Fox News Poll: Socialist Bernie Sanders Gains on Hillary Clinton But Trails by Wide Margin


In the most recent FOX News poll, self-proclaimed socialist Bernie Sanders has gained some ground on the presumptive Democrat nominee and ethically challenged Hillary Clinton, 49% to 30%. Although still trailing by a great deal, Sanders has shaved the lead by 10 percentage points as Sanders trailed by 29 in the Jul-2 Aug 15 poll, 51% to 22%. If Hillary Clinton’s struggles continue where the voters believe her to be a liar, it would be long before the socialist Sanders takes the lead in this poll as well. Sanders recently lead a Boston Herald/FPU poll by 7%.  Vice President Joe Biden is in third with 10%; however, that may change greatly in the near future if he decides to enter the presidential race as Hillary’s email and ethical challenges continue.

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EXIT QUESTION: Will support for Hillary Clinton continue to wane and will Joe Biden enter the race?


Fox News Poll: 76% of Voters Think the IRS Deliberately Destroyed Lois Lerner Emails … Just 12% Believe It Was an Accident


According to the most recent FOX News poll, an amazing 76% of voters believe that the Internal Revenue Service deliberately and purposely destroyed Lois Lerner’s emails. Only 12% believe in the Tooth Fairy and think it was an accident. Another 12% are unsure and are too bust watching “Here Cones Honey Boo Boo”. The 76% of those who believe the IRS acted deliberately its includes 74% of Independents and an incredible 63% of Democrats. What does this mean? As much as the White House has called IRS-gate a phony scandal and a GOP conspiracy, the American people are not buying it. “We the People” think that it was deliberate and a crime was committed and there was a purposeful destruction of property.

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Full poll can be read HERE.


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The consensus is: it’s no accident. More than three-quarters of voters — 76 percent — think the emails missing from the account of Lois Lerner, the ex-IRS official at the center of the scandal over targeting of conservative groups, were deliberately destroyed.
That suspicion is shared across party lines, albeit to varying degrees. An overwhelming 90 percent of Republicans think the emails were intentionally destroyed, as do 74 percent of independents and 63 percent of Democrats.

Furthermore, Democrats and Barack Obama have tried their best, along with the lap dog liberal media to make this scandal go away. Partisan Democrats have called the investigation, silly, political and a waste of time. The liberal MSM has pretty much refused to cover the story. However, according to the FOX News poll, 74% think that Congress should continue to investigate the IRS in their targeting of conservative and Tea Party non-profit groups. This includes 65% of Independents and 66% of Democrats.

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This latest wrinkle in the IRS targeting of certain groups, including hundreds with “Tea Party” in their name, has increased voter interest in Congress investigating the matter.

Some 74 percent of voters now say lawmakers should investigate the IRS “until someone is held accountable,” up from 67 percent who felt that way in April. That includes 66 percent of Democrats.

Finally, a resounding majority do not believe Barack Obama when he says that he learned about such scandals like IRS-gate, the VA scandal, Fast & Furious and the plethora of other scandals when the president says he learned about it from the media. What does this tell us? The American people think Obama is a liar.

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70% of Americans Support Voter ID Laws, Including 51% of Blacks … Why Are Democrats Lawmakers & Obama Against the Will of the American People and Preventing Voter Fraud?

So I guess Democrat law makers and co-called Black leaders would tell you that 70% of Americans are racist.

According to a recent Fox News Poll, 70% of Americans polled agree that there should be voter ID laws passed that required an valid state or federal photo identification in order to be allowed to vote. The survey found that a majority of every demographic supported such a law, including 91% of Republicans, 66% of Independents and even 55% of Democrats. However, many Democratic lawmakers, Black activists and organizations are opposed to strict voter identification laws, claiming they are largely unnecessary and discourage minority voting. They even claim those that would want such a law are hateful, racist and only looking to suppress the minority vote. Of course one needs a valid state or federal ID to cash a check, board an airplane, buy alcohol, obtain a driver’s license at the DMV, any banking transaction including opening an account, obtain SSI disability, buy a gun, donating blood, buy cigarettes, get a US passport, attain unemployment benefits, obtaining a carry gun permit, adopt a child and even buy Sudafed from your local pharmacy. But some how requiring one to do something as important as vote is a burden to minorities. Here is the money line to the poll, 51% of African Americans support voter ID laws, while 46% oppose the laws. Does this mean that the 51% of blacks are racist?


Seven in 10 registered voters are in favor of identification laws in order to root out fraud at the ballot box, according to a Fox News poll released this week.

The survey found majority support in every major demographic, including black voters and Democrats.

The 70 percent who support voter ID laws remains largely unchanged in the past few years. Another 27 percent believe the laws are unnecessary.

