NBC/WSJ Poll: Donald Trump & Ben Carson Lead GOP Race … Hillary Clinton Loses Ground to Bernie Sanders


A new NBC/WSJ poll has some interesting trends on both sides of the aisle. On the Republican side, 3 of the 4 leaders of the pack are political outsiders. The poll has Donald Trump at number one with 21%, Ben Carson a close second with 20% and Carly Fiorino and Sen. Marco Rubio with 11%. So why has Ben Carson closed the gap on The Donald? Could it possibly be as opined by Pamela Gellar that, “the emperor has no clothes, and Carson was the only one brave enough to say it, to violate the sharia (‘do not criticize Islam’).” Of course it was Donald Trump who brought the issue of illegals to the political conversation. For some reason establishment candidates have an issue in discussing and taking a stand on the issues that matter to “We the People”.

With the Democrats, scandal plagued Hillary Clinton still leads socialist Bernie Sanders, bit only by a 7% with yet to announce Joe Biden in the race. As Clinton poll numbers tank, she was forced to take to the Sunday talk shows and try to tell the American people that she has been transparent. LOL!!! However, if and when Biden ever does announce his presidential run, the Democrat polls will completely have a shake up with most likely Biden being on top. Imagine that, crazy uncle Joe Biden is the savior of the party.

NBC News:

Donald Trump and Ben Carson are running neck and neck in the national Republican presidential horserace, while Carly Fiorina is now tied for third place with Marco Rubio, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

And on the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton has lost ground to Bernie Sanders — she leads him by just seven points with Joe Biden in the race, and 15 points without the vice president. That’s down from Clinton’s 34-point lead over Sanders in July and her whopping 60-point lead in June.

In the GOP race, Trump is the first choice of 21 percent of Republican primary voters — followed by Carson at 20 percent and Rubio and Fiorina tied at 11 percent each.

Marco Rubio Announces John Boehner’s Resignation At Values Voters Summit To Endless Standing Ovation


It would appear that I wasn’t the only one cheering this morning when I heard the news … During this mornings Values Voter Summit in Washington, DC  Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) during his speech announced Speaker John Boehner was resigning from the House and the Conservatives in the crowd cheered with an endless standing ovation. The cheers that Boehner was stepping down were well earned as Boehner departs as least-popular speaker in three decades.

Rubio followed up the applause that Boehner was stepping down with the comment, “With all due respect to people who serve in government,  it is important at this moment, with respect to him and the service he has provided to our country, it’s not about him, and I’m not here today to bash anyone, but the time has come to turn the page. The time has come to turn the page and allow a new generation of leadership in this country.” I can only hope the other establishment GOP House types understand this as none of us want you to take over the role of the Speaker. That means you Rep. Kevin McCarthy. The GOP party need a fresh start in both the House and the Senate. Those in leadership roles have done nothing and all need to go.

At the 36 second mark of the video is the money line, Speaker Boehner announced he will be resigning …

The Hill:

Conservative voters roared in a standing ovation Friday at the Values Voter Summit in Washington after Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) announced Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) plans to retire. Rubio, who is running for president, shared the news that broke just before his speech, working it into prepared remarks where he questioned why a Republican Congress isn’t “able to stop our country from sliding in the wrong direction.” “Just a few minutes ago, Speaker Boehner announced that he will be resigning,” Rubio said to thunderous applause. He told the crowd it is time for Republicans to “turn the page.” “With all due respect to people who serve in government — it is important at this moment, with respect to him and the service he has provided to our country — it’s not about him, and I’m not here today to bash anyone, but the time has come to turn the page.”

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker Drops Out of 2016 GOP Presidential Race

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker drops out of GOP residential run …

Another governor has dropped out of the GOP presidential primary race. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has ended his bid for the 2016 GOP residential run.  Gov. Walker was originally thought to be a sure fire strong candidate for the Republican party. Boy were the pundits wrong on that one. Then again, the political pundits have been pretty much wrong on everything this political cycle. As stated at the Washington Free Beacon, the Walker campaign finally ended in the  culmination of a stunning downfall from frontrunner to an also-ran in the crowded GOP field.

In a press conference Walker had some party words, “Today I believe that I am being called to lead by helping to clear the field in this race so that a positive, conservative message can rise to the top of the field. With this in mind, I will suspend my campaign immediately.” Walker then had a parting shot at Donald Trump, “I encourage other Republican presidential candidates to consider doing the same, so that the voters can focus on a limited number of candidates who can offer a positive, conservative alternative to the current front-runner.” Hmm, that is rather sour grapes.

Scott Walker

Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, whose early glow as a Republican presidential contender was snuffed out with the rise of anti-establishment rivals, announced Monday that he was quitting the race and urged some of his 15 rivals to do the same so the party could unite against the leading candidate, Donald J. Trump.

