Socialist Bernie Sanders Who Railed Against the Democrat Party Establishement Now Says, ‘This is Not the Time for a Protest Vote’
Sorry millennials and those that backed Bernie Sanders because you thought he was more than just a political candidate and in fact was a political movement, you have been “BERNED”. What a joke and a fraud. The man who ran as a self-proclaimed socialist in the 2016 Democrat primary against Hillary Clinton and a an alternative and protest vote against Hillary and the establishment now says … “This is not the time for a protest vote, in terms of a presidential campaign,” and don’t vote for Libertarian Gary Johnson or for the Green Party’s Jill Stein. FRAUD!!! Its nice to see that the socialist has gotten in line behind the Democrat party establishment. I can say that I agree with pretty much nothing, but I could respect him because I thought he believed in what he was saying. Guess what, the respect is gone too because he is a sell out. However, there is already a large group of Bernie voters who will never vote for Hillary.
Remember when Sanders actually stood for something and was against the establishment?
Anyone driving into Bernie Sanders’s rally here, anyone with a radio tuned to ABC News, could hear the low-key voice of Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson. In 60-second radio spots, the former governor of New Mexico introduces himself as a pragmatist who, like most voters, resented a presidential choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
“Our economic challenges will be conquered not by force, but by cooperation and mutual respect,” Johnson says in one of the ads. “For the independent majority of Americans who feel as I do, I say: Why wait one more day?”
At the rally itself, Sanders continued making the pitch he’s been honing since he returned to the campaign trail: This isn’t a year to vote third party. Mentioning Clinton’s name sparingly, Sanders told several hundred voters — many still wearing gear from the Democratic primary — that their votes could stop the election of a Republican “who thinks climate change is a hoax.”
Sanders, who was the most prominent independent in American politics even before his run, is gradually embracing a role as a third-party critic, a spoiler of the spoilers. As Democrats contemplate ways to tamp down a protest vote for Johnson, or for the Green Party’s Jill Stein, Sanders is already arguing that anyone who voted for him would set the movement back by voting against Clinton. In an interview after the rally — the first in a three-state weekend tour for Democratic candidates — Sanders said that Democrats and the media need to focus on Clinton’s actual policies more than they have been, in a campaign dominated by back-and-forths about Trump’s gaffes.
“This is not the time for a protest vote, in terms of a presidential campaign,” Sanders said.
I could not disagree more … this is exactly the time and place for a protest vote. It is time to vote for anyone who is not the establishment which also means it is time to vote for a non-politician.
Posted September 17, 2016 by Scared Monkeys Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Establishment candidates, Fraud, Partisan hack, Politics | no comments |
What a Joke … Hillary Clinton Slams Trump About Golfing When Obama Has Spent the Last 7 1/2 Years on The Golf Course?
Team Hillary came out with the political ad below following the Brexit vote to deflect attention away from the fact that she was dead wrong and on the wrong side of the British vote to leave the EU. Making the political hack ad even more idiotic is the fact, not only was it a fabricated lie, but surprisingly moronic in the fact that she would pick golf as the vehicle to slam Trump.
First, the ad claims Trump in volatile. No where in the entire ad does it show Trump being volatile. Two, golf, Hillary Clinton picked golf? It is Barack Obama that has spent more time on the golf course in the last 7-1/2 years than any president ever. Maybe even all combine. Clinton would actually make a gold reference? No one can ever she she does not have CO-JONES, that’s for sure. Three, tested? Really Hillary, just curious … how did that Benghazi thing go when you were tested? You remember, when Ambassador Stevens continually begged for more security and you provided nothing. That ended in a terrorist attack that you tried to cover up that left dour Americans dead, including Ambassador Stevens. It is you that is unfit for office my dear.
What the United States does not need is a lying, crooked and corrupt president. The USA does not need lying, crooked Hillary. Hillary has been tested as well, how did that Benghazi thing go?
The POTUS as Shankopotomus
Posted June 27, 2016 by Scared Monkeys Benghazi-Gate, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Gutter Politics, Hillary Clinton, Libyan Consulate - Amb. Stevens, Partisan hack, Political Ads, Politics, Presidential Contenders, Scandal, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | no comments |
Former GOP Establishment Presidential Loser Mitt Romney Rips Donald Trump as a ‘Phony’ and a ‘Fraud’ … Hmm, Flashback, That’s Not What Romney Said Before When Praising Trump (VIDEO)
Really, who wants to hear anything from an individual who epitomizes exactly what is wrong with the republican party and why the GOP base is so pissed off at Republicans? Oh, did I mention that Mitt Romney was a presidential loser who was so gutless and wishy-washy that he could not find the spine or CO-JONES to defeat and completely defeatable Barack Obama? But that is not stopping Mittens Romney from taking to the podium to rip 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump. Amazing. Wasn’t it the establishment who was wanting Trump to say he would support the GOP presidential nominee and not run a third party challenge against the Republicans? Well look at the establishment cry-babies now. Please tell me these fools in the establishment GOP are thinking of having Romney enter the race to challenge Trump? Does the GOP party just not get it? The Republican base hates them!
