Clinton Foundation Head Accused Chelsea Of Using Funds For Wedding, Campaigning, And Avoiding Taxes


As reported at The Daily Caller, According to Doug Band, the former top aid to Bill Clinton who helped found the Clinton Global Initiative, accused Chelsea Clinton of illegal activities by using foundation money to pay for her wedding and getting paid to campaign, all while avoiding paying taxes. The latest Wikileaks dump includes 2012 correspondence between Band and now-Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta, in which Band accuses Chelsea of illegally “using foundation resources for her [2010] wedding and life for a decade.” Good grief. The Clinton Foundation corruption is just one incestuous bundle of corruption, collusion and criminal activity that benefited every one in the family. The email can be read here.

YET ANOTHER CRIMINAL ACTIVITY AND SCANDAL BROUGHT TO US BY THE CLINTON’S. Yet, they are allowed to live by a different set of rules than you and I.

Wikileaks Chelsea clinton

Doug Band, the former top aid to Bill Clinton who helped found the Clinton Global Initiative, accused Chelsea Clinton of illegal activities by using foundation money to pay for her wedding and getting paid to campaign, all while avoiding paying taxes.

After Chelsea had launched an investigation into the foundation’s finances under Band’s control, an angry Doug Band email Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta to complain. Band called Chelsea’s actions, “not smart.”

Podesta replied, “You are perfecting your skills for understatement.”

New emails released by Wikileaks show Band, still irate, replied with his own allegations of Chelsea Clinton’s corruption.

FBI Finds Non-Duplicate Emails Related to Hillary Clinton’s Tenure at the State Department on the Laptop Belonging to Huma Abedin & Anthony Weiner


CBS News is reporting that the FBI has found emails related to Hillary Clinton during her tenure at the State Department on the laptop belonging to the estranged husband of Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner. Hmm. They also reported that the emails are not duplicates of emails found on Secretary Clinton’s private server. Double hmm!!! As Powerline opines, the significance of this finding, no matter what the emails contain, “confirm, once again, that not all of Hillary’s work-related emails were preserved and turned over for production, as Hillary claimed.” HILLARY CLINTON IS A LIAR!!!  Hillary Clinton was supposed to turn over all work related emails. This was obviously not not. America, this is called obstruction of justice.

Hillary and Huma

The FBI has found emails related to Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state on the laptop belonging to the estranged husband of Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner, according to a U.S. official.

These emails, CBS News’ Andres Triay reports, are not duplicates of emails found on Secretary Clinton’s private server. At this point, however, it remains to be seen whether these emails are significant to the FBI’s investigation into Clinton. It is also not known how many relevant emails there are.

In a letter to Congress last Friday, FBI Director James Comey indicated that the agency was taking steps to review newly discovered emails relating to Clinton’s private email server. Those emails came from the laptop of Weiner, a former New York congressman. Abedin reportedly said she had no knowledge of the existence of any of her emails on Weiner’s laptop. On Monday, CBS News reported that the FBI had obtained a warrant for the emails.

In a separate matter, CBS News confirmed that there were disagreements between FBI agents looking into the Clinton Foundation and their superiors in Washington and at the Department of Justice. The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that the FBI was facing an “internal feud” over how to handle the Clinton Foundation case in the middle of election season. Officials say tension like this is common in many cases.

Town Hall – Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton are in deep trouble.

Abedin has sworn on multiple occasions that she turned over all State Department-related documents and the devices she used to send those emails. In June, she swore that she turned over all devices to her lawyers that she thought might have State Department material on them. In February of 2013, she signed a routine form swearing that all documents, from classified to administrative, relating to the State Department were turned over. Penalties of perjury were applied to both cases. Granted, intent has to be proven, but one would think that some inquiry into this angle of the investigation would also begin, yes? New emails relating to Clinton’s tenure as our top diplomat, which is tied to her unauthorized and unsecure email server, have been found. That’s sort of torpedoes the big liberal hope that all of these were duplicates. I’m sure more emails of a similar nature will be found, given the sheer volume of what needs to be reviewed. Abedin even said that she didn’t delete old emails from her inbox.

Yes, the details about these emails, other than they’re new, is scarce. But the fact that Clinton has been caught in lie after lie about the nature, circumstances, and contents of her private email server only further fortify the already solid assumption that she’s dishonest and untrustworthy. The problem is that Donald Trump isn’t much better on these character issues either, but there is one huge difference between the two candidates. One is under federal investigation, while the other is not.

