Incumbent Mitch McConnell Easily Defeats Tea Party Challenger Matt Bevin in Kentucky GOP Primary

Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell defeated his GOP Tea Party challenger Matt Bevin in the Kentucky primary by 25%, just one of many races on Super Primary Tuesday. There is a saying, we get the government that we voted for. With so many people claiming to be tired of the same old way that Washington DC is run … last night in primaries across the United States on both sides, the same old establishment candidates won. In Georgia, a Senate Republican primary headed to a runoff with the two candidates, ex-CEO of Dollar General David Perdue and Rep. Jack Kingston.

Mitch McConnell and Alison Lundergan Grimes ran victory laps Tuesday in Kentucky as they rallied their party faithful to nominate them for a colossal showdown in November that could help decide which party controls the U.S. Senate.

Grimes, Kentucky’s Democratic Secretary of State, rolled to victory over nominal primary opposition. And McConnell easily defeated tea party-backed challenger Matt Bevin, who spent $3.3 million in his failed bid to oust the five-term Republican Senate leader.

Um, isn’t Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell one of those powers to be that he is referencing in his own speech?

As Powerline opines, it is time for Republicans and Conservatives to understand who is their greater foe, “As John has pointed out, McConnell’s lifetime ACU rating, after 28 years in the Senate, ‘is certifiably right-wing at 90%.’ Given that record and the importance of wresting control of the Senate away from Harry Reid and the Democrats, it’s difficult to believe that Republicans will not unite behind McConnell in the fight against Grimes.”

Senate Primaries Results by State.

Iowa’s Republican Senate Candidate Joni Ernst Says, I’ll Castrate DC’s Spending and Cut Pork

Let’s make DC pork spender squeal like a pig!!!

Joni Ernst, a GOP candidate for the US Senate in Iowa has certainly made a splash on the scene with a memorable political ad. If you have not already watched it, please take a look at the video below. The Conservative Republican candidate promises to cut pork when she gets to Washington. What are her qualifications you ask? Joni Ernst grew up castrating hogs on an Iowa farm that’s how, so when she gets to DC, she will know how to cut pork. OUCH!!! Ernst promises to cut wasteful spending, repeal Obamacare and balance the budget. Sounds like exactly what is needed to turn things around in the Senate and save America. Joni Ernst and several other Republicans are vying for the open Iowa Senate seat of the retiring Democratic Sen. Tom Harkin.

“I grew up castrating hogs on an Iowa farm, so when I get to Washington, I’ll know how to cut pork.”
“My parents taught us to live within our means. It’s time to force Washington to do the same.”

 Former Alaska governor and Republican VP nominee Sarah Palin is endorsing state Sen. Joni Ernst, a candidate in the Iowa Senate race, following Ernst’s tongue-in-cheek ad about castrating D.C. pork.The endorsement was made on Palin’s Facebook page:

“If Nebraska’s Deb Fischer can see through the bull in Washington, then Iowa’s Joni Ernst can help her cut through the pork,” Palin wrote. “Growing up on a hog farm in Southwest Iowa, Joni has taken her ‘pork cutting’ skills to the Iowa State Senate, where she has been a champion for life, small government, and lower taxes – voting for the largest tax cut in Iowa history.”

Posted alongside a picture of Ernst in uniform, Palin was paying homage to the TV ad Ernst released on Tuesday.

More from Real Clear Politics on the other GOP candidates vying for the nomination and missteps of Democrat leading candidate U.S. Rep. Bruce Braley, who was caught on camera at the closed-press event suggesting that Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley is unfit to become the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman.

Ernst is one of a half-dozen Republicans vying to take on U.S. Rep. Bruce Braley, the likely Democratic nominee, for the right to replace retiring Democratic Sen. Tom Harkin.

Braley has been considered the favorite but faced significant blowback this week over comments he made at a Texas fundraiser. The four-term congressman was caught on camera at the closed-press event suggesting that Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley is unfit to become the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman — should the GOP win control of the upper chamber — because he is a “farmer from Iowa who never went to law school.”

Braley later apologized for his remark, but Iowa Republicans seized upon it in an effort to portray the Democrat as being out of touch with the values of the farming-heavy state.

CNN/ORC International Poll: Sen. Rand Paul (KY-R) Rising to the Top in the GOP Field for 2016 Presidential Race

It is obviously way too early, but Sen. Rand Paul (KY-R) is trending upward and leading the pack for the 2016 Republican presidential race.

According to the most recent CNN poll, the Republican Kentucky Senator top the list of potential Republican presidential candidates for 2016 in a national poll. It is early in the game and one would think these polls are more about name recognition than what a candidate may actually stand for or be against. However, Paul’s surge to the top may have more to do with his libertarian and Tea Party, anti-establishment roots, rather his popularity. One thing is for certain, Rand Paul is on a roll as he recently topped a Republican N.H. poll and overwhelmingly won the straw poll at CPAC. Could we please nominate a GOP candidate who actually believes in the US Constitution, the rule of law and making America that shining city on the hill, rather than just being concerned about their power?

Rand Paul has done something his father never did – top the list of potential Republican presidential candidates in a national poll.