Mr. Walker’s pointed rebuke of Mr. Trump gave powerful voice to the private fears of many Republicans that the party risked alienating large parts of the electorate — Hispanics, women, immigrants, veterans, and most recently, Muslims — if Mr. Trump continued vilifying or mocking them as part of his overtures to angry and disaffected voters.

Still, Mr. Walker’s exit was not a selfless sacrifice: He was running low on campaign cash, sliding sharply in opinion polls, losing potential donors to rivals and unnerving supporters with a stream of gaffes, like saying he would consider building a wall along the Canadian border.

Appearing ashen and drained at a brief news conference late Monday in Madison, Mr. Walker said the Republican presidential field was too focused on “how bad things are” rather than on “how we can make them better for everyone.” Without naming Mr. Trump, Mr. Walker issued a plea to fellow candidates to coalesce around a different Republican who could offer a more “optimistic” vision and guide the party to a victory next year that, he admitted with sadness in his voice, he could not achieve himself.

With Walker’s snide comments made toward Donald Trump in making the comment that, “I encourage other Republican presidential candidates to consider doing the same, so that the voters can focus on a limited number of candidates who can offer a positive, conservative alternative to the current front-runner,” does that mean if Donald Trump ever does win by chance the GOP presidential nominee, will Walker endorse him as Trump was made to pledge? 

Ben Carson Does Not Back Down and Will Not Apologize for Comments For Not Advocating a Muslim be President of the United States


According to The Politico, GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson will not apologize for he comments he made this weekend on ‘Meet the Press’ when he told host Chuck Todd, “I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation.” Carson stated that the teachings of Islam were not consistent with the United States Constitution. Even to the Left one would think that would be a no-brainer. But of course the always offended crowd are up in arms over Carson’s comments. But fools like socialist Bern  Some calling for Carson to apologize, even some spineless Republicans. Business manager and conservative radio host Armstrong Williams told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota on ‘New Day,’ … “It is not about Christian, it is not about Jew, it is not about religion. It is about what one believes and what they would advocate if they became president of these United States.” Williams went on to say that Carson “will not take it back.”

Imagine having the opinion and belief that  it is a bad thing for a President of the United States to be sworn into office with their hand on a Bible, not the Koran. What has this country come to?

Ben Carson will not take back his comment in a recent interview that a Muslim should not be president, the Republican presidential candidate’s business manager said Monday morning. And Carson has nothing to clarify, he added.

In an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press” that aired Sunday, Carson told Chuck Todd that Islam is not consistent with the Constitution and that while he would consider voting for a Muslim member of Congress, the highest office in the land is off-limits to people practicing a faith professed by approximately 3 million Americans.

“He was thinking like someone who loves America first, who wants to protect America. He understands that there are tenets of Islam that hates Jews, that kills homosexuals, will kill Muslims, do not advocate belief and value systems that made America into the country that it is today,” business manager and conservative radio host Armstrong Williams told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota on “New Day.”

When Camerota mentioned that those views apply only to extremists, Williams said his candidate is “not trying to be politically correct.”

The gutless pant-load RINO Lindsey Graham wants Ben Carson to apologize for his comments that a Muslim should not be president of the Untied States. Hmm, and you wonder why Graham is at 2%? What Ben Carson said is that an individual who is of a religion that is in opposition against the US Constitution. A note to Lindsey Grahamnesty, you could not even win the primary in your own state of South Carolina … why are you even running for president? Unless it is to just get your face on TV.

Lindsey Graham: ‘Ben Carson Should Apologize To All Muslim Americans!’

Lindsey Graham should apologize to Republicans for being a RINO!!!

Ben Carson Says, ‘I Would Not Advocate That We Put a Muslim in Charge’ of U.S.


This morning on NBC’s Meet the Press, Republican presidential nominee hopeful Ben Carson said that a Muslim shouldn’t be President of the United States. It is yet another reason why we like Dr. Ben Carson and his guts to honestly just say it like it is. What, is the Left going to make an issue about this too? Oh how terrible, let’s elect an individual whose religious ideology is in direct conflict with the USA. Who the hell in their right mind would elect a Sharia law Muslim as president? Carson said, that he doesn’t believe the United States should have a Muslim president because Islam is inconsistent with the US Constitution.

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson said he would not support a Muslim as President of the United States.

Responding to a question on “Meet the Press,” the retired neurosurgeon said, “I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that.”

He also said that Islam, as a religion, is incompatible with the Constitution.

Hell, isn’t it bad enough that American were stupid enough to elect Barack Obama and his Muslim faith not once, but twice?

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