Donald Trump Fires Back at Jeb Bush: He Should Lead by Example ‘Speaking English’ While in the United States


Donald Trump is tapping into the, this is still America theme, going after Jeb Bush and ripping him a new one as he questioned by Bush would feel the need to speak in Spanish rather than English. Donald Trump said in an interview with Breitbart“I like Jeb, He is a nice man. But he should really set the example by speaking to reporters in Spanish do anything but to further that feeling? king English while in the United States.” It is just another example of as Hot Air opines, of Jeb Bush losing the primary to win the general election. Many conservatives believe Jeb to be a pro-amnesty sellout, how does speaking to reporters in Spanish do anything but to further that belief? But this is Jeb’s way of pandering to the Latino vote. Really Jeb, how about you try if anything pandering to the base of your party?


Trump had harsh words for Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) in this interview as well and lit into the donor class, all while saying that the “silent majority” in America is waking up and fighting to take back the country from the political class.

Trump also predicted that he will not only win the White House in 2016, but that he will be re-elected in 2020–predicting he will be a two-term president–and that at the end of his eventual eight years in the White House he will be known to all as a “great conservative” just like Ronald Reagan.

“I like Jeb,” Trump said. “He’s a nice man. But he should really set the example by speaking English while in the United States.”

“El hombre no es conservador,” Bush said in Spanish of Trump in Miami, according to the Tampa Bay Times. That means, according to that newspaper, that Bush is saying of Trump: “The man is not conservative.”

“Besides, he tries to personalize everything. If you’re not totally in agreement with him you’re an idiot, or stupid, or don’t have energy, or blah blah blah,” Bush continued in English, according to the Times.

Trump, in his exclusive with Breitbart News, ripped that argument—that somehow he’s not a conservative.

THE GOP ODD COUPLE – Monmouth University Poll: Dr. Ben Carson Ties Donald Trump with 23% A Piece in Iowa … Carly Fiorina in 3rd Place with 10%

THE GOP POLITICAL ODD COUPLE: Ben Carson Ties Donald Trump in Iowa …

In the most recent Monmouth University poll, the soft spoken Ben Carson has tied the outspoken and never at a loss for words Donald Trump at 23%. The political odd couple could not be farther apart in style; however, has one very obvious similar characteristic, they are both political outsiders. The retired neurosurgeon has an incredible favorability rating of 81% favorably, compared with just 6% unfavorable.

Keeping up with the anti-political establishment theme, former business executive Carly Fiorina is in third place in the poll with 10%. How telling is this poll when it comes to Iowans and how they feel about the GOP establishment? Three candidates for the GOP nomination, Trump, Caron and Fiorina, garner 56% of the support. One would think the GOP would get a clue as to how pissed off the electorate is at them and their lack of action and guts they have put forth when the base has given them both the House and the Senate. Rounding out the rest of the poll is Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) at 9%, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker with 7%, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush came in at 5%, Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio at 4% each, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul at 3%, and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and former Sen. Rick Santorum (PA) with 2%.


Donald Trump and Ben Carson are tied for the lead of Republican presidential candidates in the first-in-the-nation caucus state of Iowa, according to a Monmouth University poll released on Monday.

The survey found Trump and Carson taking 23 percent support each.

It’s the first survey of Iowa released this month not to show Trump all alone at the top, and further evidence of Carson’s polling strength.

Retired neurosurgeon Carson has the best favorability rating in the field, with 81 percent saying they have a positive view of him, against only 6 percent who said they view him unfavorably.

While billionaire businessman Trump leads in the poll among Tea Party conservatives and men, Carson leads among Evangelicals and women.

Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics Iowa Poll: Donald Trump in the Lead at 23% While Ben Carson is Second at 18%

Republicans in Iowa want nothing to new with establishment political candidates …

According to the most recent Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics Iowa Poll, businessman Donald Trump leads the field with 23%, while retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson is second at 18%. The two front-running GOP candidates couldn’t be farther apart in personality and demeanor. However, they have something very much in common that is causing them to be one, two in the Iowa polls. They both are not professional politicians. They are both DC outsiders and the voters are rewarding them for it. Followed by Ted Cruz at 8%, Scott Walker at 8%, Jeb Bush at 6%, Marco Rubio at 6%, Carly Fiorina at 5%, Mike Huckabee at 4% and Rand Paul at 4%. As stated at the Political Wire, what is much more interest when it comes to Trump is that he has completely reversed his favorable/unfavorable rating from May 2015 when he had a then, 27% had positive feelings about him and 63% negative. Now, it’s 61% positive, 35% negative.


Donald Trump has built up tremendous support in Iowa — he’s very wealthy, he loves the Bible and he’d be just terrific as president of the United States. And he’s very handsome.