Mittens Romney – the face of establishment GOP losing politics
A note to Romney … Dude, your time has come and gone and you blew it. No one needs any advice from a middle of the road, establishment Republican who lost to Barack Obama.
Mitt Romney on Thursday will slam GOP front-runner Donald Trump as “a phony” and “a fraud” who is “playing the American public for suckers” in a major speech on the 2016 race.
“His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University,” the 2012 GOP nominee plans to say at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City at 11:30 a.m. ET. Romney will argue that “a Trump nomination enables” Hillary Clinton to win in November.
“His domestic policies would lead to recession,” Romney will say about Trump. “His foreign policies would make America and the world less safe. He has neither the temperament nor the judgment to be president. And his personal qualities would mean that America would cease to be a shining city on a hill.”
Hmm, well that is not what Romney has said in the past regarding the Donald when he was singing his praises. So you get to decide who the real phony and fraud is. Watch the video below where Romney has only ringing endorsements and praise for Donald Trump. So what has changed Mittens?
What happened to the Mitt-Donald lovefest of 2012, when they said:
“It’s my honor, real honor, to endorse Mitt Romney,” Trump said, with Romney and his wife standing nearby. Calling Romney “tough” and “smart,” Trump said, “he’s not going to continue to allow bad things to happen to this country.”
Romney responded by praising Trump for “an extraordinary ability to understand how our economy works and to create jobs” and for being “one of the few who has stood up to say China is cheating” in international trade.
Posted March 3, 2016 by Scared Monkeys 2016 Elections, Donald Trump, Establishment candidates, Liars, Mitt Romney, Mushy Middle, Partisan hack, Politics, Presidential Contenders, Primaries, Republican, RINO, RNC, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 4 comments |
CNN Poll: 57% Disapprove of Barack Obama Handling of ISIS
According to a recent CNN poll, 57% of Americans disapprove of how Barack Obama is handling ISIS. Just 57%, seriously? 40% of the American public are actually so clueless and out to lunch that they approve of how Obama is handing ISIS and the brutal beheadings and burning people alive. What are the odds that this 40% even are aware of these barbaric acts or even what ISIS is. It is disgustingly pathetic that so many people cannot just be honest and actually admit that Obama can actually do something poorly.
Full poll results can be read HERE.
40% of polled approve of Obama’s handling of ISIS, as innocents are burned to death.
Americans are increasingly unhappy with President Barack Obama’s handling of ISIS, and a growing share of the nation believes that fight is going badly, according to a new CNN/ORC survey released Monday.
The CNN/ORC poll found 57% of Americans disapprove of how Obama is handling the threat posed by ISIS, a significant decline in support for the President over the past few months. In late September, that number was 49%.
Fifty-seven percent disapprove of his handling of foreign affairs more broadly, and 54% disapprove of how the President is handling terrorism. Another 60% rate Obama negatively on his handling of electronic national security.
EXIT QUESTION: I wonder how the 21 Coptic Christians that were beheaded by ISIS in Triopli, Libya would have answered this question? Maybe we could also ask Kayla Mueller, British aid worker Alan Henning, 47 year old Kenji Goto, Haruna Yukawa, or Peter Kassig. We would love to get their opinions; however, they have all been killed by ISIS.
Posted February 17, 2015 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, CNN Opinion Research, Epic Fail, Foreign Policy, ISIS, Islam/Muslims, Islamist, Islamofascist, Jihad, Misleader, Partisan hack, Polls, Radical Islam, Terrorism, War on Terror, WTF | 2 comments |
Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani Discusses the Murder of Two NYPD Officers … Calls for ‘Shameful’ De Blasio, Politicians to Stop the Propaganda (VIDEO)
Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani appeared on Fox & Friends Weekend this morning to discuss the aftermath of the shooting deaths of two NYPD officers and what Mayor De Blasio should do. Giuliani stated that De Blasio should give a speech to the police department and would explain to them that maybe he was wrong about a few things and maybe he was wrong about putting too much emphasis on police misconduct. Giuliani went on to say, “the politicians with this propaganda, separating the community from the police, are doing something that’s shameful. And they have to stop doing that.”
Giuliani Calls for ‘Shameful’ De Blasio, Politicians to Stop the Propaganda:
Giuliani said that de Blasio should admit he was wrong in putting too much emphasis on police conduct, as opposed to violent crime in communities.
“The police are doing the most in these very, very poor communities,” Giuliani said. “The police officers are doing the most to save the children that are at greatest risk.”
“The politicians with this propaganda, separating the community from the police, are doing something that’s shameful. And they have to stop doing that.”
Giuliani asserted that de Blasio let protests get out of control and failed to emphasize the importance of fatherhood, education and seeking opportunities in poor communities.
“If you really want to save black lives … then you start talking about the underlying problems and how we solve it. You don’t blame it on the police,” he said.
“The police are doing the best job of saving black lives.”
Posted December 21, 2014 by Scared Monkeys Aggrevated Murder, assasination, Crime, Democrat/Obama Propaganda, Gutter Politics, Liars, Liberals, Murder, Partisan hack, Politics, Race Card, Racism, Rudy Giuliani | one comment |