7 Black California Boys Arrested in Attack on 15 Year Old Hispanic Boy … Obama, Sharpton, Jackson and MSM are Silent


Dear Barack Obama, how come this 15 year old Hispanic boy does not look like your son? Where is your outrage to this “hate crime”?  What’s the matter Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Oprah, Sinbad, Black Panthers, Barack Obama and the MSM … cat got your tongue?

Story Hat Tip: The Gateway Pundit

A 15 year old Hispanic boy was beaten and assaulted by 7 black teens as he walked home from the Cactus Middle School in Southern, CA. During the assault, the black teens made racially derogatory statements toward the Hispanic boy that were captured on video. The  teen thugs kicked the Hispanic boy multiple times in the head, knocked out several teeth requiring dental surgery and left shoe impressions on his skin.

Seven black teens have been arrested on suspicion that they committed a hate crime when they attacked a 15-year-old Hispanic boy while he was walking home from school in Southern California, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

The March 14 beating in Palmdale was captured on video and posted on YouTube, but has since been removed from the site. The seven boys, ages 13 to 16, were arrested Wednesday for investigation of assault and committing a hate crime, Lt. Don Ford said.

The attack happened near Cactus Middle School, but Ford didn’t know if any of the teens involved were students there.

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Seven teens have been arrested on suspicion that they committed a hate crime; however, the police are seeking three more suspects. No arraignment date has not been set yet. How come All Sharpton is not calling for escalated civil obedience until the 3 remaining suspects are are arrested and all of the black teens are charged and convicted of a hate crime? I guess the story does not fit Sharpton’s narrative. How about you Barack Obama, why did you not interject yourself into this horrible event?

So the question remains, are all hate crimes created equal? This is what happens when the President of the United States Barack Obama picks “hate crime” winner and losers. Dear Mr. President, you once said there are no red states, no blues states, only the United States. Prove it. Or like the murders of  James Cooper and James Kouzaris, it does not fit your narrative nor is it have any “political value” to you?

Becuase This Is How One Gets Justice for Trayvon Martin … More Racial Intolerance … $10,000 Black Panther Bounty on Zimmerman, Pu$$y A$$ Cracker T-Shirts & The Exploitation of Trayvon Martin’s Death

In the end remember this is about  Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman and what transpired. Do not get caught up  in the exploitation of the tragic event.

As they always say, there are three sides to every story and in the case of Trayvon Martin, there is his side, George Zimmerman’s and the truth. However, before we ever get to that point … we must deal with the intolerance, exploitation and racial hatred from those who are claiming racism.

As we sift through what happened that fateful night that Trayvon Martin died I am struck by one important fact, sadly another teen has died in America far too soon. Whether a child/teen be black, brown, white or purple, it matters little. Scared Monkeys has covered so many missing persons and crime stories of individuals of all race, creeds and colors.  In the end, they all feel like our children, not just some of them. We should all be saddened that by the circumstances and look for the truth and the facts to figure out what happened. What “WE” should not have done is what is presently transpiring in Sanford, FL. When this story first broke the first thing I thought was just how soon were the race merchants going to flock to the area and make this all about a black vs. white thing. Unfortunately, I was right.

Let me first say that I believe in what Martin Luther King Jr. so proudly opined, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” No truer words have ever been spoken. This is something that maybe folks of all colors should keep in mind when dealing with the death of Trayvon Martin. Of course there is racism in the United States; however, every incident is not one.

One does not get justice or accomplish anything be espousing the very hate and ills of society that they claim to be against. How can the answer to perceived vigilantism on the parts of blacks be for the Black Panther Party to put out a $10,000 bounty on the head of George Zimmerman?

NBPP Offers Money for the Capture of George Zimmerman

Not to be outdone, those seeking justice for Trayvon Martin are sporting t-shirts in Florida with George Zimmerman’s picture and the words “Pu$$y A$$ cracker”. Are you serious? This is how you honor Trayvon and seek justice, really? Who is hating? What did MLK say about the content of one’s character? How does anyone think that this is good for the cause? Shirt can be seen here too.

As seen at right (click to enlarge), the shirt has a picture of George Zimmerman and the words “Pussy Ass Cracker.” Zimmerman, a 28-year-old Hispanic, killed Martin, 17, last month while acting as a neighborhood watch captain in Sanford, Florida.

As stated above, it did not take long for the race bait merchants to circle the remains of the   Trayvon Martin story. Al Sharpton. Jesse Jackson et all sprinted to Sanford, FL to help fan the flames of racism and exploit the terrible fact that a mother and father lost their son.  The former leader of the NAACP C.L. Bryant is accusing Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton of “exploiting” the Trayvon Martin tragedy to “racially divide this country.” Ya think? Although, how else would you expect them to make a living?

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