Gallup Poll: Barack Obama’s Job Approval Ratings Back in the 30′s

No one can say he did not get to his job approval rating the old fashion way … he earned it!

According to the most recent Gallup poll, 3 day rolling average, President Barack Obama’s job approval rating in back in the 30′s. Take your pick, the economy, record debt, record number of individuals on food stamps, failed green energy agenda, scandals like Benghazi-gate and IRS-gate, foreign policy disasters like Syria, Libya, the failed Arab Spring and the disastrous Russia reset and Obamacare … one wonders how Obama is not in the 20′s.

Democrats are panicking ahead of the 2014 midterm elections.

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Credit – Gallup

Reversal of Fortune: 53% of Americans Believe President Barack Obama is Not Respected on World Stage, 41% Think He Is

Leading from Behind: Remember when everyone said that all we had to do was elect Barack Obama and the world would respect us?

What happened to Barack Obama, the International Rock star? Now for the first time in his presidency, a majority of Americans think he is not respected Internationally. According to a recent Gallup poll, 53% of Americans believe that Obama is not respected on the world stage, while 41% think he is. This is quite a turn-around from 2013 where 51% thought he was respected and 43% thought he was not. Barack Obama is not only destroying America from within, he is dwindling America’s respect in the world as well. Can you say … EPIC FAILURE!

Does anyone really wonder why so many Americans have ‘Buyers Remorse’ and if they had a chance to have a re-vote on the 2012 election, they would not vote for Obama to be president.  Barack Obama can thank his lucky stars he was not elected the President of Ukraine. Speaking of the Ukraine, the Obama administration is warning Russia against intervening in Ukraine after the country’s parliament ousted president Viktor Yanukovych. As seen in the poll below that world leaders do not respect Barack, does anyone think Putin is scared of Obama? Hardly.



For the first time, more Americans think President Barack Obama is not respected by other world leaders than believe he is. Americans’ opinions have shifted dramatically in the past year, after being relatively stable from 2010 to 2013.

The results are based on Gallup’s annual World Affairs poll, conducted Feb. 6-9. Although opinions about a president’s perceived world standing often track with his job approval rating, a majority of Americans still thought world leaders respected Obama in 2010 and 2011, when his job approval was similar to what it is now. Thus, the recent decline may be more tied to specific international matters from the past year, such as the revelation the U.S. was listening in on foreign leaders’ phone calls, the situation in Syria, increased tensions with Russia, and an uneasy relationship between Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Check out the amazing reversal in numbers from Democrats and Independents on their beliefs that Barack Obama is no longer respected as a world leader on the world stage. With Democrats a shift from +14 in 2013 to -11 in 2014. And for Independents, a shift from +12 in 2013 to -15 in 2014.


What would you rather have America, a Cowboy or a coward?

Gallup: Wyoming, Mississippi and Idaho Most Conservative States in US … District of Columbia, Socialist Republic of Vermont and Taxachusettes Most Liberal

Who are the most RED and least RED states in America?

So who are the most conservative states in the United States? According to Gallup, Wyoming, Mississippi, Idaho, Utah and Montana are at the top of the list. Followed by Arkansas, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Alabama. Hmm, maybe the Volunteer state of Tennessee and those that claim to be conservative can explain how they have voted into office two less than conservative US Senators.  Bob Corker is bad enough, but long time Sen. Lamar Alexander ranks rather low with a 53% on the Club for Growth’s scorecard.   Tennessee has a chance to put their conservatism where their mouth is and vote in a true conservative candidate in 2014. Alexander is being primary challenged in the GOP primary by TN state Representative  Joe Carr. It us time to get rid of establishment Republicans who claim they are conservative.

Also, how in the hell is Montana considered the 5th most conservative state and yet they currently have two Democrat US Sens. Jon Tester and the retiring Max Baucus. If Arkansas actually considers themselves a conservative state, they will replace Democrat Sen. Mark Pryor in 2014. Some of these states that claim they are conservative best stand up and be counted in 2014 and 2016, or forever be a minority.

