Above the Law: IRS Ignores Deadline to Hand Over Lerner Emails to Judicial Watch


Okay America, just try on your own defying a court order and not handing over documents to the IRS that you have been compelled to do so and see what happens. That is exactly what the IRS is doing. As reported at FOX Business, the IRS is ignoring a court-imposed deadline to turn over newly found Lois Lerner email documents essential to investigations of the IRS tax-exempt scandal. According to Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, they have received no emails and the deadline has passed. The IRS continues to drag their feet because no one has has kept their feet to the fire and punished anyone. Poeple should be going to jail, not just being fired or resigning.

This is what happens when a government agency is above the law. I am pretty certain Our Founding Fathers never intended for any such agency to ever have this type of power against ‘We the People”.

Lois Lerner_IRS

The Internal Revenue Service is ignoring a court-imposed deadline to turn over newly found Lois Lerner email documents essential to investigations of the IRS tax-exempt scandal.

U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan last week ordered the agency to turn over 1,800 new emails from Lerner, who ran the tax exempt unit which decided which organizations could receive tax exempt status. The government watchdog group Judicial Watch has sought the emails in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Monday, a spokesperson told  FOXBusiness.com that the group would not oppose the IRS producing something this Wednesday and every 2 weeks thereafter, assuming the Court agrees. At the time of publication there was no word from the IRS on this development or an amended order from the court.

So why does the Internal Revenue Service not hand over the emails as they have been ordered by a court to do … its not like they have anything to hide. Um, like maybe some of the docs implicating the Justice Department in IRS Conservative-targeting scandal. Never!

Vince Vaughn on the Second Amendement and the Right to Bear Arms …”We Have the Right to Bear arms to Resist the Supreme Power of a Corrupt and Abusive Government.”

If you loved Vince Vaughn in The Wedding Crashers, The Internship and Dodge Ball, you are going to really like his comments on the Second Amendment and guns …

In a GQ UK edition interview, actor Vince Vaughn spoke out in favor of the US Constitution Second Amendment and our Right to bear Arms. The actor nailed it saying, the right to bear arms is not about duck hunting, “we have the right to bear arms to resist the supreme power of a corrupt and abusive government.” BINGO!!! Vaughn also went on to discuss the crime and mass shootings that occur in gun free zones where people do not have a the ability to defend themselves. I cant wait for the liberal MSM to turn on Vaughn

Vince Vaughn Dodgeball

If you can dodge liberal critics on the Second Amendment, you can dodge a ball

On the American right to own a gun:

“I support people having a gun in public full stop, not just in your home. We don’t have the right to bear arms because of burglars; we have the right to bear arms to resist the supreme power of a corrupt and abusive government. It’s not about duck hunting; it’s about the ability of the individual. It’s the same reason we have freedom of speech. It’s well known that the greatest defense against an intruder is the sound of a gun hammer being pulled back. All these gun shootings that have gone down in America since 1950, only one or maybe two have happened in non-gun-free zones. Take mass shootings. They’ve only happened in places that don’t allow guns. These people are sick in the head and are going to kill innocent people. They are looking to slaughter defenseless human beings. They do not want confrontation. In all of our schools it is illegal to have guns on campus, so again and again these guys go and shoot up these f***ing schools because they know there are no guns there. They are monsters killing six-year-olds.”

On whether guns should be allowed in schools:

“Of course. You think the politicians that run my country and your country don’t have guns in the schools their kids go to? They do. And we should be allowed the same rights. Banning guns is like banning forks in an attempt to stop making people fat. Taking away guns, taking away drugs, the booze, it won’t rid the world of criminality.”

EXIT QUESTION: Will Vince Vaughn ever get another Hollywood movie after these comments? Other than those directed and produced by

Dr. Ben Carson Is In … He Announced Today That He Will Run for 2016 President of the United States of America


We had all expected that Dr. Ben Carson would officially enter the presidential race next week in Detroit; however, he told local media today that he would run for the President of the United States. Carson shared his decision with WPEC-TV, the CBS affiliate in West Palm Beach, FL  in an exclusive interview on Sunday.

Carson, 63, will formally jump into the race at an event in Detroit, where he grew up.

His presidential campaign will mark Carson’s first run for office, though he’s been a Tea Party hero since 2013 following his blistering attack of Obamacare at the National Prayer Breakfast in front of President Obama.

While he enters the race as a long shot to capture the GOP nomination, he currently polls ahead of several more established Republican contenders in Iowa, site of the first caucus, including former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum, the winner there in 2012.

Dr Ben Carson

Click HERE or on PIC to watch VIDEO via CBS12


The Republican field of candidates continues to widen.

Retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson is expected to make a major announcement at an event Monday in his hometown of Detroit.

But in an exclusive interview Sunday, Dr. Carson tells our National Correspondent Jeff Barnd he is in the race for the White House in 2016.

“I’m willing to be part of the equation and therefore, I’m announcing my candidacy for President of the United States of America.”

With that, Dr. Ben Carson is off and running. He rose from poverty in Detroit to the head of the pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. He’s now retired from medicine.

“Many people have suggested to me that I should run for president, even though I’m not a politician,” Carson said.

Dr. Carson’s political star rose at the National Prayer Breakfast two years ago when he admonished President Obama for several white house policies including Obamacare.

