Donald Trump Takes Lead in Iowa, Ted Cruz Now in Second Place, Ben Carson Slips to Third


As reported at CBS News, Donald Trump has returned to the top spot in Iowa at 30%. Surprisingly, Conservative Sen. Ted Cruz (TX-R) has surged into second place with 21% and thanks to the racist and bias MSM, Ben Carson has slipped to third place with 19%. According to the polls, since last month, Ted Cruz has gained ground, while Ben Carson has lost ground, among some key voting groups in Iowa: evangelicals, Tea Party supporters, those who are very conservative and older voters. However, what is still trending is that all 3 candidates are considered non-establishment GOP political outsiders.

Make no mistake about it, the liberal MSM has performed a hit on Ben Carson as the Democrat media complex and Democratic party cannot afford to have Ben Carson as the GOP presidential candidate. It would forever destroy the Democrat talking point that the GOP is racist. Once again just showing the media bias that exists, because had the media gone after and questioned Barack Obama even 25% of how they have gone after Carson, Obama would never have been elected in 2008.

Donald Trump has returned to the lead in Iowa while Ted Cruz has now surged past Ben Carson into second place. Carson has slipped from a first-place tie into third.

While Iowa’s Republicans generally feel Trump is ready to be commander-in-chief, Cruz scores even better on this measure, boosted by support from very conservative and Tea Party Iowans who feel he is ready to assume the post. That’s more than say so about Trump, Carson, Rubio and Jeb Bush.

Since last month, Ted Cruz has gained ground — and Ben Carson has lost ground — among some key voting groups in Iowa: evangelicals, Tea Party supporters, those who are very conservative and older voters. And while Trump still leads among some of these groups, it’s Cruz who is ahead among the very conservative, and Trump leads Cruz by just two points among evangelical voters.

Cruz’s move has come directly at the expense of Carson, as nearly one-quarter of his voters switched.

NBC/WSJ Poll: Political Outsider Ben Carson Surges Into the Lead of National GOP Race with 29%


According to a NBC/WSJ poll, the ultimate outsider and anti-establishment presidential candidate Ben Carson has surged into the lead with 29%, followed by Donald Trump at 23%, Marco Rubio at 11% Ted Cruz at 10% and Jeb Bush at 8%. Also, Carson polls at 50% as to who Republican voters select as their first or second choice. It is becoming apparent in many polls that Carson is trending to be the front-runner for the GOP. Even though, most national polls have shown Trump comfortably ahead in the race for the Republican presidential nomination since July, Carson has recently made strong strides in Iowa polls and some national ones. Also, according to the Politico, Carson is making huge strides in campaign fundraising.

However, how long will it be before the Democrat media complex begin their assault on Carson? Something the liberal MSM never did with Barack Obama when he ran in 2008 or 2012. And will they be called racist for attacking him as many were when they criticized Obama’s policies and liberal agenda?

Ben Carson has surged into the lead of the Republican presidential race, getting support from 29 percent of GOP primary voters, according to a brand-new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

That’s the highest percentage any GOP candidate has obtained so far in the survey.

Carson’s 29 percent is followed by Donald Trump at 23 percent, Marco Rubio at 11 percent, Ted Cruz at 10 percent and Jeb Bush at 8 percent. These findings are similar to a New York Times/CBS poll released last week, which also showed Carson in first place in the national GOP contest.

Senator Ted Cruz Rips CNBC Liberal, Bias, Agenda Driven Moderators at GOP Presidential Debate (VIDEO) … “This Debate Illustrates Why We Can Not Trust The Media”

The question is now settled science … the MSM is completely bias and in the tank for the Democrat party.

At last nights GOP Presidential Debate on CNBC, Republican presidential candidate, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) ripped the liberal CNBC moderators and exposed them for the liberal, bias, Leftist, agenda driven, in the tank Democrat party propagandists that they are. From the very outset of the debate, the moderators began their snarky gotcha questions and seemed more inclined to insult the candidates and start a food fight than to actually have the American public hear how any of the candidates would handle certain situations and what their economic policies were.


