Two Young GOP Superstars Finish One, Two … Rand Paul wins CPAC 2013 Straw Poll with 25%, Marco Rubio Places Second at 23%


Kentucky Senator Rand Paul won the CPAC 2013 straw poll with 25% of the vote. Florida Senator Marco Rubio finished a close second at 23%. Nearly 3,000 votes were cast by attendees at the three day conference held at a hotel just outside of Washington, DC in which the straw poll is considered one way to gauge where the conservative base stands on potential Republican nominees. Rand Paul had earlier wowed the crowd at CPAC.

Marco Rubio, lft. – Rand Paul, rt.

Although it is far too premature to determine a front runner for the GOP for the 2016 Presidential election, what is apparent is that the two young Turk superstars of the Republican party were at the forefront of this straw poll and have conservatives support. Sen. Rand Paul became a conservative  hero with his recent 13 hour filibuster  where he took Attorney General Eric Holder and President Barack Obama head on with the “Drone” issue. Rand Paul make Holder and Obama blink. Although a CPAC straw poll does not determine an eventual GOP presidential nominee, what makes this much, much different is that the two straw poll winners, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio, are both cross-over candidates which the LEFT and the MSM are going to have a hard time calling right-wing extremists.

Sen. Rand Paul won the 2013 Washington Times-CPAC presidential preference straw poll Saturday, and Sen. Marco Rubio was a close second, easily outdistancing the rest of the field and signaling the rise of a new generation of conservative leaders who will take the Republican Party into the 2016 election.

Mr. Paul won 25 percent of the vote, and Mr. Rubio collected 23 percent. Former Sen. Rick Santorum was third with just 8 percent, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie — who was not invited to speak at the three-day Conservative Political Action Conference — was next with 7 percent, and Rep. Paul D. Ryan, the GOP’s vice presidential nominee last year, was fifth with 6 percent

The full poll results can be found here:

Paul — 25
Rubio – 23
Santorum – 8
Christie – 7
Paul Ryan – 6
Scott Walker – 5
Ben Carson – 4
Ted Cruz – 4
Bobby Jindal – 3
Sarah Palin – 3
Other – 14
Undecided – 1

Also, look for big things in the future from other Conservative superstars Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, neurosurgeon Ben Carson and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. The GOP has a deep bench for 2016.

A note to the 8% who voted for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who was not invited to speak at the three-day Conservative Political Action Conference, he is no conservative and the GOP does not need another RINO running for office in the line of other failed GOP candidates like John McCain and Mitt Romney. The GOP needs to find what it stands for and a messenger to the people who can relay that message to We the People.

CPAC 2013: Dr. Benjamin Carson Says Barack Obama Trying to ‘Destroy the Country’ … He is Leaving Medicine and Pursuing other Opportunities, which could include Politics, Like the White House



Dr. Benjamin Carson, the director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital, who became a conservative superstar and house hold name after his remarks at last month’s National Prayer Breakfast with Obama less than five feet away stated at the 2013 CPAC event eluded that President Barack Obama was  trying to “destroy the Country”. Ya think? Although he did not come out and name Obama by name, Carson presented a hypothetical what if one in the White House was trying to destroy the nation? Carson stated that if it were him,  he would create division among the people, pitting people against each other. He would then create a culture of ridicule for basic morality. Then he would undermine the financial stability of the country and drive it so far into debt and weaken and destroy the moral of the military. At the conclusion of his hypothetical, Carson suggested that Obama is, in fact, the president doing nearly everything imaginable to destroy the country. Carson opined, “It appears coincidentally that those are the very things that are happening right now.”

As reports by CNN, Dr. Ben Carson said Saturday at CPAC that he was leaving medicine and pursuing other opportunities, which could include politics. Carson is a huge threat to liberals and Democrats as he disproves the Left’s lie that there is no color in the GOP. Of course the MSM will be quick to call him an Uncle Tom and dismiss Carson. During his speech at CPAC Carson stated, “When did we reach a point where you had to have a certain philosophy because of your skin color,” asked Carson, who is black. As stated at Policymic, during Carson’s speech at CPAC today he made several veiled reference to running for political office, and one not so veiled reference: “Say you magically put me in the White House.” His comments were met with a sanding ovation. Yes, he is a threat indeed to Obama and Democrats.

“There are so many more things that can be done,” Carson said, pointing to his educational foundation Carson’s Scholars.

Asked if he would consider entering politics, Carson said, “Once we get that taken care of, who knows.”

During his speech, Carson further fueled speculation that he’ll run for elected office, asking hypothetically, “What if you magically put me in the White House?”

The crowd roared.

 This is a must see VIDEO of Dr. Benjamin Carson at CPAC 2013 …


Check out the comments at 8:18 when Carson says “What if you magically put me in the White House?” and the roar of the crowd.

From NRO:

Dr. Benjamin Carson, the director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital who garnered national headlines for his pointed remarks at last month’s National Prayer Breakfast, says that President Obama and his political allies are trying to “destroy the country.”

“Let’s say somebody were [in the White House] and they wanted to destroy this nation,” Carson postulated in remarks at the Conservative Political Action Conference. “I would create division among the people, encourage a culture of ridicule for basic morality and the principles that made and sustained the country, undermine the financial stability of the nation, and weaken and destroy the military. It appears coincidentally that those are the very things that are happening right now.”

Carson, who is 62, said that the blame for the nation’s current state of affairs does not lie with “any one particular person.” His barbs, though, were clearly aimed at President Obama. 

EXIT QUESTION: Don’t imagine if Dr. Ben Carson was in the White House … What if he was in the White House? This is the type of individual that needs to be there. Not because of his color, but because of his vision, common sense and brains.