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Imagine that, the District of Columbia is the most liberal place in the United States, followed closely by the Socialist Republic of Vermont and Taxachusettes. Check out the states that are considered most liberal, all of them except Maine have two Democrat Senators and many of which are among the most liberal.


Complete list of states can be seen HERE.

Gallup: 65% of Americans Dissatisfied With the Size and Power of the Federal Government … Americans Fed Up with Obama and Big Govt Liberalism

According to the most recent Gallup poll, not only are an overwhelming number of Americans dissatisfied with how the US federal government works, they are also extremely dissatisfied with the size and the power of the government as well.  Two-thirds of Americans, or  66%,  are unhappy with the size and power of the federal government. This is a direct repudiation of liberalism and Nanny state, Big government under Barack Obama.  No greater disapproval of the people of Big government and federal powers run amok are scene by the very existence of Obamacare, its failed roll-out and failed promises. Of course there is also the IRS and NSA scandals that Americans see as the feds having far too much power as well.

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Chart via Gallup

Sixty-five percent of Americans are dissatisfied with the nation’s system of government and how well it works, the highest percentage in Gallup’s trend since 2001. Dissatisfaction is up five points since last year, and has edged above the previous high from 2012 (64%).

One reason Americans are dissatisfied with how the government system is working is that they believe it is too big and powerful. Two-thirds of Americans (66%) are unhappy with the size and power of the federal government. These views potentially hamper President Barack Obama’s ability to propose large-scale government solutions in his State of the Union speech next week. However, this problem is not a new one for the president. Roughly two-thirds of Americans have expressed this view consistently since at least 2011, after the measure jumped a full 10 points between 2008 and 2011.

I doubt whether Americans want a different form of government like a monarchy or socialism, what they want is a competent and effective Republic in the manner in how Our Founding Father’s envisioned. Americans do not want an elitist government class who are out of touch with the people. As stated at The Politico, 53% of registered voters in a Quinnipiac poll do not believe that the Barack Obama administration has been competent in general.

American voters give President Obama a negative 40 – 54 percent approval rating, compared to 41 – 53 percent January 8, and 38 – 57 percent December 10, indications that his plunge has leveled off.

But voters give Obama his lowest grades for their top priorities:

Negative 39 – 56 percent for his handling of the economy;
Negative 36 – 59 percent for his handling of healthcare;
Positive 48 – 41 percent for handling terrorism;
Negative 40 – 49 percent for foreign policy;
Negative 39 – 47 percent for handling Iran.

Gallup: Barack Obama Averages 45.8% Job Approval in Year Five … Most Recent Quarterly Average was 41.2%


How does a president who does not average anywhere close to 50% get reelected? However, will Obama’s charmed political career due to some less than truth telling ultimately shred the Democrats in 2014, Real Clear Politics seems to think so.  The downward spiral of Obama’s polling numbers will have a political consequence on him and fellow Democrats. Let’s just hope the GOP does not manage to pull defeats from the jaws of victory.

I noted at the end of last year that the Senate playing field in 2014 is substantially worse for Democrats than it was in 2010. If Democrats ultimately suffer losses in marginal seats at the rate they did in 2010, we’d expect them to lose nine to 10 seats. This time, I’m going to take a slightly different tack, and look at these races from the point of view of the president’s job approval.

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Chart via Gallup

From Gallup:

President Barack Obama averaged 45.8% job approval during his fifth year in office. That is down more than two percentage points from his fourth-year average, and slightly better than his career-low 44.4% in his third year.

From a historical perspective, Obama’s fifth-year approval average is in the lower range. It is similar to George W. Bush’s 45.7%, but lower than those for Dwight Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton. Obama’s fifth-year average exceeds Richard Nixon’s 41.1% in the year ending Jan. 19, 1974. Nixon’s fifth-year approval rating reflected declining support as the Watergate scandal unfolded, but his fifth year ended well before he resigned from office.

From the historical polling below, it would appear that Barack Obama is not the one we have been waiting for. In fact, Obama is the one we can’t wait to get rid of. Obama has been a total and complete failure and a fraud.

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