According to a new CNN/ORC International survey, 16% of Republicans and independents who lean toward the GOP say they would be likely to support the senator from Kentucky for the 2016 nomination.

Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, the 2012 Republican vice presidential nominee, garnered 15%, with longtime Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who’s considering another bid for the White House, at 11%.

One thing is for certain, there will be no candidate that we will agree with on 100%; however, it is so important to pick the most conservative and electable of the bunch as this country cannot afford another 4 years of this Democrat insanity as president. Something has to be done to reverse what has transpired during the past 6 years of Obama, before it is too late. Actually, it can begin by voting in non-establishment House and Senate Republicans this Fall in the 2014 midterm elections.

Sarah Palin Re-Writes Dr. Seuss’ Green Eggs & Ham at CPAC: “I Do Not Like This Uncle Sam, I Do Not Like His Health Care Scam”

Sarah Palin wows them at CPAC with her on version of Green Eggs and Ham, in honor of Sen. Ted Cruz’s (TX-R) reading of the Dr. Seuss classic during his filibuster last year,   … “I Do Not Like This Uncle Sam, I Do Not Like His Health Care Scam”

“I do not like this Uncle Sam. I do not like his health care scam. I do not like — oh, just you wait — I do not like these dirty crooks, or how they lie and cook the books. I do not like when Congress steals, I do not like their crony deals. I do not like this spying, man, I do not like, ‘Oh, Yes we can.’ I do not like this spending spree, we’re smart, we know there’s nothing free. I do not like reporters’ smug replies when I complain about their lies. I do not like this kind of hope, and we won’t take it, nope, nope, nope.”

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) Wins CPAC Presidential Straw Poll in a Landslide … 2nd Sen. Ted Cuz (TX), 3rd Ben Carson

Look for Democrats and their liberal MSM minions to go after the rising new anti-establishment star of the Conservative movement, Rand Paul.

Rand Paul wins the presidential straw poll at CPAC going away. Paul received 31% of the vote, while his fellow anti-establishment Republican Texas Senator Ted Cruz finished in second place with 11%.  Neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who came to prominence when he let America and Barack Obama know what he felt about Obamacare at the 2013 National Prayers Breakfast, finished third with 9%. Paul is a very dangerous and formidable opponent for Democrats as he energizes the GOP base and brings in the young and libertarian vote.


Rand Paul handily won the presidential straw poll at the Conservative Political Action Conference Saturday, one gauge of the Republican base’s mood less than two years before the 2016 primary season kicks off.

The Kentucky senator received 31 percent, far ahead of second place Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who received 11 percent. Neurosurgeon Ben Carson finished third with 9 percent, ahead of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who received 8 percent.

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum tied for fifth place, with 7 percent.

Um, Chris Christie who? The Republican that the media just drools over, including Fox News, finished distant 4th.

  1. Sen. Rand Paul – KY (31%) – Although I do not agree with all of his policies, Paul is a Conservative and breath of fresh air from the power-elite GOP establishment.
  2. Sen. Ted Cruz – TX (11%) – A Conservative rock star, who if he can run, would make a great President and follow the US Constitution.
  3. Neurosurgeon Ben Carson (9%) – From out of nowhere Carson has taken the Conservatives by storm. I would vote for Ben in a heartbeat.
  4. Gov. Chris Cristie – NJ (8%) – RINO has no chance of winning GOP primary if Republicans ever want to be anything more than Democrat-light.
  5. Gov. Scott Walker – WI (7%) – A solid GOP governor who will one day be a president.
  6. Former Sen Rick Santorum – PA (7%)
  7. Sen. Marco Rubio – FL (6%) – His stance on immigration amnesty has made Rubio toast with the base.
  8. Rep. Paul Ryan – WI (3%) – The base not enamored with establishment Republican and 2012 VP nominee.
  9. Gov. Rick Perry – TX (3%) – His performance in the 2012 GOP primaries may be too much to overcome.

Four others pulled 2%: Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

Rand Paul energizes the faithful at 2014 CPAC.

The Hill:

While other addresses at this year’s CPAC focused on specific policies and red-meat issues like gay marriage and ObamaCare, Paul spoke in broad metaphorical terms of the need to “stand together for liberty.”

“It isn’t good enough to pick the lesser of two evils,” he said. “We must elect men of principle and conviction and action who will lead us back to greatness. There is a great and tumultuous battle underway, not for the future of the Republican Party, but for the future of the country.”

Paul framed the libertarian-ideas that have gained prominence within the party in recent years in historical terms, positioning his values as descending from the nation’s Founding Fathers. Paul name-dropped foundational American thinkers ranging from Daniel Webster to John Adams, James Madison to Montesquieu, but also quoted Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters.

One of his biggest applause lines seemed specifically geared toward the digital generation that has special resonance in the wake of the ongoing debate over privacy and NSA surveillance.

“I believe what you do on your cellphone is none of their damn business,” he said, to extended cheers from the crowd.

Rand Paul released the following statement touting his win:

“The fight for liberty continues, and we must continue to stand up and say: We’re free and no one, no matter how well-intentioned, will take our freedoms from us,” he said. “Together we will stand up for the Constitution. Together we will fight for what is right. Thank you, and onwards to victory.

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