EPIC FAIL: President Barack Obama Bombs in Berlin … a Weak, Underwhelming Address From a Floundering President

Barack Obama, International Rock Star No More …

The UK Telegraph just rips Barack Obama’s underwhelming speech apart as they compare it to the one’s that JFK and Ronald Reagan made in Berlin. What else would one expect from a weak, ineffective and scandal ridden  president? Because truth be known and its about time that America and the World admit it, Obama really is an empty suit and an epic failure. Obama is no JFK and he certainly is no Reagan. Obama is simply an emperor with no clothes and now no audience. Obama’s speech yesterday in Berlin was as weak as it gets and showed just how small this president has become. Obama took his scandal plagued, failed economy on the road for what seemed more like a State of the Union laundry list of begs on the road to Europe. His lame speech can be read HERE. One has to wonder who thought this was a good idea. Is his ego really that big and is Obama do deluded to think that this small, tiny, miniscule speech was on par with JFK and RWR? All that has been accomplished during Obama’s European vacation is just how much he has diminished the role of the President and the United States in the World.

John F. Kennedy – I am a Berliner – “Ich Bin Ein Berliner”

Take a look what a real president looks like speaking in Berlin, Germany

When John F. Kennedy delivered his “Ich Bin Ein Berliner” speech in front of the Brandenburg Gate on June 26, 1963, 450,000 people flocked to hear him. Fifty years later a far more subdued invitation-only crowd of 4,500 showed up to hear Barack Obama speak at the same location in Berlin. As The National Journal noted, “he didn’t come away with much, winning just a smattering of applause from a crowd that was one-hundredth the size of JFK’s,” and far smaller than the 200,000 boisterous Germans who had listened to his 2008 address as a presidential candidate. JFK had a clear message when he came to Berlin a half century ago – the free world must stand up to Communist tyranny. 24 years later, President Reagan stood in the same spot famously calling on the Soviets to “tear down this wall.” Reagan’s speech was a seminal moment that ushered in the downfall of an evil empire, and gave hope to tens of millions of people behind the Iron Curtain. It was a display of strength and conviction by the leader of the free world, sending an unequivocal message of solidarity with those who were fighting for freedom in the face of a monstrous totalitarian ideology.

In stark contrast to that of his presidential predecessors, Barack Obama’s message on Wednesday was pure mush, another clichéd “citizens of the world” polemic with little substance. This was a speech big on platitudes and hopeless idealism, while containing much that was counter-productive for the world’s superpower. Ultimately it was little more than a laundry list of Obama’s favorite liberal pet causes, including cutting nuclear weapons, warning about climate change, putting an end to all wars, shutting Guantanamo, ending global poverty, and backing the European Project. It was a combination of staggering naiveté, the appeasement of America’s enemies and strategic adversaries, and the championing of more big government solutions.

President Ronald Reagan – “Tear Down this Wall”

Another great President in Berlin, German

What did we get from Barack Obama? A political liberal beg speech of his liberal wish list that has nothing to do with anything except show just how shallow and small Obama really has become. It was nothing more than embarrassing.

CNN Poll: Barack Obama Approval Rating Falls to 45% Amid Continuous Scandals

Don’t look now but Nixon’s Obama’s approval ratings are tanking amid scandals.

According to a recent CNN poll. President Barack Obama’s approval rating has sunk to 45% while 54% disapprove of his handling of his job. It is his lowest rating in a year and a half. So why the free-fall? Can you say scandals and the fact that the American people are being to not only lose trust in government, but specifically lose trust in Obama. The scandals are starting to catch up with Obama and how could they not? With Benghazi, the IRS, AP, James Rosen, NSA, the State Department and lest we forget Fast and Furious, it is simply amazing his approval rating is at 45%. Obama also go low marks on handling the economy and the federal budget. Also, as reported at the Politico, for the first time in his presidency, the poll also found less than half of respondents believed Obama was honest. In all, the poll showed Obama to be a complete failure.


Full poll can be read HERE (pdf).

The president’s approval rating stands at 45%, down from 53% in mid-May. And 54% say they disapprove of how Obama’s handling his job, up nine points from last month. It’s the first time in CNN polling since November 2011 that a majority of Americans have had a negative view of the president.

