Voters of of Florida, A Politician Doing Obama’s Bidding and Flip-Flopping on Issues to Get Elected is Hardly an Independent

Florida Snow Job in November … Why would Florida want to elect a candidate like Charlie Crist that embodies exactly what is wrong with politicians today and that they will say and do anything to get elected, including calling them self an independent out of convenience?


The so-called Independent Crist with Obama

A recent Rasmussen poll in Florida stated that 41% of voters in the Sunshine state said that they would be likely to vote for an independent in the upcoming election. That would be nice if there was an actual, legitimate independent candidate running in Florida. The only reason why Crist is running as an independent is because he was behind Marco Rubio by 20% in the Republican polling.

As Independent candidate Charlie Crist continues to run neck-and-neck with Republican Marco Rubio in the race for U.S. Senate in Florida, the plurality of voters in the state say they are more likely to vote for a candidate not affiliated with either party this election than they have been in the past


Independent, or a rubber stamp for Obama?

 A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state finds that 41% say they are more likely to pull the lever for an independent candidate this election than in past elections.  Thirty-percent (30%) say they are less likely to do so this year, while 19% say their likelihood is about the same this year as it has been in the past.  Ten percent (10%) are not sure.

Floridians … WAKE UP!!!

The now so-called independent Charlie Crist is no independent, he is an opportunist and a politicians that will say anything and flip-flop on any political issue to get elected. 47% of Democrats, 44% of unaffiliated and 33% of Republicans in Florida say they are more likely to vote for an independent candidate. Republicans, what are you thinking that you would vote for Crist who has floated that he would back a Democrat Majority leader, meaning he would side with the Democrats and not Republicans?

Maybe the voters should be polled if they would vote for a candidate who lied on national TV in that he would not run as an independent if he was not picked by his party to represent them on the ticket in November? Florida, do you really want a lair representing you in the US Senate? Seriously, isn’t Charlie Crist exactly what is wrong withpoliticians today and the fact that they cannot tell the truth? They change their opinions and policies to get elected, not because they actually have an core convictions. Independent or no independent, why would any one cast a ballot for a politician incapable of telling the truth?

WALLACE:Speaking of these questions about your political future, there have been persistent rumors in Florida that you are so far behind, at least currently, in the polls — double digits to Mr. Rubio — that you may run instead as an independent. Here is your chance to dispel all the rumors. Are you willing to pledge right here, right now that you will run in the Republican primary for the U.S. Senate and not run as an independent?
: I’m running as a Republican. I’m very proud to be from the party of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, others that really have stood up for the principles of our party, like Ronald Reagan. This is a great party. It has a great future. We have a great opportunity to win in November. It’s important that we put a candidate up that can win in November.
WALLACE: So are you ruling out that you will file as an independent by the April 30th deadline?
CRIST: That’s right. That’s right. I’m running as a Republican.
: You will run not for a governor — you’ll run for Senate, and you will run as a — in the Republican primary.
: Chris, I’m running for the United States Senate. I know that our country needs help. I’m running as a Republican. This man to my left is a friend but I hope to defeat him on August the 24th, and I would encourage every Florida Republican to get out and vote.
WALLACE: Will you support the winner of the GOP primary, whether it’s you or Marco Rubio?
CRIST: Of course I will. Of course I will. But I think before that decision is made, people

Voters across America have stated they want change in November and a road block to Obama’s agenda. Is Crist’s comments that he’s open to supporting a Democrat for Senate Majority Leader really Crist being an independent, or his pandering for Democrat votes?

Florida, do you really think that Barack Obama is doing a good job? Presently only 47% of you say he is, why would you vote in some one who agrees more than not with Obama? Crist actually thinks that Obama has handled the BP oil spill well, do you? In an interview on June 18, 2010 Crist stated that he was pleased with the work that Obama had done. Most voters have disapproved of how Obama has handled the BP oil spill.


Exit Question: Florida voters, if most all independent voters have moved away from President Barack Obama, why would you support a so-called independent candidate who agrees with Obama on most issues and has been pandering to the Democrats?

Florida US Senate 2010: Independent Eh? Democrats Thinking of Backing GOP Judas Charlie Christ

Charlie Crist, the poster child of what is wrong with politicians are their “say anything” motto to stay in power.

So you still think that Florida Governor and FL US Senate candidate Charlie Crist is still an Independent? Think again. Democrats are thinking of backing Crist in the upcoming Florida US Senate race against GOP candidate Marco Rubio because their own candidate is running a distant third.

Establishment Democrats in Florida, for now, are sticking with Rep. Kendrick Meek, who lags far behind in early general election polls against Crist and Republican Marco Rubio. Yet with Greene promising to drop at least $40 million of his fortune on the primary and pulling neck and neck with Meek in one survey, Sunshine State Democrats are beginning to consider the increasingly realistic prospect that their nominee might be a “meltdown mogul” — one who collects erotic art, had Mike Tyson serve as his best man and once hosted “Hollywood Madam” Heidi Fleiss as a house guest.

Faced with such an awkward possibility, many influential Democrats indicated that supporting Crist — who has quickly moved leftward since leaving the GOP — or just remaining quiet would be the better of the unenviable options.

An Independent backed by Democrats, hardly a man of all the people and the “independent” that Crist claims to be. Mark my words, if Crist is backed by Democrats in the upcoming election, he will be beholden to the Democrats. Does that sound independent to anyone?

Far be it from an “independent” opportunist like Crist to take advantage of a crisis. Crist looks to make hay with the recent BP oil spill and the offshore drilling issue. However, even though support for offshore drilling has cooled in Florida since the crisis according to a recent poll, Crist once again looks like the “I was for it, before I was against it” political opportunist that he is.

When it comes to Charlie Crist, the man will say anything to get elected. However, it’s not just Crist that will do anything to stay in power, Democrats are right in line as well for even pondering the support of the so-called Independent man. It’s not about the people, it is about his political career and survival. Isn’t this exactly the kind of politician that American are fed up with in 2010?

Charlie Crist Switches on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT) Gays in the Military

First Florida Governor, US FL Senate wannabe Charlie Crist switched from being a Republican to an Independent. Now Crist switches his opinion on “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy of gays in the military.

Gov. Charlie Crist’s switch on the military’s ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy Thursday left the no-party Senate contender caught in a crossfire of criticism from his Democratic and Republican opponents.

With Congress moving toward votes on repealing the policy that prohibits gays from serving openly in the military, Crist dropped his support for continuing the ban. As recently as Monday, Crist told reporters that the current policy, “has worked pretty well for America.”

But by Thursday, Crist said he supports the repeal.

Shocker, Crist would change sexes if he knew it would get him elected and keep power. Even his Democrat Senate opponent Meeks can see the obvious political pandering that Crist is conducting. Crist’s new campaign ad … I was against DADT, before I was for it.

But Crist’s leading Democratic opponent, U.S. Rep. Kendrick Meek, who has fought to repeal the ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy for years, ripped the governor as “willing to say or do anything to get elected.”

“This is not about being independent,” Meek said. “This is about being whichever way the wind blows for his own personal gain.”

“There’s a Democrat in this race,” Meek said in a remark aimed at Crist. “And that Democrat is me.”

Meet Charlie Crist, the biggest political opportunist to come down the pike in quite some time. The man has no shame, no character and no core values. He is willing to say anything to get elected. To the people of Florida … isn’t this exactly what we don’t want our politicians to be any more?

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