House Votes to Delay Obamacare 231-192 … Back to the US Senate and Harry Reid

The US House of Representatives votes to delay Obamacare by one year by a 231 to 192 margin. However, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) had more important things to do like not show up for the vote. The vote once again puts the ball back in the court of the US Senate. However, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has said he will make no compromises.

House Republicans forced through a short-term government funding bill that delays Obamacare and permanently repeals a tax on medical devices, setting up their most dramatic face-off ever with President Barack Obama and Senate Democrats.

The vote to delay Obamacare was 231-192, with two Republicans voting against the bill, while two Democrats supported it.  The Republicans opposed to the bill were New York Reps. Chris Gibson and Richard Hanna, and the Democrats who supported the measure were North Carolina Rep. Mike McInytre and Utah Rep. Jim Matheson.

“The House has again passed a plan that reflects the American people’s desire to keep the government running and stop the president’s health care law,” Boehner said in a post-vote statement. Repealing the medical device tax will save jobs and delaying the president’s health care law for all Americans is only fair given the exemptions the White House has granted to big businesses and insurance companies.”

He added: “Now that the House has again acted, it’s up to the Senate to pass this bill without delay to stop a government shutdown.”

House sends stopgap to Senate hours before shutdown (Video).

The high-stakes GOP move intensifies a game of chicken with Senate Democrats with just 48 hours to go before the lights could go out on the federal government.

The White House threatened to veto the measure, while Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) proclaimed it dead in the upper chamber.

The imminent deadline, combined with the prolonged impasse, has led some lawmakers to predict a shutdown is all but inevitable.

The Lonely Conservative, as myself, are surprised at the GOP’s not backing down on the Obamacare/continuing resolution fight. I thought for sure Boehner and the establishment Republicans would have caved at this point. However, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reed is not backing down either and is pretty much taking the my way or the highway approach.

Much more at The American Thinker and the ultimate question ahead of a pending government shutdown … who will blink?

Sean Hannity Says … “I’m Done with Republicans If They Don’t Fight” Obamacare … I will Not Vote, I Will Not Support Anybody Who Does not Have the Courage to Stand Up on this Issue

Last night Sean Hannity drew the line in the sand with the present establishment Republican Party during an interview with Conservative radio talk host Mark Levin. Hannity stated that he would not further support the Republican party if they did not fight Obamacare. Hannity stated that he would no longer support or vote for Republicans who would not stand up to such an important and dangerous issue as Obamacare. Hannity called the actions of the Republicans cowardly. I would have to agree. Obamacare is hated more and more by Americans as they learn more about it. Do you think that the GOP could figure out that even Obama knows Obamacare is a loser as he delayes the implementation of parts of it until after the 2014 midterms, so not to adversely affect the election for Democrats.

“Now if this is not the issue to revitalize the Republican Party then they’re letting this opportunity go and I would argue that conservatives like myself and yourself – I’m done with the Republicans if they don’t fight here. I will not vote, I will not support, I will not endorse anybody that doesn’t have the courage to stand up on this issue.

Obamacare is an epic failure and the GOP does not have the guts to do the right thing for America. They pass their votes in the House that mean nothing, but when it comes time to defund it, they cower in the corner.  Tehey are afraid they will get blamed. Blames for what, ridding us of this train-wreck called Obamacare? Have you seen the polls lately GOP? Wake up Republicans,  even the labor unions want no part of it!

VIDEO Hat Tip – The Gateway Pundit

Maybe it really is time for a new Third Part and the GOP has no one to blame but themselves. You are only in power in the House because of the Conservative and Tea Party vote from the 2010 election. Ever since then, you have run from the very ideal, standards and principles of those who put you in power. Time to wake up you gutless wonders and get a spine.

Conservative Talk Radio Talk Host Sean Hannity Fires Cumulus … Libs Get it 100% Wrong!

Conservative talk radio host fires Cumulus.

As reported by Inside Music Media, after months of bitter negotiations, Sean Hannity, the #2 rated radio host, has rejected an offer to extend his contract. In essence, Hannity beat Cumulus CEO Lew Dickey to the punch and gave his a taste of his own medicine. Hannity fired Cumulus. It is also being reported that sources close to Hannity feels Cumulus treats its employees “like dirt…sub-human.” Rumors have it that Michael Savage will replace Hannity for afternoon drive time. Pardon the laughter, oh yea, that’s going to work. This is only half of the story. The liberals foaming at the mouth that Hannity, and Rush, were going to be silenced could not be more wrong.

Johnny Paycheck – ‘Take this Job and Shove It’

In the end as the Daily Caller reports, Hannity told Cumulus to ‘Take this Job and Shove It’.