“The drop in Obama’s support is fueled by a dramatic 17-point decline over the past month among people under 30, who, along with black Americans, had been the most loyal part of the Obama coalition,” says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

The president also dropped 10 points among independent voters, from 47% last month to 37% now, with Obama’s disapproval among independents jumping 12 points to 61%.

Snapshot of poll from Business Insiders:

General job approval is down from 53% in May to 45% now.
•Approval on the economy is down 2 points, to 42%.
On foreign affairs, Obama has fallen 5 points to 44%.
•On illegal immigration, Obama’s disapproval is up to 56%.
•49% of respondents say Obama is honest/trustworthy, a big drop from 58% in the last reading.
Among those aged under 30, Obama has seen a 17% (!) drop in approval.

More from The Politico, Obama losing support from Independents and the youth vote.

The drop in support for Obama was especially steep among young voters and independents. With voters ages 18 to 29, Obama’s approval numbers dropped 17 points, according to CNN’s polling director. Among voters ages 18-34, 48 percent approved of the job Obama is doing and 50 percent disapproved.

Independents’ approval of the president dropped 10 points, to 37 percent, and disapproval was up 12 points, to 61 percent.

Quinnipiac Poll: President Barack Obama Have Negative Job Approval Rating, 45% – 49%

A new Quinnipiac poll shows that the scandals are starting to take an affect on Barack Obama’s job approval rating.

Drip, drip, drip. President Barack Obama is taking a hit in his job approval rating as a result of the multiply scandals that are taking place in his administration in what was supposed to be the most transparent presidency ever. Obama does not face one scandal, not two scandals, but three scandals at the same time. That is correct, Obama is not facing just one Watergate, he is facing Benghazi-gate, IRS-gate and Media-gate.  Of which the scandal with the media has a part A and part B with the AP and the Fox News James Rosen scandals. Also, have we forgot Fast & Furious, how’s that Obama scandal going? According to the most recent Quinnipiac Poll, Obama’s approval rating is down to 45% approval, 49% disapproval. That is down from May when he was at 48% approval and 45% disapproval.


Full poll results (pdf.)

American voters say 76 – 17 percent, including 63 – 30 percent among Democrats, that a special prosecutor should be appointed to investigate charges the Internal Revenue Service targeted conservative groups, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today.   President Barack Obama gets a negative 45 – 49 percent job approval rating, compared to 48 – 45 percent positive in a May 1 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University, conducted before the IRS allegations surfaced.

The president’s biggest drop is among independent voters, who give him a negative 37 – 57 percent score, compared to a negative 42 – 48 percent May 1. He gets a negative 9 – 86 percent from Republicans and a positive 87 – 8 percent from Democrats, both virtually unchanged. Women approve 49 – 45 percent while men give a negative 40 – 54 percent score.   Americans are divided 49 – 47 percent on whether Obama is honest and trustworthy, down from 58 – 37 percent, the last time Quinnipiac University asked the question September 1, 2011.


With all that has happened with this president and the scandals that has further made “We the People” trust our government even less, Democrats still support this president in lock-step. I wonder how they would feel if it were they who were targeted? It is truly sad that they cannot see the bigger picture and just follow Obama blindly and drink the Kool-Aid. However, what should be eye opening to Obama and Democrats is that Independents disapprove of Obama’s job by 20%. The most damning scandal for Americans is the IRS scandal. No one likes the IRS and the fact that a government agency has such power with no oversight to destroy Americans, no matter what their political beliefs and opinions may be, is frightening.

Support for an independent prosecutor to probe the IRS issue is 88 – 6 percent among Republicans and 78 – 17 percent among independent voters, 78 – 17 percent among men and 74 – 18 percent among women.

FOX News latest poll has Obama at 45% approval and 51% disapproval.

Reuters/Ipsos latest poll has Obama at 45% approval and 50% disapproval.

Still to come … the pounding that Barack Obama is going to take on the unpopular Obamacare and the IRS’s roll in establishing and enforcing it as the IRS scandal gets deeper and deeper.