“I began to ask myself why are people clamoring for me to do this? I represented a lot of the same thoughts that they have,” Dr. Carson says. “I’m not 100% sure ‘politics as usual’ is going to save us. I think we are in a severe problem … a problematic situation.”

Marco Rubio Announces He is Running For President in 2016 … “I Can Lead This Country” … Calls Hillary Clinton “a Leader from Yesterday” … Yesterday is Over and we Are Never Going Back”


Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) made it official, in a speech at Miami’s Freedom Tower, Marco Rubio announced his 2016 presidential run. Rubio stressed a fresh approach to the future, telling supporters that “yesterday is over and we’re never going back.” The 43 year old Republican Florida Senator is all in and he has quite the story of only in America to tell We the People. As the son of poor Cuban immigrants, Marco Rubio spoke of The American Dream.

Both of my parents were born to poor families in Cuba. After his mother died when he was nine, my father left school to go work. My mother was one of seven girls raised by a disabled father who struggled to provide for his family.

When they were young, my parents had big dreams for themselves. But because they were not born into wealth or power, their future was destined to be defined by their past. So in 1956 they came here, to the one place on earth where the aspirations of people like them could be more than just dreams.

My father became a bartender. My mother a cashier, a maid and a Kmart stock clerk. They never made it big. But they were successful. Two immigrants with little money or education found stable jobs, owned a home, retired with security and gave all four of their children a life far better than their own.

My parents achieved what came to be known as the American Dream. But now, too many Americans are starting to doubt whether achieving that dream is still possible:

Notice how you never hear Rubio or his supporters say that a reason to vote for him is to be the first Hispanic president or the first Cuban-American one? It’s about the dream, the American dream that he wants every American to have and to pay back America for all that he has received.

More from Marco Rubio’s speech and his views for the future, not living or governing in the past.

Because while our people and economy are pushing the boundaries of the 21st century, too many of our leaders and their ideas are stuck in the twentieth century.

They are busy looking backward, so they do not see how jobs and prosperity today depend on our ability to compete in a global economy. So our leaders put us at a disadvantage by taxing, borrowing and regulating like it’s 1999.

They look for solutions in yesterday, so they don’t see that good-paying modern jobs require different skills and more education than the past. They blindly support an outdated higher education system that is too expensive and inaccessible to those who need it most.

And they have forgotten that when America fails to lead, global chaos inevitably follows, so they appease our enemies, betray our allies and weaken our military.[...]

Just yesterday, a leader from yesterday began a campaign for President by promising to take us back to yesterday.

But yesterday is over, and we are never going back. We Americans are proud of our history, but our country has always been about the future. Before us now is the opportunity to author the greatest chapter yet in the amazing story of America.

We can’t do that by going back to the leaders and ideas of the past. We must change the decisions we are making by changing the people who are making them.

That is why today, grounded by the lessons of our history, and inspired by the promise of our future, I announce my candidacy for President of the United States of America.

But can Marco Rubio win, he better because he is not running for both Senate and the President? If he loses, he is out of politics. Although I have to believe that if he does not get the GOP nomination, he would be on the short list for VP.

Marco Rubio’s full presidential announcement speech can be seen below.

Fantastic Presidential Announcement by Rubio

Its Official, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) Is All In: Tweets He is Running for President in 2016 … “I’m Running for President and I Hope to Earn your Support!”

From The Weekly Standard, It’s official, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is running for president. He made the announcement shortly after midnight on Twitter. “I’m running for President and I hope to earn your support!” Sen. Cruz is expected to make an in person announcement later today on Monday at Liberty University in Virginia.

Ted Cruz is a good man and a real Conservative. What do I like the most about Ted Cruz, he is not afraid to call out establishment Republicans who have long lost what the Republican platform stands for. I remember another Conservative who the Washington, DC GOP elites did not care too much about, his name was Ronald Reagan. It is refreshing for a politician to call it like it is and not be overcome by political correctness.

A Time for Truth

“I believe in America and her people, and I believe we can stand up and restore our promise,”
Cruz said in the web video as images of farm fields, city skylines and American landmarks and symbols played in the background.
“It’s going to take a new generation of courageous conservatives to help make America great again, and I’m ready to stand with you to lead the fight.”

The Liberty Champion:

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, 44, is scheduled to speak Monday, March 22, at Liberty University’s weekly Convocation, according to university President Jerry Falwell. Cruz will be announcing his candidacy for president, an anonymous Cruz staffer told the Houston Chronicle.

“I got the call last week,” Falwell said of Cruz’s request to visit Liberty.

In announcing his bid, the 2016 hopeful, who placed third in this year’s annual Conservative Political Action Conference straw poll, is skipping the longstanding traditional step of first forming an exploratory committee.

“Mr. Cruz will be effectively firing the starting gun on the Republican primary,” New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman wrote.

The announcement is fitting, as Cruz has joked, “I’m Cuban, Irish and Italian, and yet somehow I ended up Southern Baptist,” according to Dallas News.

“We’re honored that political candidates are now requesting to appear at Liberty,” Falwell said. “We never had that happen years ago — we had to invite them. I think it’s a testament to what Liberty students have accomplished and what they are accomplishing.”

Check out Ted Cruz’s bio … Ted Cruz for President

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