UPDATE I: One of the best lines of the speech is when Carson was talking about some of the criticism he receives … He’s a neurosurgeon, so how could he know anything about economics? Carson’s response, “It’s not brain surgery”.  Carson then opined that even as a lowly brain surgeon he knows that having the highest corporate tax rates in the world, then of course corporations are going to go elsewhere.  Corporations are not in the business to be social welfare organizations. They are there to make money and a wise government knows how to use that to their advantage.

Senator Rand Paul R-KY) Wows Them at CPAC 2013 … “The GOP Of Old Has Grown Stale And Moss-Covered”

Why we love Rand Paul and why it’s about time we start seriously start considering him for the GOP Presidential candidate for 2016 …

Fresh off his 13 hour Senate filibuster, Kentucky Conservative Senator Rand Paul lit up the room at CPAC as he reminded the Republican party about conservatism and the principles on which the GOP was founded upon. Much to the CPAC crowds approval, Rand Paul stated  that “the GOP of old has grown stale and moss-covered.” A less than vale slap back at John McCain and the establishment Republicans that have all but destroyed and watered down the Republican party. It is a fight for the soul of the Republican party and it is time the fossils of old, John McCain, need to go away and make way for the new, principled party GOP.

“The GOP of old has grown stale and moss-covered,” Mr. Paul said. “The new GOP, the GOP that will win again, will need to embrace liberty in both the economic and personal sphere. If we are going to have a Republican Party that can win, liberty needs to be the backbone of the GOP.”

Like the Republican Party as a whole, the 8,000 conservative activists gathered at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center, just outside the Capitol Beltway in Maryland, are debating which direction the GOP should go after a second consecutive presidential defeat.

 Rand Paul Calls the GOP Like it Is … “the GOP of old has grown stale and moss-covered.”


The GOP of old has grown stale and moss-covered. I don’t think we need to name any names, do we? Our party is encumbered by an inconsistent approach to freedom. The new GOP will need to embrace liberty in both the economic and the personal sphere. If we’re going to have a Republican party that can win, liberty needs to be the backbone of the GOP. We must have a message that is broad, our vision must be broad, and that vision must be based on freedom.

Any body who references liberty as a core principle of the party gets my attention.

GOP light and a gutless party has delivered us John McCain and Mitt Romney. Enough said. How Romney could have lost to an incumbent president with an economy in shambles and an unpopular Obamacare is head scratching to say the least. Is it any wonder why Romney is considered a B-lister at this year’s CPAC? What, does the MSM think he is a superstar for the GOP? Sorry, those honors are given to Ted Cruz. Marco Rubio and Rand Paul.

US Weekly Reports Elisabeth Hasselbeck Booted From ‘The View’ for Being ‘Too Extreme and Right-wing’


As reported by US Weekly, Elisabeth Hasselbeck will not be returning next season for ‘The View’ because she is too extreme and ring-wing. Her departure would follow in the footsteps of fellow cohost Joy Behar, who announced earlier this week that she would not be returning after 16 years. So was Behar’s leaving because she was too extreme and left-wing? However, a representative for the show told US Weekly in a statement that,”Elisabeth Hasselbeck is a valued member of The View and has a long term contract.” Is Hasselbeck really leaving the show because she dare have a conservative slant? Oh, and how dare she be attractive and conservative. One would thing that a view was one of all perspectives. Not in the liberal, corrupt media complex. The liberal view can be the only one. In the end what would one expect from a bunch of female libs who stay at home and watch ‘The View”. In any event, it’s not like this will affect my TV viewing habits. However, what is sad is that ‘The View’ and their viewer wearing liberal blinder only want to watch one opinion with no diversity of thought.

According to the source, the show’s resident conservative voice is being ousted after market research revealed that she isn’t popular with TV audiences.

“The viewers they polled all said she was too extreme and right wing,” the insider tells Us. “People did not watch the show because of Elisabeth. So they told her yesterday her contract would not be renewed.”

When reached for comment, a rep for the show told Us in a statement: “Elisabeth Hasselbeck is a valued member of The View and has a long term contract.”

Hasselbeck, 35, joined the cast of the daytime talk show in November 2003 after guest-hosting the show following Lisa Ling’s departure in 2002.

Maybe they can replace  Elisabeth Hasselbeck with Michelle Malkin. One can dare to dream. Now that would be must see TV.

Allen West for President in 2016?


If you thought you have seen the last of Col. Allen West, think again. Former US Rep. Allen West (FL-R) was interviewed by NPR and hinted to what his future plans may be.  Hinted, hmm … West’s hint was as subtle as a sledgehammer, “And always remember, Abraham Lincoln only served one term in Congress, too.”  I would dare say that Allen West has more in common with Lincoln than does the current occupant of the White House.

MARTIN: So what’s next for you?

WEST: Look, you know, God closes a door so that he can open up greater doors. I will continue to, you know, stand up and fight for this country. That’s my goal. I have two daughters, 19 and 16, and I want to make sure that they grow up in a great America that provides them all the opportunities that it provided to their mother and father.

MARTIN: Congressman Allen West is completing his term in Congress. He was kind enough to join us from a House recording studio on Capitol Hill here in Washington, D.C.

WEST: And always remember, Abraham Lincoln only served one term in Congress, too.

MARTIN: Duly noted. Congressman West, thank you so much for speaking with us.

The Lonely Conservative is not the only one who hopes he runs. I am guessing the MSM and Democrats will still call the individuals racist for voting for West as well.  I can’t wait for the MSM to embrace Allen West for President like they did Barack Obama.

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