Arizona State Sen. Kelli Ward to Primary Challenge Incumbent John McCain for US Senate Seat


The only way to change the establishment is to take on the establishment. That is what appears to be happening in Arizona. Arizona state Senator Kelli Ward is set to formally resign her seat to focus on her Republican primary challenge to 79 year old, 5 term US senator and establishment RINO Sen. John McCain.   Maybe this will be the template for others to take on the establishment and flush the system of what has become the go along to get along GOP.

Sorry, with all due respect to John McCain and his military service, you have to know when to walk away. Personally, I believe in term limits and there should never be a such thing as a 5 term senator and a 30 year political career.

Arizona state Sen. Kelli Ward

Arizona state Sen. Kelli Ward is set to formally resign her seat to focus on her Republican primary challenge to U.S. Sen. John McCain.

Ward says in a letter to Senate President Andy Biggs that she will vacate her seat on Tuesday. The Dec. 2 letter says she plans to devote her energy to defeating the five-term senator and 2008 Republican presidential nominee.

Ward is a physician from Lake Havasu City whose current district spans much of Mohave and all of La Paz counties.

Ted Cruz Soars to Front of the Pack in Iowa Poll at 31%, Donald Trump in Second at 21%


Republican presidential candidate and non-establishment GOP candidate Sen. Ted Cruz has surged into the lead in Iowa in the latest Bloomberg Politics/Des Moines Register Iowa Poll.  Ted Cruz has surged into the lead in Iowa with 31%, followed by Donald Trump at 21%. Cruz’s 21-percentage-point jump since October is the largest surge between Iowa Polls recorded in at least the last five presidential caucus campaigns.

Don’t think the GOP establishment isn’t still have heart failure with Cruz now in the lead. The gutless GOP fears Cruz just as much as Trump. Just imagibe a general presidential election with an actual Conservative running. Maybe this time the GOP will win as opposed to past elections with Romney and McCain.

Ted Cruz

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz has surged ahead to become the latest front-runner in the campaign for the Iowa caucuses, dislodging Ben Carson and opening an impressive lead over a stalled Donald Trump, a Bloomberg Politics/Des Moines Register Iowa Poll shows.

The firebrand junior senator from Texas is backed by 31 percent of those likely to attend the Republican caucuses that start the presidential nomination season on Feb. 1. Trump is a distant second at 21 percent, up slightly from 19 percent in October, but below his peak of 23 percent in August.

Cruz’s 21-percentage-point jump since October is the largest surge between Iowa Polls recorded in at least the last five presidential caucus campaigns. When first and second choices are combined, he has the support of 51 percent of likely caucus-goers. The senator’s great leap forward comes largely at the expense of Carson, as Iowa’s evangelicals appear to have picked the candidate they want to get behind. The retired neurosurgeon, now barely in third-place, is supported by 13 percent, down from the first-place showing he posted in October, when he was at 28 percent.

For Iowa’s conservative voters, “the coalescing has begun,” said J. Ann Selzer, founder of Selzer & Co., the West Des Moines-based firm that conducted the poll.

The same can’t be said for the voters who describe themselves as part of the Republican establishment, which the poll recorded as 29 percent of the likely electorate. For now, Trump has 23 percent from those who consider themselves Republican establishment voters, followed by Cruz at 22 percent. Senator Marco Rubio and his one time mentor, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, are both at 12 percent.

Try Not to Discuss Politics at Thanksgiving Dinner … But If You Have To, Here Are Some Pointers


So what does one do when a progressive, lib decides to ruin Thanksgiving Day and brings up their liberal talking points and how Barack Obama is God’s gift to humanity? My first thought is lock them in the closet, maybe no one will miss them. Seriously, the answer is ignore them, change the story to puppies and kittens, because everyone has an opinion on their pet. But remember, your young liberal relative probably doesn’t have a job and has been preparing for this as they had previously received their Obama agenda talking points via the DNC. Your only hope is that your liberal relative stayed up all night playing video games the night before and might be drowsy.  But if ignoring the twerp doesn’t work and he/she keeps leaving the kids table to annoy with their moronic liberal talking points, you can always turn to an article from the Washington Free Beacon, ‘How to Talk to Your Pansy Marxist Nephew at Thanksgiving.’

Legal Insurrection has a multitude of ideas and examples of how not to discuss talk turkey, when you could be eating it.

Watch below, Dana Perino’s do’s and don’ts of talking politics at Thanksgiving. I think Dana’s best bit of advice is to start drinking early :) . That has always served me well in the past in dealing with my LEFT-wing, lunatic brother in law. Also, don’t be emotional and don’t let your arguments get to the point of throwing food.

Listen to Donald Trump’s First Radio Ads of 2016 Presidential Campaign … “Politicians are all talk and no action.”


That is kind of unbelievable if you think about it, this is his first radio ads? Check out the two ads below. If there is anyone who knows marketing and how to get an effective message out to the American people, it id Donald Trump. In an age in which We the People are sick and tired of establishment candidates who are beholden to special interests and lobbyists, and both political parties are just as guilty, along comes Trump riding the wave of an “outside the Beltway” candidate … “Donald Trump is running for president because politicians are all talk and no action.”

The Donald also hits on the hot button issues of jobs, the economy, veterans, the First and Second Amendment, ISIS and illegal immigration … “You can’t have a country without borders.”

Republican presidential contender Donald Trump is releasing his first radio ads of the 2016 campaign.

“Donald Trump is running for president because politicians are all talk and no action,” a woman’s voice reads in an ad first played this morning on “Morning Joe” on MSNBC.

The voice adds that Trump will “brutally and quickly cut off the head of ISIS” and “stop illegal immigration by building a wall on our southern border. And he will make Mexico pay for it.”

A second ad, targeted at voters in Iowa, features Trump’s voice. “My opponents have no experience in creating jobs or making deals,” he says. “Obamacare is a total disaster. It will be repealed and replaced with something much better,” he continues.

“If the people of Iowa vote for me, you’ll never be disappointed,” he adds.

UP IN SMOKE … Legalize Marijuana for Both Medical & Recreational use in Ohio Fails Miserably 65% to 35%


Imagine that, Ohio is not Colorado. The voters of Ohio decided to say JUST SAY NO to a the legalization of marijuana for both medical and recreational use by a resounding 65% to 35%. Although, many probably voted against this terrible measure not only because of pot legalization but also they way it was written giving a monopoly to certain individuals to grow it. C’mon man, the last thing some stoners are going to want is being forced to by some weed from some politically connected wealthy backers. Next thing you know these privileges state appointed drug kingpins would have the market on the Doritos and moon pies.

Looks like Cheech & Chong will have to toke elsewhere (warning – adult language)

Issue 3, the effort to legalize marijuana for both medical and recreational use in Ohio, failed to create a buzz with voters Tuesday.

The legislation was rejected soundly, failing by a margin of 65 to 35 percent with 77 percent of precincts counted late Tuesday night.

WAPO: Ohio just rejected legalizing marijuana. What that means for the future of pot.

Ohio voters on Tuesday rejected a controversial marijuana legalization measure at the polls in that state. Recent surveys showed support in Ohio for marijuana legalization, but voters balked at the specifics of the ballot initiative, which would have created an oligopoly on marijuana production for a small handful of the initiative’s wealthy donors.

The initiative faced an uphill battle from the start. The first stumbling block was the nature of the ballot measure itself. It would have essentially written a marijuana oligopoly into the state’s constitution, with the measure’s wealthy backers as the only recipients of licenses to grow marijuana commercially. That didn’t sit right with many of the national advocacy groups that have backed successful legalization measures in other states.

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