President Barack Obama Sounding an Awful Lot Like Richard Nixon (VIDEO) … ” I First Learned of it from News Reports”.

Hmm, President Barack Hussein Obama is sounding an awful lot like Richard Milhous Nixon these days. The video below by Reveal Politics has side by side Obama – Nixon sound bytes and it sounds like they are separated at birth.  Even CBS’s Bob Sheiffer of ‘Face the Nation’ stated to White House advisor Dan Pffeiffer, this is exactly the approach that Nixon took during Watergate.  Nixon had Watergate, but Barack Obama is juggling three scandals, or is it four, at the same time and doesn’t have an answer for any of them. For those that refuse to compare Obama’s scandals to Watergate, what’s the difference? Both attacked political opposition, both used the IRS to intimidate, harass, and affect political outcomes. Both used the powers of the government against their political enemies, heck and even friends in the MSM. Oh, there was one difference … no one was left behind in Benghazi to die as they begged for help.

Remember how Democrats reacted when Nixon was caught in one scandal? But of course there is a double standard for Obama. Sorry, one scandal might be explainable. Two, makes one start to raise their eye brow. Three, is a very troubling trend and four, we begin to use the “I” word. The LEFT is losing their collective minds that their Obamamessiah, the president of ‘Hope and Change’ is nothing more than Richard Nixon with a “D”.

VIDEO – Reveal Politics

Good Grief, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney is a Bumbling Disgrace, Fox News Ed Henry Rips Him on Eric Holder’s Lies Under Oath to Congress


Today was the 4th of July come early as fireworks flew at the White House. Fox News White House correspondent Ed Henry White House spokesman spin doctor Jay Carney  went at it like cats and dogs today during the White House press conference discussing Attorney General Eric Holder’s lies under oath. CBS reported, Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder on Wednesday expressing “great concern” about the possibility that Holder lied under oath during his testimony earlier this month on the Justice Department’s seizing of journalists’ records. With three scandals going on simultaneously, it’s only a matter of time before some one takes the fall. The Obama administration has to do something to stop the political bleeding. The fact that Obama appointed Eric Holder to investigate Eric Holder only added fuel to the fire and made a complicit MSM raise an eye brow. Carney would say, “I don’t see the conflict”. Dude really? Stevie Wonder can see the conflict. It is hard to imagine this does not end with a Holder resignation.

Transcript from The Gateway Pundit:

Ed Henry: Was he not telling the truth at that point? He was involved in it.

Jay Carney: Involved in what?

Ed Henry: He signed off on the search warrant!… Are you not involved after you sign off on a search warrant?

Jay Carney: Again, I’ll refer you to the Justice Department. You guys are complaining that the subpoena with prosecution. Again… I would just point you to what the Attorney General said.

Major Garret: But is this a technical inaccuracy you’re holding onto?

Jay Carney: I’m not. I’m saying based on what I’ve seen in published reports and what the Attorney General said, I don’t see the conflict.

From CBS News, the White House defended Holder on Wednesday, with press secretary Jay Carney saying it was “self-evident” that Holder told the truth. “I think based on what he said, he testified truthfully,” Carney said. “The attorney general talked about prosecution,” he explained, while the case in question was completed with no further charges or prosecution slated. The truth? Carney, YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!! If Obama and his minions think that they are going to get away with parsing words and “it all dependes on what is, is” they are going to go down hard and the Democrat party in tow.

On May 15, Holder told the committee he wasn’t involved in “the potential prosecution” of a member of the press under the Espionage Act for disclosing classified information. “This is not something I’ve ever been involved in, heard of, or would think would be wise policy,” he said.

Shortly thereafter, reports began to surface that the Justice Department, in addition to seizing telephone and email records of Associated Press reporters, had seized the the emails and phone records of Fox News correspondent James Rosen. While Holder had recused himself from the AP proceedings, the Washington Post reported that the attorney general had personally signed off on the search warrant for Rosen’s records.

In the search warrant, the FBI called Rosen a “criminal co-conspirator” and suggested there’s probable cause that he violated federal law. Rosen was not charged with any crime.

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