George Zimmerman Auctions Off the Hand Gun That Killed Trayvon Martin


Just when you thought you had heard the last of George Zimmerman, he’s back. Zimmerman, the neighborhood watchman who shot and killed Trayvon and then was found not guilty of murder, is auctioning off the gun that killed Trayvon Martin. Unreal, he just cannot stay out of the news. Zimmerman said, the proceeds will be used to “fight [Black Lives Matter] violence against Law Enforcement officers” and to “ensure the demise of Angela Correy’s persecution career and Hillary Clinton’s anti-firearm rhetoric.” Okay. Zimmerman is looking to get $5000 for the gun that costs about $350 retail. The Kel-Tec PF-9 is displayed on online auction site Zimmerman has received death threats since putting the gun up for auction but has decided to continue with it anyway. Well, this dude is going to get death threats for the rest of his days anyhow. But honestly, what type of person would buy this gun?

Zimmerman gun auction

SALE: One .9-mm pistol — and whatever’s left of George Zimmerman’s bankrupt soul.

The Florida neighborhood watchman who fatally shot unarmed teen Trayvon Martin in 2012 is putting the killer handgun up for auction — and hoping to fetch at least $5,000.

George Zimmerman

“I am honored and humbled to announce the sale of an American Firearm Icon,” Zimmerman wrote in his online description of the weapon. The perverted auction opens for bids at 11 a.m. Thursday.

“The firearm for sale is the firearm that was used to defend my life and end the brutal attack from Trayvon Martin on 2/26/2012 … Many have expressed interest in owning and displaying the firearm including The Smithsonian Museum in Washington D.C. This is a piece of American History,” Zimmerman wrote.

When will this narcissist just go away? Maybe Hot Air stated it best as they opined, ” … we never defended Zimmerman as a human being, and thank God for that. Because since his acquittal on murder charges, Zimmerman has proven himself to be less than a role model.”

Under Barack Obama Worries About Race Relations Reach a New High in U.S.


According to a recent Gallup poll, concerns and worries regarding race relations are at a new high in the United States. Under Barack Obama, the first elected black president, race relation have gotten worse. Go figure, seeing that he was pretty much elected due to white guilt and the misguided and naive notion that some how electing an individual because of their skin color would solve all the ills of the past and make things better. What did Martin Luther King Jr. say about it not being about the color of ones skin, but “the content of their character?”

Obama_Worst President

But this is what happens when an ignorant and apathetic electorate votes for what might be the most divisive president of the 20th and 21st century. A note to Obama, you could have learned a lot from how South African president Nelson Mandela dealt with racism and a divided nation. Sadly, you are not even close to the character of Mandela. This is what happens when you elect a community agitator, not a leader.

More than a third (35%) of Americans now say they are worried “a great deal” about race relations in the U.S. — which is higher than at any time since Gallup first asked the question in 2001. The percentage who are worried a great deal rose seven percentage points in the past year and has more than doubled in the past two years.

Gallup_race relations_0416

Concern about race relations over the past two years has increased among Republicans and Democrats, conservatives and liberals, and blacks and whites. But the gap between the groups who were already most worried before 2015 — Democrats, liberals and blacks — and those less worried has not shrunk, and in some cases has widened. Of particular note is the 53% to 27% “worried” gap between blacks and whites, up from the 31% to 14% gap between blacks and whites in the 2012-2014 combined polls.

A Positive for a Trump Victory … Reverend Al Sharpton Says He Would Flee the United States if Trump wins 2016 Presidential Election


Many people, including myself, have questioned whether Donald Trump has the character and make up to be the next President of the United States. But wait, here is a positive that goes in Trump’s favor. Rev. Al Sharpton told attendees at a Center for American Progress Action Fund event Thursday that if Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election that Sharpton would flee the United States. Wait a minute, is this a kind of endorsement from Reverend Al for Trump? Hell, there are thousands, maybe tens and hundreds of thousands that would vote for Trump just to make sure that actually took place.