The issue has resurfaced recently as Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Republicans should not go too crazy over the law because they are offending people, African-Americans in particular.

He later clarified he believes the laws should not be a defining issue for Republicans, and they should be left up to the states to decide. A total of 31 states have active voter identification laws, while a handful of others have recently been struck down in state courts.

The survey found majorities of every demographic support the law. Ninety-one percent of Republicans offer support, and 66 percent of independents feel the same.

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Doesn’t make one wonder why when pretty much everything in this country requires a photo ID, including to buy, own and carry a gun (a right protected in the US Constitution) that making sure that there are fair elections with no fraud would be opposed by Democrats? So are they pro-voter fraud? But then again, this is coming from the party that is perfectly fine with letting illegals into the United States and then letting them out of jail after committing crimes. If individuals think that minorities cannot some how get a photo ID, maybe something needs to be looked into that as a problem, rather than calling voter ID laws racist.

As stated at TPPN, “All in all, the case against voter ID laws is not only flimsy, it’s downright laughable in its ridiculousness.”

FOX News Poll: 67% Support Creation of Benghazi Special Committee … 51% Believe Obama Admin Knowingly Lied About Blaiming Video Tape for Political Purposes

The Obama White House, Hillary Clinton and Democrats are overwhelmingly on the wrong side of the American people when it comes to finding the truth as to what happened in Benghazi and who covered it up.

According to a recent FOX News poll, an amazing 67% believe that a special committee should be created in order to investigate the Obama administrations decisions and activities surrounding the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya that resulted in the death of four Americans, including US ambassador Chris Stevens. This as Barack Obama, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, Nancy Peleosi and the rest of Democrats scoff at the idea of a special committee as a conspiratorial witch hunt. Sorry, but 67% is hardly a minority of people just out to get Obama. The poll also finds that 51% of respondents believe that Obama administration “knowingly lied” about the September 11, 2012 terrorist attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya “to help the President Obama during his re-election campaign” against Mitt Romney.



Complete FOX News Poll can be seen HERE.

More analysis of the numbers from Town

Fully two-thirds of the public endorses the propriety and necessity of forming this select committee, which all but seven House Democrats opposed. Fewer than 30 percent have embraced the official White House line on the matter — and by a 16-point margin, Americans say the Obama administration’s general goal has been to deceive, rather than elucidate the truth, regarding Benghazi.

More numbers lay bare the depth of the public’s cynicism over this entire episode: A majority (51/39) believes Obama’s team “knowingly lied” about the cause of the attack to boost the president’s re-election bid, and a similarly-sized majority (50/40) says Hillary Clinton has been deceitful about the raid. Seventy-two percent of respondents believe the Obama administration bears at least some responsibility for what happened, with another super-majority (68/27) blaming the administration for the fact that nobody has been brought to justice for the assassinations.

6 in 10 American Voters Believe Barack Obama Lies to the Country … #YOU LIE

Barack Obama, the Liar in Chief … There is a reason he is called the Lion Lying King.

According to a recent Fox News Poll, 6 in 10 American voters believe that President Barack Obama lies to the country on important issues most or some of the time. Just 6 in 10? Of course for many of us we can put one and one together and understand that Obama has been lying for years. However, what is most interesting from this poll is the number of Obama/Democrat key constituents that thinks he lies “most of the time” includes 13% of Democrats, 12% of blacks, 16% of liberals, 31%  of unmarried women and 34%  of those under age 30. OUCH!!!

Full poll results can be read HERE.


About six in ten American voters think Barack Obama lies to the country on important matters some or most of the time, according to a Fox News poll released Wednesday.

Thirty-seven percent think Obama lies “most of the time,” while another 24 percent say he lies “some of the time.” Twenty percent of voters say “only now and then” and 15 percent “never.”

President Obama has been accused by political opponents and media fact-checkers alike of telling falsehoods.  Frequently cited: His repeated claim that under Obamacare “If you like your plan, you can keep it” and his insistence that “the day after Benghazi happened, I acknowledged that this was an act of terrorism.”

Of course Obama’s biggest lie that will affect nearly every individual in the United States was his shameful lies regarding Obamacare and that, “If you like your plan, you can keep it” In fact it garnered him the Politfact 2013 Lie of the Year.  However, the lies have been so plentiful that it is almost impossible to list them. But with so many scandals during his presidency like Fast & Furious, Benghazi-gate and ITS-gate to name a few, are we really to believe that Barack Obama had no knowledge what was really going on? If his answer is he knew nothing, that would be a lie.

It would appear that Republican South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson was on to something when he yelled out, “you lie,” during Obama’s 2010 State of the Union Address.

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