More from Bret Baier … FBI Says an Indictment in the Clinton Foundation Case is “Likely”! (VIDEO) … “99% accuracy that Hillary’s Private Email Server had Been Hacked by at least 5 Foreign Intelligence Agencies”


Fox News Bret Baier discusses the FBI’s investigation of the Clinton Foundation with Fox News Channel’s Brit Hume, ‘On the Record.’ Not only was there a pay for play scandal and a “likely” indictment in the future, it also appears that there is a 99% chance of accuracy that Hillary Clinton’s private email server was hacked by at least 5 foreign intelligence agencies. WHAT!!! So she didn’t put the United States of America at risk, huh libs? Really? What does this also mean? Potentially there are foreign countries that have the emails that Hillary Clinton deleted and bleachbitted that she could be held up to blackmail. DO NOT ELECT THIS INDIVIDUAL WHO WAS SO DERLICT IN HER DUTY AND LINED HER POCKETS WHILE SUPPOSEDLY WORKING FOR WE THE PEOPLE!!!

“we learned there is a confidence from these sources that her server had been hacked. And that it was a 99% accuracy that it had been hacked by at least five foreign intelligence agencies, and that things had been taken from that …”

How many scandals is it going to take America for you to wake up? Some one this corrupt cannot be elected president. Do you have no conscience? Michelle opines, John Edwards had “Two Americas,” and Hillary’s got “Two FBI Investigations.”

Real Clear Politics transcript:

BRET BAIER: Here’s the deal: We talked to two separate sources with intimate knowledge of the FBI investigations. One: The Clinton Foundation investigation is far more expansive than anybody has reported so far… Several offices separately have been doing their own investigations.

Two: The immunity deal that Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson, two top aides to Hillary Clinton, got from the Justice Department in which it was believed that the laptops they had, after a narrow review for classified materials, were going to be destroyed. We have been told that those have not been destroyed — they are at the FBI field office here on Washington and are being exploited. 

Three: The Clinton Foundation investigation is so expansive, they have interviewed and re-interviewed many people. They described the evidence they have as ‘a lot of it’ and said there is an ‘avalanche coming in every day.’ WikiLeaks and the new emails.

They are “actively and aggressively pursuing this case.” Remember the Foundation case is about accusations of pay-for-play… They are taking the new information and some of them are going back to interview people for the third time. As opposed to what has been written about the Clinton Foundation investigation, it is expansive.

The classified e-mail investigation is being run by the National Security division of the FBI. They are currently combing through Anthony Weiner’s laptop. They are having some success — finding what they believe to be new emails, not duplicates, that have been transported through Hillary Clinton’s server.

Finally, we learned there is a confidence from these sources that her server had been hacked. And that it was a 99% accuracy that it had been hacked by at least five foreign intelligence agencies, and that things had been taken from that…

There has been some angst about Attorney General Loretta Lynch — what she has done or not done. She obviously did not impanel, or go to a grand jury at the beginning. They also have a problem, these sources do, with what President Obama said today and back in October of 2015…

I pressed again and again on this very issue… The investigations will continue, there is a lot of evidence. And barring some obstruction in some way, they believe they will continue to likely an indictment.

FBI’s Clinton Foundation Investigation Now ‘a Very High Priority’ & Headed Toward Possible Indictment (VIDEO)


As reported at FOX News, The FBI’s investigation into the Clinton Foundation that has been going on for more than a year has now taken a “very high priority.” Last night on the Fox News Channel, Bret Baier reported the latest news about the Clinton Foundation investigation from two sources inside the FBI. Baier stated, “the investigation looking into possible pay-for-play interaction between Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Foundation has been going on for more than a year. Led by the white collar crime division, public corruption branch of the criminal investigative division of the FBI”.

Hillary Clinton Pay for Play

It would appear that the story that the computer devices of Clinton aides, Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson, were not destroyed as earlier thought. The FBI is currently exploiting those devices.

Watch the below VIDEO, just damning to Hillary Clinton. She once again lied when she told the Des Moines Register that the Clinton Foundation was not being investigated. She knew damn well that it was. Hillary Clinton’s “Pay for Play” Clinton Foundation investigation is going to go forward even after the 2016 election, meaning that if she is elected, she will continue to be investigated and possibly indicted as a sitting president. Good grief America, is this what you want? Drain the Swamp!!!

The FBI’s investigation into the Clinton Foundation that has been going on for more than a year has now taken a “very high priority,” separate sources with intimate knowledge of the probe tell Fox News.

FBI agents have interviewed and re-interviewed multiple people on the foundation case, which is looking into possible pay for play interaction between then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. The FBI’s White Collar Crime Division is handling the investigation.

Even before the WikiLeaks dumps of alleged emails linked to the Clinton campaign, FBI agents had collected a great deal of evidence, law enforcement sources tell Fox News.

“There is an avalanche of new information coming in every day,” one source told Fox News, who added some of the new information is coming from the WikiLeaks documents and new emails.

FBI agents are “actively and aggressively pursuing this case,” and will be going back and interviewing the same people again, some for the third time, sources said.