Finally, Ted Cruz ripped the moderators a new one and let them have it … “This Debate Illustrates Why We Can Not Trust The Media”

 ”The men and women on this stage have more ideas, more experience, more common sense than any participant in the Democratic debate,”


From Real Clear Politics:

At the Republican debate hosted by CNBC in Boulder, Colorado Wednesday night, presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz lambasted the moderators, particularly John Harwood of The New York Times, and the media for their treatment and characterization of himself and his competitors.

“The questions asked in this debate illustrate why the American people don’t trust the media,” Cruz at Wednesday’s Republican debate. “Everyone home tonight knows that the moderators have no intention of voting in a Republican primary.”

Cruz later went tete-a-tete with Harwood, a CNBC contributor, for cutting him off and wanting to move on.

“Congressional Republicans, Democrats and the White House are about to strike a compromise that would raise the debt limit, prevent a government shutdown, and calm financial markets of the fear that a Washington crisis is on the way. Does your opposition to it show you’re not the kind of problem-solver that American voters want?” CNBC anchor Carl Quintanilla asked the presidential candidate.

“Let me say something at the outset,” the Senator from Texas said. “The questions asked in this debate illustrate why the American people don’t trust the media.”

“This is not a cage match. And you look at the questions — Donald Trump, are you a comic book villain? Ben Carson, can you do math? John Kasich, will you insult two people over here? Marco Rubio, why don’t you resign? Jeb Bush, why have your numbers fallen? How about talking about the substantive issues,” Cruz said to commanding applause from the audience.

Mark Levin on Boehner Budget Deal: Do you Want a Government Shutdown or a Country Shutdown?

Conservative Talk Show host Mark Levin is 100% correct regarding the phony political Conservative Republicans and those who defend them.

Take a good listen to Mark Levin via The Right Scoop.  Levin calls it like it is as We the People get screwed by the GOP leadership as they sell us down the river and continually lie to our faces. I have to wonder at this point, what does the Republican party stand for anymore? We could get this type of government from Nancy Pelosi, as Boehner cut a deal with the White House on a budget deal by completely circumventing the political process.

I am sick and tired of pretend Conservatives defending  John Boehner and Mitch McConnell when they are selling this country down the river. And that is exactly what they do. What does the republican party stand for?


Click HERE to listen to Mark Levin speak the truth

This is a must listen for people who want to know the truth.

Ben Carson Surging in National Polls … CBS News/New York Times Poll Has Carson Ahead of Trump, 26% to 22%


It would appear that political outsider and former neurosurgeon Ben Carson has the political momentum in the polls. According to a recent CBS News/New York Times poll, Carson now leads Donald Trump, 26% to 22%. Sure its early and there is a long way to go, but this is significant. It is the first time that Carson leads Trump in a national poll. Earlier this month, Carson took the lead over Trump in Iowa in three significant polls, the Des Moines Register-Bloomberg poll, a Quinnipiac University survey and a Monmouth University poll.

Ben Carson has surpassed Donald Trump and now narrowly leads the Republican field in the race for the nomination in the latest national CBS News/New York Times Poll.

Twenty-six percent of Republican primary voters back Carson, giving him a four-point edge over Trump (22 percent). Support for Carson has quadrupled since August.

The rest of the Republican presidential candidates lag far behind in single digits. Marco Rubio is now in third place (eight percent), followed by Jeb Bush (seven percent) and Carly Fiorina (seven percent). All other candidates are at four percent or lower.

Carson has made gains across many key Republican groups. In a reversal from earlier this month, he is now ahead of Trump among women and is running neck and neck with him among men. Carson’s support among evangelicals has risen and he now leads Trump by more than 20 points with this group.

Carson performs well among conservative Republicans and those who identify as Tea partiers. Trump does well with moderates and leads Carson among those without a college degree – although Trump had a larger advantage with non-college graduates earlier this month.

New York Times: Ben Carson Edges Ahead Nationally in Times/CBS News Poll.

Ben Carson has taken a narrow lead nationally in the Republican presidential campaign, dislodging Donald J. Trump from the top spot for the first time in months, according to a New York Times/CBS News survey released on Tuesday.

Mr. Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, is the choice of 26 percent of Republican primary voters, the poll found, while Mr. Trump now wins support from 22 percent, although the difference lies within the margin of sampling error.

The survey is the first time that Mr. Trump has not led all candidates since The Times and CBS News began measuring presidential preferences at the end of July.

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