One thing that rinds odd with Sharpton’s comment is the notion that he says he will flee because he may be deported anyway. Hmm, is Sharpton and illegal? What is most ironic of Reverend Al’s words is that he probably just garnered more votes for Trump.

Al Sharpton2

Rev. Al Sharpton told attendees at a Center for American Progress Action Fund event Thursday he would flee the country if Donald Trump won the election, in order to avoid being deported by Trump.

Sharpton, a Democrat, had positive feedback for many of the Republican presidential candidates until he got to Trump.

“If Donald Trump is the nominee, I’m open to support anyone [else], while I’m also reserving my ticket to get out of here if he wins, only because he’d probably have me deported anyway,” Sharpton told attendees, who responded in laughter.

Internal Memos Show Barack Obama Bullied Ally Bank to Pay Racial Settlement Without Proof


The New York Post is reporting that newly uncovered internal memos reveal the Obama administration knowingly exaggerated charges of racial discrimination in probes of Ally Bank and other defendants in the $900 billion car-lending business as part of a “racial justice” campaign. Well doesn’t this look like an Al Sharpton and Jessee Jackson race baiting shakedown? They would be proud. Hell, the mob would be proud. Then again, is Obama anything any different? This president has done more to harm race relations in this country. Imagine that, seeing that most misguided individuals voted for him to do just the opposite. SHAMEFUL, SIMPLY SHAMEFUL.


Newly uncovered internal memos reveal the Obama administration knowingly exaggerated charges of racial discrimination in probes of Ally Bank and other defendants in the $900 billion car-lending business as part of a “racial justice” campaign that’s looking more like a massive government extortion and shakedown operation.

So far, Obama’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has reached more than $220 million in settlements with several auto lenders since the agency launched its anti-discrimination crusade against the industry in 2013. Several other banks are under active investigation.

That’s despite the fact that the CFPB had no actual complaints of racial discrimination — it was all just based on half-baked statistics.

A confidential 23-page internal report detailing CFPB’s strategy for going after lenders shows why these companies are forking over millions of dollars in restitution and fines to the government despite denying any wrongdoing.

The high-level memo, sent by top CFPB civil-rights prosecutors to the bureau’s director and revealed by a House committee, admits their methods for proving discrimination were seriously flawed from the start and had little chance of holding up in court. Yet they figured they could muscle Ally, as well as future defendants, with threats and intimidation.

Let’s hope that America can survive the damage that has been inflicted upon it and its people during this terrible Obama presidency.

Actor Danny DeVito Says Regarding Oscars Diversity Controversy: “We Are A Bunch Of Racists” … “It’s Unfortunate that the Entire Country is a Racist country.” (VIDEO)


While at the Sundance Film Festival this weekend, which is nothing more than life styles of the rich and Hollywood famous, Danny DeVito weighed in on the lack of diversity in the entertainment industry and stated, that the lack of diversity in Hollywood and subsequently in awards-recognized films to systemic racism, and “it’s unfortunate that the entire country is a racist country.”

Sorry you imp, but it is your industry that is racist, not the entire country. No way in hell does Hollywood represent the entire country. It is your little fiefdom that is racist and either does not give actors of color roles or nominate them for awards. Don’t go blaming this on everyone. And since you are apart of Hollywood, you are to blame as well. BTW you little troll, have another drink.

It’s rather remarkable that a liberal elite would say something is racism and blame it on everyone when its his little elite crowd that is the bastion of racism.

While on the scene at the Sundance Film Festival this weekend, Danny DeVito took a moment to comment on the tinderbox subject diversity in the entertainment industry, and the actor-producer didn’t mince words at all. Bluntly attributing the lack of diversity in Hollywood and subsequently in awards-recognized films to systemic racism, he said that “it’s unfortunate that the entire country is a racist country.” He also noted that it’s just one instance in which “even though some people have given really great performances in movies, they weren’t even thought about. We’re living in a country that discriminates, and has certain racist tendencies.” He goes on from there, and you can watch the whole thing above.

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