But as NewsBusters reports, that Michael Savage could replace Hannity. More importantly they are reporting that the LIBS have got the entire Hannity being fired from radio 100% wrong. Sean Hannity is not going to be silenced from the radio waves. BOT EVEN CLOSE. According to Del Colliano, Clear Channel is “100% behind Hannity and will replace 80% of the Cumulus stations as soon as the current deal is up.”

Sean Hannity, the popular conservative radio and TV talk show host, turns down a recent Cumulus offer to renew his contract to continue aitring [sic] his show on 40 of their stations.

And now Lew “Trickey” Dickey has apparently seized the low road again.

He allowed Michael “I hope you get AIDS and die, you pig” Savage to go on Cumulus stations and predict that he – the 71-year-old talker – will replace Hannity in afternoon drive. [...]

Sources close to the situation who wish to remain anonymous in my witness protection program say it’s the other way around.

I have known for weeks that the opposite is true.


More from NewsBusters on the Libs getting it wrong again. SM had stated earlier as negotiations were going on between Rush and Hannity with Cumulus that LIBS best be careful. don’t ask fro things they might just come true. Sorry LIBS, this is not the worst thing that could happen to Hannity … it was the best thing for the #2

Just how wrong were liberal media members on this?

According to Del Colliano, Clear Channel is “100% behind Hannity and will replace 80% of the Cumulus stations as soon as the current deal is up.”

This will allow Hannity to stay on 500-plus stations carried through Premiere.

For the record, sources close to Hannity told me Friday that Del Colliano’s gotten it 100 percent correct. Another prominent, independent source also confirmed this moments ago.

This also squares nicely with what Alan Colmes predicted back in July.

Much more interesting thoughts as to what is the driving force behind this breakup at The American Spectator.

Could This Really Be True … Is Cumulus Media Planning on Dumping Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity? However, It May Not Be a Bad Thing

Could this really be good for business? A note to the LEFT, I wouldn’t get too giddy …

The Politico is reporting that Cumulus Media is planning on dropping both top conservative radio talk show hosts Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity from its stations. Yea that’s the ticket, lose your two biggest talents and think that you can go forward without a gaping hole in your earnings or listener-ship.  According to the reports, some industry sources said that Cumulus is also expected to move some of its existing talent,  which includes Mike Huckabee, Mark Levin, and Michael Savage into one of the slots. With all due respect to these folks, especially Mark Levin, they are not el Rushbo or Hannity, nor do they garner the audience that these two individuals have. Rush and Hannity are by far the two biggest radio draws, its not even close.


In a major shakeup for the radio industry, Cumulus Media, the second-biggest broadcaster in the country, is planning to drop both Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity from its stations at the end of the year, an industry source told POLITICO on Sunday.

Cumulus has decided that it will not renew its contracts with either host, the source said, a move that would remove the two most highly rated conservative talk personalities from more than 40 Cumulus channels in major markets.

The decision comes after negotiations between Cumulus and Premiere Networks, the division of Clear Channel that distributes Limbaugh and Hannity’s shows, broke down due to disagreements over the cost of the distribution rights, the source said. Cumulus is known to drive a hard bargain on costs, and Clear Channel is known to seek top dollar for big names.

Over at Twichy, they show that Media Matters, Eric Boehlert pretty excited about it. The comical and ironic aspect of his tweets is when he refers to Rush as “hate” programming. Really, Media Matters accusing others of “hate” marketing is like the Obamacare call centers put in place to answer questions and add people to Obamacare working part time and not able to be eligible for insurance.


The Top Talk Radio Audiences from

A note to the LEFT, don’t get too giddy and don’t ask for things they might just come true. Read the article at ‘The Week’ that makes the most sense regarding the potential parting of the ways of Rush and Hannity from Cumulus. The article asks, Who’s dumping Who? Here are the facts and if Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh both leave Cumulus, they will be replaced with more conservative talk radio host. This opens up a potential of more local talent or other B name hosts. It is not like Cumulus is going to replace the #1 and #2 radio audience talk show hosts with elevator music or NPR. Thus, it will add more conservative talent to the air waves. Then, it is not like Rush and Sean are not going to find new homes on the radio and their legions of fans are just going to change their preset radio button to a new station. Those that listen on line will just add a new app. So in the long run, the LEFT who think this is a bad thing, may rue the day that this shake up happens because it just will provide even more conservative talent on the air waves. Oh the horror.

That’s an important distinction, says Hinckley. And if Limbaugh goes to Clear Channel, it’s not like he’ll be off the airwaves. His legions of fans would just have to change the presets on their radios.

