Donald Trump Blames Conservatives For GOP Betrayals … Really, Trumps True Colors Are Shown
We all knew, well I hope most us us knew, that Donald Trump was not a true Conservative, he just latched on the the discontent and the frustration with all politicians, especially those in Washington, DC and especially with many in the Republican party who were tired of being lied to. Make no mistake about it, the Republican party has betrayed its base, but not by Conservatives, but instead by the GOP establishment and those in leadership roles. Those like Ted Cruz draw the ire of the Republican sellouts and go along to get along GOP politicians. Much like Ronald Reagan did in the 1980′s.
So a note to Donald Trump, either you haven’t a clue to what you are talking about or you are a wolf in Democrats clothing. As it is hardly the Conservatives who have sold out the base. Because we all know that it was conservatives who have political campaign donations to Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Oh, oops, that was Donald Trump. We don’t need lectures from who sold out the Conservative cause when he was actively making donations to the other side.
Posted February 16, 2016 by Scared Monkeys Conservatives, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Establishment candidates, Gutter Politics, Liars, Misrepresentation, Politics, Presidential Contenders, Republican, RINO | one comment |
Socialist Bernie Sanders Destroyed Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire by 60% – 38% … So Why Are They Leaving the Granite State With a Similar Number of Delegates?
Self proclaimed socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders destroyed the establishment, super pac candidate Hillary Clinton in the New Hampshire Democrat primary Tuesday night by 22 points. At the end of the evening the vote count of the people of New Hampshire was Sander 60% and Clinton 38%. But get this, after the embarrassing butt kicking Clinton took at the hands of a 74 year old socialist, Hillary Clinton may actually come out ahead in the delegate count due to the pre-pledged support of superdelegates. I guess this is what Bernie Sanders was talking about with regards the political process being rigged? Hey Bernie, instead of always whining about campaign money, you might want to look at how delegates are allocated in the Democrat party. Before the primary even began Hillary was ahead with delegates, Clinton came into the contest with the support of six superdelegates, who are state party insiders given the freedom to support any candidate they choose. And you wonder why the people hate the process. As Legal Insurrection opines … It’s how DEM-ocracy works.
What Difference Does it Make if I lose by 22 points, I still win …
Sen. Bernie Sanders handily defeated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, but she may come out of the state on top in the delegate count due to the pre-pledged support of superdelegates.
Here’s why: New Hampshire has 24 Democratic delegates distributed based on the number of votes each candidate receives.
According to the Associated Press, the Vermont senator earned at least 13 of the Democratic delegates with 60 percent of the vote in the Granite State. Because New Hampshire isn’t a winner-take-all state, Clinton won at least nine delegates with her 38 percent of the vote. A remaining two delegates have yet to be determined based on popular vote totals, according to AP.
But New Hampshire also has eight Democratic “superdelegates” — party insiders who aren’t bound by the popular vote outcome and can support any candidate they choose. Six of the superdelegates said before Tuesday night’s voting that they plan to support Clinton at the Democratic National Convention in July.
That support isn’t binding, though — superdelegates can switch candidates between now and the convention.
Clinton’s Granite State superdelegates include New Hampshire Democratic lawmakers Gov. Maggie Hassan, Sen. Jeanne Shaheen and Rep. Annie Kuster, according to The Hill. One of the undecided superdelegates is Ray Buckley, chairman for the New Hampshire Democratic Party, who was barred by state party rules from selecting a candidate prior to the primary in an effort to maintain neutrality.
Posted February 11, 2016 by Scared Monkeys Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Democrats, Establishment candidates, Hillary Clinton, Liberals, New Hamsphire, Politics, Primaries, Progressives, Socialist, WTF | one comment |
Arizona State Sen. Kelli Ward to Primary Challenge Incumbent John McCain for US Senate Seat
The only way to change the establishment is to take on the establishment. That is what appears to be happening in Arizona. Arizona state Senator Kelli Ward is set to formally resign her seat to focus on her Republican primary challenge to 79 year old, 5 term US senator and establishment RINO Sen. John McCain. Maybe this will be the template for others to take on the establishment and flush the system of what has become the go along to get along GOP.
Sorry, with all due respect to John McCain and his military service, you have to know when to walk away. Personally, I believe in term limits and there should never be a such thing as a 5 term senator and a 30 year political career.
Arizona state Sen. Kelli Ward is set to formally resign her seat to focus on her Republican primary challenge to U.S. Sen. John McCain.