Real Clear Politics transcript:

BRET BAIER: Breaking news tonight — two separate sources with intimate knowledge of the FBI investigations into the Clinton emails and the Clinton Foundation tell Fox the following:

The investigation looking into possible pay-for-play interaction between Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Foundation has been going on for more than a year. Led by the white collar crime division, public corruption branch of the criminal investigative division of the FBI.

The Clinton Foundation investigation is a, quote, “very high priority.” Agents have interviewed and reinterviewed multiple people about the Foundation case, and even before the WikiLeaks dumps, agents say they have collected a great deal of evidence. Pressed on that, one sources said, quote, “a lot of it,” and “there is an avalanche of new information coming every day.”

Some of it from WikiLeaks, some of it from new emails. The agents are actively and aggressively pursuing this case. They will be going back to interview the same people again, some for the third time.

As a result of the limited immunity deals to top aides, including Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson, the Justice Department had tentatively agreed that the FBI would destroy those laptops after a narrow review. We are told definitively that has not happened. Those devices are currently in the FBI field office here in Washington, D.C. and are being exploited.

The source points out that any immunity deal is null and void if any subject lied at any point in the investigation.

Meantime, the classified e-mail investigation is being run by the National Security division of the FBI. They are currently combing through former Democratic Congressman Anthony Wiener’s laptop and have found e-mails that they believe came from Hillary Clinton’s server that appear to be new, as in not duplicates.

Whether they contain classified material or not is not yet known. It will likely be known soon. All of this just as we move inside one week until election day.

TRUMP Destroys Hillary on Clinton Pay for Play Foundation and Challenges Hillary to Return Money From Nations Abusive to Women and Gays (VIDEO)


During last night’s third and final 2016 Presidential debate, Fox News moderator Chris Wallace asked Hillary Clinton a tough and direct question regarding The Clinton Foundation and the perceived pay for play that took place when Clinton was Secretary of State. Hillary Clinton did not answer the question. She just flat out ignored the question and gushed over what the Foundation did. Donald Trump then pounced on Hillary and the monies she has taken from nations that are abusive to women and gays. Trump asked Hillary to return the money. Of course there is no chance in hell that Hillary would ever do such a thing, yet she claims to be the champion of women and gays. Hillary Clinton had no response to the question of returning the money and was left with that that uncomfortable goofy smile. Would not it be the honrable thing to return monies to countries that abuse women and kill gays? Then again, we used the word honorable.

They kill women and treat women horribly, and yet you take their money.”

“So I would like to ask you right now,” he continued. “Why don’t you give back the money that you have taken from certain countries that treat certain groups of people so horribly? Why don’t you give back the money?

BTW … what the hell was up with Clinton in laughing and that bizarro, dopey grin (see video 0:32) she get when Trump mentioned that “these are people that push gays off buildings?” Laughing and that inappropriate, goofy smile?


Wallace: In this bucket about fitness to be president there’s been a lot of developments over the last ten days since the last debate. I’d like to ask you about them. These are questions that the American people have. Secretary Clinton, during your 2009 Senate confirmation hearing you promised to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest with your dealing with the Clinton Foundation while you were secretary of state, but e-mails show that donors got special access to you, those seeking grants for Haiti relief separately from non-donors and some of those donors got contracts, government contracts, taxpayer money. Can you really say you’ve kept your pledge to that Senate committee and why isn’t what happened and what went on and between you and the Clinton Foundation? Why isn’t it what Mr. Trump calls pay-to-play?

Clinton: Well, everything I did as secretary of state was in furtherance of our country’s interests and our values. The state department has said that. I think that’s been proven, but I am happy — in fact, I’m thrilled to talk about the Clinton Foundation because it is a world renowned charity and I’m so proud of the work that it does. I could talk for the rest of the debate. I know I don’t have the time to do that, but just briefly the Clinton Foundation made it possible for 11 million people around the world with HIV AIDS to afford treatment and that’s about half of all the people in the world that are getting treatment in partnership with the American health association.

Wallace: Secretary Clinton, respectfully, this is an open discussion.

Hillary Clinton goofy smirk

Clinton: Well, it is an open discussion.

Wallace:The specific question is about pay to play –

Clinton: There is a lot of evidence about the very good work –

Trump: And it’s a criminal enterprise –

Wallace: Please let Mr. Trump speak.

Trump: It’s a criminal enterprise. Saudi Arabia given $25 million, Qatar, all of these countries. You talk about women and women’s rights? So these are people that push gays off business, off buildings. These are people that kill women and treat women horribly and yet you take their money. So I’d like to ask you right now why don’t you give back the money that you’ve taken from certain countries that treat certain groups of people so horribly? Why don’t you give back the money? I think it would be a great gesture because she takes a tremendous amount of money. And you take a look at the people of Haiti. I was in Little Haiti the other day in Florida, and I want to tell you they hate the Clintons because what’s happened in Haiti with the Clinton Foundation is a disgrace. And you know it and they know it and everybody knows it.

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