That’s according to interviews with some likely GOP caucusgoers in Iowa.

A new Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics Iowa Poll finds that Trump, the flamboyant real estate entrepreneur, has 23 percent support here. But Ben Carson, a soft-spoken retired neurosurgeon, has been a submarine, quietly cruising into second with 18 percent, just 5 percentage points from the front-runner.

Carson has the highest favorability rating of the 17 Republican candidates, with 79 percent who view him positively. Only 8 percent have negative feelings about him.

The GOP voting electorate is pissed off at the Republican establishment just as much as they are with Democrats. Republicans and namely Conservatives are sick and tired of Republican do-nothing politicians. They are fed up with giving the GOP both the House and the Senate and then having the GOP establishment and those in power because of seniority treat the GOP voting electorate worse than Democrats. Most conservatives would never vote for Trump; however, the Republican party establishment has reached a breaking point where its time to teach them a lesson.

Candidates who are political outsiders don’t seem to be just a summer fling, as some analysts had predicted, but a budding long-term relationship five months out from the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses.

Combine Trump, Carson and Fiorina — three candidates who have never been elected to any public office — and their support accounts for 46 percent of the vote.

Part of what’s driving their ballot share is a “mad as hell” contingent. Forty-three percent of likely GOP caucusgoers say they’re mad as hell about the Internal Revenue Service; 48 percent about Democrats in Congress; 57 percent with President Barack Obama; and 58 percent with Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.

CNN Poll: Donald Trump Significant lead in Iowa … Ben Carson is in Second Place

According to the most recent CNN poll, Donald Trump is in the lead in Iowa. Despite Fox News, Megyn Kelly’s and the establishments attempts to sabatoge Donald Trump in the last debate, Donald Trump is in the lead in Iowa. What to make of the latest polling numbers, Americans are sick and tired of politicians ad the establishment. By the way, Ben Carson is in second place!!!

Full poll results HERE

Donald Trump thumbs up

Donald Trump has a significant lead in the race to win over likely Iowa caucus-goers, according to the first CNN/ORC poll in the state this cycle.

Trump tops the field with 22% and is the candidate seen as best able to handle top issues including the economy, illegal immigration and terrorism. He’s most cited as the one with the best chance of winning the general election, and, by a wide margin, as the candidate most likely to change the way things work in Washington.

Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson follows Trump in overall preference with 14%, bumping Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who had held the top spot in most recent public polling in Iowa, down to third place with 9%. Walker is nearly even with a slew of other candidates.

GOP Presidential Candidate Ben Carson from the Fox News Republican Debate … “There is No Such Thing as a Politically Correct War”

We will be showing some of the better moments from the Fox News Republican Presidential candidate debate, because trust me I have much to say later regarding this debate and FOX News. Shame on you FOX for this liberal-like gotcha, low rent, Media Matters-like opposition research attack questions that passed as a debate.

The debate can be seen HERE.

One of the individuals I thought did a fantastic job was Ben Carson

Former neurosurgeon Ben Carson is a political outsider and one of the reasons why we love him. His matter of fact tone and answers make him a favorite amongst those who can’t stand the political-insider elite political class. As Ben Carson answers Megyn Kelly’s lame question on water-boarding, Carson hit it out of the park and started by making an interesting comment about wondering whether he was ever going to get to speak again during the debate. I had wondered the same thing. Sadly, moderators like Kelly think this was about her. Ben Carson stated, “I would not necessarily be broadcasting to everybody what we are going to do. We have gotten into this mindset of fighting politically correct wars, there is no such thing as a politically correct war.”

Carson’s comment on race relations in the United States was a home run and I believe that Martin Luther King Jr. stood up, nodded and cheered.

 ”There is No Such Thing as a Politically Correct War”

I would not necessarily be broadcasting to everybody what we are going to do.” We have gotten into this mindset of fighting politically correct wars, there is no such thing as a politically correct war.

Race Relations in America – (go to the 6:30 mark of video)

I was asked by an  NPR reporter once, why don’t I talk about race that often? I said that is because I am a neurosurgeon.
And she thought that was a strange response. I said that when I take someone to the operating room, I am actually operating on the thing
that makes them who they are, the skin doesn’t make them who they are, the hair does not make them who they are and its time for us to move beyond that.
Our strength as a nation comes in our unity. We are the United States of America, not the divided states and those that want to destroy us are trying to divide us.

Ben Carson’s Closing Statement

I’m the only here who has separated Siamese twins. The only one to operate on babies still in the mother’s womb.
The only one to take out half of a brain, although you would think if you go to Washington that some one had beaten me to it.

Because freedom is not free and we must fight for it every day. Everyone of us must fight for it because we are fighting for our children and the next generation.

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