And Cumulus wouldn’t drop conservative talk radio altogether — it would just switch personalities, says Byers. In recent weeks, “Cumulus has been quietly reaching out to radio talent agents and political insiders about new local and regional station hosts to fill some of the airtime that will be left vacant by Limbaugh and Hannity,” he says. “Cumulus is also expected to move some of its existing talent — which includes Mike Huckabee, Mark Levin, and Michael Savage — into one of the slots.”

“Cumulus has already tried to position Huckabee as a ‘safe’ alternative to Limbaugh,” says Adam Martin at New York: “A conservative commentator who wouldn’t call people ‘sluts’ on air.” Huckabee doesn’t have a huge following, according to Talkers magazine’s most recent analysis, but Savage and Levin do.

Could Sarah Palin and Mark Levin Leave the Republican Party and Creating a New One Called the “Freedom Party?”

If Sarah Palin and Mark Levin create the  “Freedom Party” it is not because they left the Republican Party, it is because the Republican Party left them.

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin responded to a Fox News Channel viewer’s Twitter question Saturday about the possibility of creating a new political party called the “Freedom Party” with fellow conservative and talk show host Mark Levin. Palin floated the idea of crating a new party if the GOP continues to abandon its conservative principles. Personally, I am not too far away from telling the establishment GOP to take a hike myself. The Republican party has turned into the RINO party where they have produced continued moderate, wishy-washy presidential candidates like John McCain and Mitt Romney. It was conservatives and the Tea Party vote and enthusiasms  in 2010 and won the House for the GOP. Since then the establishment, elitists Republicans have fought conservatives every inch of the way.

Tuesday’s elections were seen as a crucial moment for measuring the staying power of the Tea Party movement, which was born out of frustration with the political establishment and steeped in economic anxiety.

“I don’t think there’s any question that if it were not for the Tea Party, the Republican margin in the House of Representatives would not be as high as it’s going to be,” CNN senior political analyst David Gergen said Tuesday night. “They gave a lot of enthusiasm and fuel to the Republican Party.”

Now we are witness to Republicans like Marco Rubio, who claimed to be a conservative, and the other back stabbing Republicans who voted for the Senate bill on immigration where they thumbed their nose at the rule of law and created an amnesty bill. It is not Obama or Democrats that have ruined the GOP, it is the establishment republicans who have done so, putting your personal power ahead of country and principles.

Enough is enough Republican Party, you are about to go the way of the Whigs  if you keep it up. More and more I actually think that a third party is the way to go because the establishment Republicans are really no different than Democrats. Big government progressives are progressives no matter what party affiliation they belong to.

The Daily Caller:

I love the name of that party — the ‘Freedom Party,’” Palin said. “And if the GOP continues to back away from the planks in our platform, from the principles that built this party of Lincoln and Reagan, then yeah, more and more of us are going to start saying, ‘You know, what’s wrong with being independent,’ kind of with that libertarian streak that much of us have. In other words, we want government to back off and not infringe upon our rights. I think there will be a lot of us who start saying ‘GOP, if you abandon us, we have nowhere else to go except to become more independent and not enlisted in a one or the other private majority parties that rule in our nation, either a Democrat or a Republican.’ Remember these are private parties, and you know, no one forces us to be enlisted in either party.”

UPDATE I: Some web sites that used to once be credible when run by James Joyner, think that we are “true believers” because we actually believe in holding politicians to their word. Go figure. No one said forming a third party was easy. In fact, if one was ever formed the GOP would probably become a “super” minority in government. But at some point one has to either vote for their principles or vote in political whores who cannot be trusted. Marco Rubio and Bob Corker ran on securing the border before any talk of pathway to citizenship. Of course that was before they were elected. Why would either of them wonder why they are being looked upon as turn-coats and backstabbers? Hmm, from The Atlantic 2006, Corker says he is against illegal immigration.

In Tennessee’s Senate race, meanwhile, Democrat Harold Ford takes a hard line on border security. One of his television ads says, “Harold Ford Jr. will get control of our borders, get tough on illegals and employers who break the law.” His Republican opponent, construction company owner Bob Corker, calls Ford a phony. A Corker ad claims that Ford “votes against border security and against putting troops on the border, then says he wants to fight illegal immigration.”

In the video below, Rubio says we have a significant illegal immigration problem in this country. We have to balance that we are a nation of immigrants and a nation of laws. Its just too bad his Senate Gang of 8 bill was just pandering to illegals and no upfront border security.

Remember when Rubio cared about the rule of law and the US Constitution?

At some point when a party no longer is principled and can be believed as to what they say they will do, let alone serve the people they represent, what else is there but to create something that will? Just ask the Whigs.

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