vet March on Sunday, October 13, 2013 … Open the WWII Memorial to Our Hero Veterans!

March against tyranny and for our Veterans …

March with our veterans and the heroes that have made America free on Sunday, October 13, 2013 in Washington, DC.  The Million Vet March is going to take place t 9:00 a.m. at the World War II Memorial. Who has been disgusted by the actions  of Barack Obama and our government in closing down open air memorials that are normally open 24-7 like the WWII Memorial to Our Greatest Generation? Who does this? What kind of reprehensible, uncaring, malicious government actually closes an open air monument and prevents aged vets from seeing the memorial that honors them and their fallen soldiers?

What kind of a government does this to inflict pain on the people to win political points? How exactly does Barack Obama square these actions with laying a wreath at The Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery on Veteran’s Day?

WWII_memorial closed

Go to VET for all the details.

I want you to circle the date of Sunday, October 13, 2013.

And then I want you to help “circle the wagons” on that day to help protect and defend our brave veterans who risked their lives for our freedom – and now are being barred from visiting the memorials erected to honor their deeds.

In a mean-spirited fit of selfish anger, Barack Obama has shut down our nation’s war memorials. And he has declared open war on our honored veterans!

The World War II memorial … the Vietnam Veterans Memorial … the Korean War Veterans Memorial – Obama has shut them all down to force his will on the House of Representatives and frankly, to get revenge on the American people who oppose Obamacare and his other naked power grabs.

Let’s put it plainly: Barack Obama is behaving like a vicious tyrant. And if he succeeds in this assault on the democratic system, the Republic we love is at mortal risk. It’s just that simple.

That’s why I am asking you now to take two decisive moves to show Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi – and all of their oppressive ilk in Washington – that “We the People” are still in charge. And we won’t rest until we take back our memorials and monuments!

Mark Levin to Barack Obama Says You Lay One Damn Hand on WW2 Vets and I’LL BRING HALF A MILLION PEOPLE TO THAT DAMN MEMORIAL!

Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) Asked “But If You Wanted to Help One Child With Cancer, Why Wouldn’t You Do It?” His Response, “Why Would We Want To Do That”

What ever happened to Democrats were for the Children? Democrat Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid and Democrats let America know just how little they care about children with cancer …

Just how little do Democrats care more about playing politics than they do actually caring about the children with cancer of “We the People,” one needs to look no further than the video below of Harry Reid being asked by a CNN reporter. Reid was asked, “but if you wanted to help one child with cancer, why wouldn’t you do it?” The reporter was referring to the fact that the GOP controlled House was passing a bill to add funding for the National Institute of Health (NIH), national parks and veterans.

Harry Reid’s response … “WHY WOULD WE WANT TO DO THAT”.

Isn’t that special. So we can now see just how little Obamacare really is about patient care and more about control. If Democrats really cared about the well being of individuals, they would pass a piecemeal bill that would include aiding cancer children. But no, instead they would rather play hard ball politics and defend Obamacare, a health care law that a majority of Americans do not want and most want it repealed. But Democrats would rather protect Obamacare at all cost than help children with cancer. Hmm, and I thought Democrats were supposed to be compassionate?

House Votes to Delay Obamacare 231-192 … Back to the US Senate and Harry Reid

The US House of Representatives votes to delay Obamacare by one year by a 231 to 192 margin. However, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) had more important things to do like not show up for the vote. The vote once again puts the ball back in the court of the US Senate. However, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has said he will make no compromises.

House Republicans forced through a short-term government funding bill that delays Obamacare and permanently repeals a tax on medical devices, setting up their most dramatic face-off ever with President Barack Obama and Senate Democrats.

The vote to delay Obamacare was 231-192, with two Republicans voting against the bill, while two Democrats supported it.  The Republicans opposed to the bill were New York Reps. Chris Gibson and Richard Hanna, and the Democrats who supported the measure were North Carolina Rep. Mike McInytre and Utah Rep. Jim Matheson.

“The House has again passed a plan that reflects the American people’s desire to keep the government running and stop the president’s health care law,” Boehner said in a post-vote statement. Repealing the medical device tax will save jobs and delaying the president’s health care law for all Americans is only fair given the exemptions the White House has granted to big businesses and insurance companies.”

He added: “Now that the House has again acted, it’s up to the Senate to pass this bill without delay to stop a government shutdown.”

House sends stopgap to Senate hours before shutdown (Video).

The high-stakes GOP move intensifies a game of chicken with Senate Democrats with just 48 hours to go before the lights could go out on the federal government.

The White House threatened to veto the measure, while Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) proclaimed it dead in the upper chamber.

The imminent deadline, combined with the prolonged impasse, has led some lawmakers to predict a shutdown is all but inevitable.

The Lonely Conservative, as myself, are surprised at the GOP’s not backing down on the Obamacare/continuing resolution fight. I thought for sure Boehner and the establishment Republicans would have caved at this point. However, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reed is not backing down either and is pretty much taking the my way or the highway approach.

Much more at The American Thinker and the ultimate question ahead of a pending government shutdown … who will blink?

Senate Majority Leader Dingy Harry Reid (NV-D) to Senator Ted Cruz (TX-R): “My Friend from Texas is Like a Schoolyard Bully” … Democratic Strategist James Carville Called Cruz Talented & Fearless

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black a bully …

Democrat Senate Majority Leader Dingy Harry said of Senator Ted Cruz, “My friend from Texas is like a schoolyard bully.” Wow, really? Obviously Harry Reid is having a case of selective amnesia because  as Hot Air opines, Harry Reid has never thrown a political punch below the belt in the course of his career. NEVER EVER. If Reid thinks that Cruz is a school yard bully for his actions, what would one call Reid when he was desperately buying and threatening Senators to vote for Obamacare ?

Senator Ted Cruz responds to those who would try and bully him … Some Say I Lack Civility And Have ‘Insulted Me While Doing So’

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) called freshman GOP Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) a “schoolyard bully” during a contentious exchange Monday on the Senate floor.

The two senators bickered as Cruz rose to object to Reid’s motion to appoint conferees to a House-Senate budget committee.

Cruz said he was concerned that the conference report—which cannot be filibustered—would be used to raise the nation’s debt ceiling. He asked that Reid amend his motion to go to conference to make out of order any provisions raising taxes or raising the debt ceiling.

Reid said Cruz had a chance to amend the Senate budget—which raises $975 billion in new tax revenue from tax reform—when it was considered on the floor.

He said Cruz’s request to eliminate all taxes in a final House-Senate budget was absurd.

“The senator from Texas was on the losing side…now he wants us to adopt the losing side’s view or we cannot go to conference,” Reid said.

“My friend from Texas is like a schoolyard bully,” Reid added.

However, not everyone thinks Cruz is a bully, some think he is amazing. Over the weekend, long time Democrat strategist James Carville said of  Sen. Cruz, “I think he is the most talented and fearless Republican politician I’ve seen in the last 30 years.

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