Ward says in a letter to Senate President Andy Biggs that she will vacate her seat on Tuesday. The Dec. 2 letter says she plans to devote her energy to defeating the five-term senator and 2008 Republican presidential nominee.
Ward is a physician from Lake Havasu City whose current district spans much of Mohave and all of La Paz counties.
Posted December 16, 2015 by Scared Monkeys 2016 Elections, Establishment candidates, John McCain, Politics, Primaries, Senate | 2 comments |
NBC/WSJ Poll: Donald Trump & Ben Carson Lead GOP Race … Hillary Clinton Loses Ground to Bernie Sanders
A new NBC/WSJ poll has some interesting trends on both sides of the aisle. On the Republican side, 3 of the 4 leaders of the pack are political outsiders. The poll has Donald Trump at number one with 21%, Ben Carson a close second with 20% and Carly Fiorino and Sen. Marco Rubio with 11%. So why has Ben Carson closed the gap on The Donald? Could it possibly be as opined by Pamela Gellar that, “the emperor has no clothes, and Carson was the only one brave enough to say it, to violate the sharia (‘do not criticize Islam’).” Of course it was Donald Trump who brought the issue of illegals to the political conversation. For some reason establishment candidates have an issue in discussing and taking a stand on the issues that matter to “We the People”.
With the Democrats, scandal plagued Hillary Clinton still leads socialist Bernie Sanders, bit only by a 7% with yet to announce Joe Biden in the race. As Clinton poll numbers tank, she was forced to take to the Sunday talk shows and try to tell the American people that she has been transparent. LOL!!! However, if and when Biden ever does announce his presidential run, the Democrat polls will completely have a shake up with most likely Biden being on top. Imagine that, crazy uncle Joe Biden is the savior of the party.
Donald Trump and Ben Carson are running neck and neck in the national Republican presidential horserace, while Carly Fiorina is now tied for third place with Marco Rubio, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.
And on the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton has lost ground to Bernie Sanders — she leads him by just seven points with Joe Biden in the race, and 15 points without the vice president. That’s down from Clinton’s 34-point lead over Sanders in July and her whopping 60-point lead in June.
In the GOP race, Trump is the first choice of 21 percent of Republican primary voters — followed by Carson at 20 percent and Rubio and Fiorina tied at 11 percent each.
Posted September 28, 2015 by Scared Monkeys 2016 Elections, Benjamin Carson, Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Carly Fiorina, Democrats, Donald Trump, Establishment candidates, Hillary Clinton, Liberals, NBC/WSJ Poll, Politics, Polls, Presidential Contenders, Primaries, Progressives, Republican, Socialism | no comments |
Marco Rubio Announces John Boehner’s Resignation At Values Voters Summit To Endless Standing Ovation
It would appear that I wasn’t the only one cheering this morning when I heard the news … During this mornings Values Voter Summit in Washington, DC Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) during his speech announced Speaker John Boehner was resigning from the House and the Conservatives in the crowd cheered with an endless standing ovation. The cheers that Boehner was stepping down were well earned as Boehner departs as least-popular speaker in three decades.
Rubio followed up the applause that Boehner was stepping down with the comment, “With all due respect to people who serve in government, it is important at this moment, with respect to him and the service he has provided to our country, it’s not about him, and I’m not here today to bash anyone, but the time has come to turn the page. The time has come to turn the page and allow a new generation of leadership in this country.” I can only hope the other establishment GOP House types understand this as none of us want you to take over the role of the Speaker. That means you Rep. Kevin McCarthy. The GOP party need a fresh start in both the House and the Senate. Those in leadership roles have done nothing and all need to go.
At the 36 second mark of the video is the money line, Speaker Boehner announced he will be resigning …
Conservative voters roared in a standing ovation Friday at the Values Voter Summit in Washington after Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) announced Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) plans to retire. Rubio, who is running for president, shared the news that broke just before his speech, working it into prepared remarks where he questioned why a Republican Congress isn’t “able to stop our country from sliding in the wrong direction.” “Just a few minutes ago, Speaker Boehner announced that he will be resigning,” Rubio said to thunderous applause. He told the crowd it is time for Republicans to “turn the page.” “With all due respect to people who serve in government — it is important at this moment, with respect to him and the service he has provided to our country — it’s not about him, and I’m not here today to bash anyone, but the time has come to turn the page.”
Posted September 25, 2015 by Scared Monkeys Conservatives, Establishment candidates, House of Representatives, John Boehner, Main, Marco Rubio (R-FL), Politics, Republican, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | no comments |