Rasmussen Poll: Democrats Want Socialist Bernie Sanders as Hillary Clinton’s Back Up If Health Issues Forced Her to Withdraw


A recent Rasmussen poll states that 48% of likely Democrat voters believe that self-proclaimed socialist and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton’s lone rival in the 2016 Democrat primaries, should be the party’s nominee if for some reason Hillary had to step down due to health issues. According to the poll results, 48% chose Bernie Sanders, Vice President Joe Biden received 22% and 14% opted for Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, the current Democratic vice presidential candidate. Another 9% wanted some one else.

First, unless Hillary Clinton does a header off the stage during a presidential debate, she will never withdraw as she cares too much about herself and she has waited her entire life for this moment. Two, what does this say about the Democrat party that would want a socialist to be their nominee? Three, Bernie fans would feel the Democrat burn as the party would never select him, if such a situation ever presented itself.

Suppose the unthinkable took place, and Hillary Clinton was forced for health reasons to step down as the Democratic presidential nominee. Who do Democrats think should take her place?

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 48% of Likely Democratic Voters believe Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, Clinton’s primary rival, should be their party’s nominee if health issues forced her out of the race. Twenty-two percent (22%) say Vice President Joe Biden should be the nominee, while only 14% opt for Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, the current Democratic vice presidential candidate. Nine percent (9%) of Democrats think it should be someone else. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Among all likely voters, it’s a closer contest. Thirty-six percent (36%) choose Sanders, 20% Biden and 14% Kaine. But 21% think the Democratic nominee should be someone else.

A plurality (46%) of voters believes the media is giving too much coverage to Clinton’s health issues. Twenty-eight percent (28%) say there’s not enough coverage, while 21% rate the level of coverage as about right.

I really have to wonder who the hell the 46% is above who thinks the media is providing too much coverage to Hillary Clinton’s health issues. Like the health of the individual who would be president is not an important thing especially when she has a history of collapsing, fainting, concussions, blood clots, not being able to climb stairs and generally looking like she is in just poor health. Where is the too much coverage? The media and the America people should be demanding we know her health history.

Daily Commentary – Monday, August 1, 2016 – So It Looks Like Bernie Sanders Has Some Unpaid Bills!

  • His campaign may be history, but according to the city of Cloverdale, California, Bernie still owes them $23,000

Daily Commentary – Monday, August 1, 2016 | Download

Bernie Sanders Supporters Chant ‘Hell No, DNC, We Won’t Vote For Hillary’ Outside of Democratic National Convention (VIDEO)


In the wake of the DNC email scandal and ahead of the start of the DNC, Bernie Sanders supporters chanted, ‘Hell No, DNC, We Won’t Vote For Hillary’. Bernie Sanders may endorse Hillary Clinton and beg his supporters to vote for Hillary; however, that possibility seems hardly likely. Sanders’ supporters know they were screwed, even if Sanders wants to goose step to Hillary’s beat.

Thousands of demonstrators took to Philadelphia’s sweltering streets Sunday, cheering, chanting and beating drums in the first major protests ahead of the Democratic National Convention, as the city wilted during a heat wave.

Throngs of Bernie Sanders supporters marched down a main thoroughfare to show their support of him and disdain for Hillary Clinton ahead of the convention.

Chanting “Hell No, DNC, we won’t vote for Hillary” and “This is what democracy looks like,” the marchers headed from City Hall down Broad Street, the main north-south artery that leads from the city center to the convention site about 4 miles away.

Bernie Sanders Supporters Chant ‘Lock Her Up!’ During MSNBC Interview With Clinton Spokeman


In the wake of the DNC email scandal, Bernie Sanders supported are pissed off. During an MSNBC interview this weekend Sanders supported chanted “lock her up,” obviously referring to lying, crooked Hillary Clinton. The Democrats are in disarray.

It’s not just Republicans that want presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in prison.

At a lively Sunday march in support of former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, chants of “lock her up,” “Hillary for Prison” signs and t-shirts and calls for indictment were common among the most ardent supporters of Mr. Sanders, who arrived in Philadelphia to make their voices heard to the delegates attending the Democratic National Convention.

Republicans used last week’s Republican National Convention to make the case that Mrs. Clinton’s perceived ethical lapses made her unfit for office. Delegates to the Republican convention could be heard chanting “Lock her up!” while “Hillary for Prison” shirts and bumper stickers have proliferated across the country.

Bernie Sanders Booed by Sanders’ Supporters as He Urges That They Vote for Hillary Clinton (VIDEO)


Today Bernie Sanders learned the difference between an election and a movement. Sanders was booed by his own delegates and supporters as he urged the voters to vote for Hillary Clinton. The crowd wanted no part of it. Sanders supporters are pissed and feel that they had the nomination robbed from them. Guess what, they did. For months Sanders had stated that the system was rigged. Thanks to Wikileaks and the leaked DNC emails, that is exactly what happened. Now that the truth is out, Sanders supporters want their pound of flesh and want no part about hearing they should vote for Hillary. This is what a political movement looks like, its not a BS campaign where one bows down and admits defeat, especially when they probably should never have lost.

Supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders booed and jeered when as the Vermont lawmaker and former presidential contender told them, “We must elect Hillary Clinton.”

Appearing for the first time this week in Philadelphia, where the Democratic National Convention kicked off this afternoon, Sanders tried to control the room and his fans.

“Brothers and sisters, this is the real world that we live in,” he said. “[Donald] Trump is a bully and a demagogue. Trump, Trump has made bigotry and hatred the cornerstone of his campaign.”

But the crowd, in the last sign of the party struggling for any sense of unity, chanted, “We want Bernie!”

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